
The Philippines is going to suffer another reign of a Marcos dictatorship...unless the Filipinos wake up fast

 What is worse today is that the Philippines has been pushed by the USA to antagonize China to no end.

During Marco Snr's Presidency beginning from 1965, the USA was also insidiously controlling the Philippines, but Marcos Snr had never been pushed to confront any imaginary external threat. China was still not a target for the USA as the Cold War and competition was with the Soviet Union.

Marcos Snr was just busy stuffing his pockets and pillaging the Philippines to no end. Towards the end of his constitutionally permitted term, he declared martial law using the threat of communism as an excuse and ruled the Philippines like a dictator until 1983 when he fled the country under a people's revolt.

And all along the USA did not mind, as long as they are allowed to have a base inside the Philippines to insidiously control the country with the people none the wiser. But then the Philippines went from being the richest country among ASEAN states to become a basket case.

Singapore's import of foreign maid's history started with the import of Filipino maids when the Philippine's economy was at its worst state and was to ignite the fear mongering mantra during the bad old days of Singaporean women, wives and daughters having to work as maids overseas if they do not watch who they voted for to run the country. 



Anonymous said...

The older generation will probably remember that the Philippines was the economic giant among the ASEAN countries in the 1960s, even overwhelming the likes of Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Today, the Philippines is a pale shadow of its former glory, overtaken by Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and just or about on par with Vietnam and Malaysia. Years of economic mismanagement and corruption has taken its toll on the second biggest country in ASEAN in terms of population.

Like India, population growth in the Philippines is not translating into what they hyped up as 'demographic dividends' to be reaped. To do that job creation must grow in tandem, which both countries are short of. In fact, the Philippines is losing out in attracting and even being hollowed out with big investments by foreign capital leaving the country, and this is a longer-term problem with an expanding population.

The fact that the Marcos family's past unsavory history still enabled Marcos Jr to return and become the President tells us that Filipinos are still asleep under a rock and not waking up. Corazon Aquino's rise under a People's Revolt have turned into wasted effort and dust and allowing the Marcos family's return is causing Benigno Aquino, her husband, to turn in his grave.

What Marcos Jr is doing is turning back the clock in the Philippines and destroying the country in the footprint of his father, instead of seeking repentance for the misdeeds of father during his years of pillaging the country and bringing sufferings to the people.

Virgo49 said...

Hello MarCow Jr.

Faster have a war with China and you can redeem you and your scoundrel Father and Mother legacy of their ill gotten wealth and scooted to the UAssA to enjoy tour decadent life whilst your country men and women die.

See how long you have to sell your backside after you arrived in the UAss.