
The evil American Empire could have last forever...Thanks to the clowns in Washington to weaponise the dollar

 The thinking by USA and EU leaders is that by stifling or even destroying China, they will become great again like in the old colonial days, when the Whites can go all round the world destroying others and seizing and claiming territories as they like. Their form of diplomacy was from the barrel of a gun. Might is right was their calling card throughout history, and they now want to readopt that strategy.

Military confrontation between nuclear powers is fast becoming an unwinnable game today, with both sides facing extinction win or lose. That brute-force solution for global domination is becoming redundant. A multipolar world works better for all.

Empires wax and wane and the USA is no exception, despite their claim of 'exceptionalism' with the mindset that the USA therefore cannot fall like all other empires. The British had an even bigger Empire than the USA, with military bases all over the world. Yet it fell into oblivion, though it is still trying to strut its withering feathers. Failure to continue in its costly upkeep of its administrative and military forces in territories it colonized was the reason it had to give up all of them. Now it is left with only the British Isles, with even Northern Ireland expected to leave the UK eventually.

That is why I say the only way to hit at the underbelly of the USA is de-dollarization and ending its US$ hegemony. Militarily the USA is still a formidable military power, but economically it is just a house of cards. Removing one vital card will lead to its fall. Taking down the US$ hegemony is the best way to bring down the USA's military outreach and control of countries using its more than 800 military bases.

Russia and China are using the correct strategy to bring the USA down to its knees and ending its US$ hegemony. The Ukraine War was forced upon Russia, not a confrontation that Russia wanted.

Deny as the USA likes, dismissal of the de-dollarization moves as a minor dent on the use of the US$ today, when the tsunami comes, the US$ has nowhere to hide. The USA never saw the rise of China, nor its cornering of the raw materials, nor the rise of its EV industry, nor its technological expertise in space exploration as a threat, brushing off such advancements as of little consequence. Now they are no longer denying that China has overtaken them in most fields while they were basking in slumber having sweet dreams of their untouchable status. 



Anonymous said...

India is perceptively moving away from its coziness with the USA and UK. Modi is in Russia making an attempt to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine. The fall of Rishi Sunak in the UK is making Modi nervous about sleeping with the West.

Even hardcore anti-China Indian sites are more moderate in their criticism of China. But let us not read too much into that.

Modi knows India is running into big problems with jobs and an exploding population needing mass job creation. Perhaps India is planning another CECA with Russia, LOL.

Should the USA and the West begin expressing their love for Muslims and Sikhs in India, Modi is in trouble. He must look for alternatives knowing the USA and the West can start pushing India on issues to stop India from getting closer and helping Russia, since that is already being played out with China.

These are the USA and NATO's desperate moves, more so when seeing Russia still growing its economy despite two years into the war and is now being classified as a 'high income' country by the World Bank. With sanctions galore and funding a war, Russia still manages to chalk up growth better than the NATO countries, which is a slap on the face of the USA and the EU.

Thirty-two countries in NATO together still failed to bring Russia down with more than 16,000 sanctions. And NATO thinks it can do much by expanding into Asia to confront China?

Anonymous said...

Weaponizing the US$ was a colossal mistake for the USA. But it is too late to cry over spilt milk. The damage has been done and even if they want to, they cannot put the genie back into the bottle.

Seizing of the Russian assets was another layer of harm that the USA inflicted upon itself which led to the lighting of the de-dollarization fuse.

The USA had been too arrogant in thinking that no one in this world could touch them militarily or do anything to close down the US$ hegemony. And another mistake was taking too lightly the eventual rise of China, thinking that the Chinamen will forever at best be cooks and laundrymen. Now they realized that no one should bet against China. It is a hard lesson that the EU must also learn and not be too arrogant. China is going to teach the EU a lesson they are not going to forget.