
Immigration can have dire consequences if done insensitively or unthinkingly like naked meritocracy

 What is happening in UK is said to be brewing for years and waiting for an opportunity to flare up. And flare up it did and if not managed well could get much worst. Many towns and cities are now affected with the media and politicians not being very helpful by playing up racial biases and disinformation to stir hate and division.

The US is no better, with extremist racists like Trump and his white supremacist right wing thugs all waiting to start a war on the slightest opportunity. Europe too will not be spared with the decades of wars they manufactured leading to an influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa flooding into the region. This self inflicted problem, aided by some quarters that were struck by guilt conscience and kinder to the plight of the refugees, would only make the problem getting worse over time. The increasing presence of immigrants, many poor and unable to assimilate into the European cultures and communities, is like adding oil into water that never will gel, is a time bomb in the making.

Singapore is still blessed with stability and security despite the massive influx of immigrants in the last 2 or 3 decades. How well will the mixed if more and more foreigners are added to the diminishing Singaporean core without upsetting the peace and security of the Singaporean community, only time will tell. Adding foreigners furiously into a melting pot of a multi racial society that is young and not fully mature is playing with fire. But it seems that there is no sign of slowing down and more and more foreigners would be brought in to build a new Singaporean core which will eventually be made up of a foreigner majority rather than Singaporean majority pot. No amount of explanation can hide the fact that the new foreigners, now called Singaporeans, are not the same as the original Singaporeans and what their thinking and unexposed inner feelings are towards Singaporeans can pose an existential threat to the future of Singapore. 

A lot of care and sensitivity and thinking, hard thinking, not superficial thinking must go into the making of immigration policies. Just wishful thinking, hoping that all will end well is very dangerous and highly irresponsible. What is happening to UK,US and Europe is a warning to what would happen to Singapore in the future as deep emotional feelings would explode at the most critical time when one thinks all is fine.

Lets hope some serious wise thinkers, not superficial clever thinkers, would relook into the madness of unrestrained immigration and expansion of the population with foreigners that may look like some of us but are really intrinsically different with very different motivation and intention to be here. We should avoid creating a time bomb that would explode right in the face of our future generation that would rip this little island of ours apart.


Anonymous said...

I don't think they care about dire consequences in the future. They know that perpetual rule is not possible. Even Dynasties in China must come to an end at one time or another. The Roman Empire and the British Empire in the West also bite the dust after centuries. democracy or not. It is the same everywhere.

Do we honestly believe Trump or Biden really cares about what happens to the USA after they are gone? All they do now is spout rhetoric and instill good feelings to win votes for another four-year term, after which it is not their problem anymore - no matter how much debt they add on, how many more homeless people line the streets, how much more they will lose with trade wars, how bad the cost of living will escalate with all the additional tariffs, and how clean the swamp will turn into. Or how much dirtier actually!

And there is nothing we can do about it. Doing a regime change does nothing to change lives for the better. The Iraqis found that out. The Libyans found that out. The Argentinians found that out. The Bangladeshis are going to find that out soon.

Anonymous said...

Kitefoiler Max Maeder clinches only Olympic bronze, so he should NOT be allowed NS deferment, and must serve NS like the rest of us Singaporean guys . . .

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 9.47

Haha won't be surprised!

Papies wanted fames and glory thinking we had already arrived!

Like those Illusionary Crazy Rich Asians with liabilities more than assets and also their usual priority in granting special privileges to the minorities shall grant him the same as that Fooling.

Chinese Sinkies , too bad you are able to survive your own and as bigger sibilings as in Chinese Traditions and Customs had to give way and scarificed for your younger ones.

Anonymous said...

Ask around, and many don't know what kitefoiling is ! Is it a past time for the higher social classes ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, politician in power don't care about whether there are too many frog in the melting pot or it is going to be over cooked. This type of people are only kn power to milk the system. If the pot is going to reach boiling point, they just pack their goodies & enjoy life elsewhere. Only sillyporean keep giving them power to do as they please.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 9.23

Actually Olipigs and also those Competitive Sports where in the World they have all these nonsense many stupid games that are meant just for recreations.

Examplos like bowling, skatings, archery, breaking? Dances?Cycling BMX? Golf?Skateboardings?Surfing?

Must as well have checkers and play dums dums.

Dumb idiots just to lengthen the event and suit to their panderings and chances to secure medals.

Anonymous said...

I think hopscotch, rope skipping, marbles, top spinning, five stones and all traditional games ought to be included as well.

Anonymous said...

On second thought, must also include spider fighting, cockfighting, dog fighting, cricket fighting and cock fighting as well. Since equestrian needs to use animals as well, right?

Virgo49 said...

Crazy Rich Asians make believed mostly CON- men and Women just to flaunt their so called Wealth.

There u goes. Next Six Months there be non stop praises for that Fly Kite Guy smelly prawn.

Just a chow tee bronze. Some more they dared to put below those who had won Gold Medals under the list of Medals Tally.

Whats joke!

People had 10 to 20 bronzes also never want to advtgs.

Sinkieland one little small win boasted to up to high Heavans.

Later that Mr Brown guy will also join in to praise him.

Wow Open Top Bus for the Sinkies Orr Peh Som from the Olipig just back with a bronze.

To tour round Sinking Land.