
Trump or Kamala, the Americans would continue to live in Alice' Wonderland

 Whoever wins in November, USA is doomed. Whatever rhetoric the two candidates are spouting all spells disaster for the USA. But the voters will soak it all up like a sponge, believing every word.

Can Trump or Harris really be seen as able to deal with the USA debts? Can any of them be able to deal with the escalating poverty, the homelessness, the drug problems, the political polarization within the country? If the Republicans could, Trump would have done so during his earlier term. If the Democrats could, Harris would have done so during her term as Vice President. Each party is leaving the problems to fester under paralysis, knowing that after four years it is not their problem anymore if they lose re-election. Kicking the can further down the road had been going on for decades.

The USA itself has perfected its modus operandi of blaming others into an art. Whatever goes wrong is always Russia or China's fault. That they cannot compete with China is due to overcapacity and is China's fault. China must therefore give way and let the USA compete and win the game.

That they cannot produce anything that consumers worldwide want is because China stole all the factories and jobs, leaving the USA hollowed out with de-industrialization. Is the USA listening to what the Europeans are saying about its 'Inflation Reductions Act' using subsidies to lure EU factories to relocate to the USA? EU factories and jobs are also being stolen by the USA. Does the USA care?

China never enticed Steve Jobs to make iPhones in China with huge subsidies. Steve Jobs and others invested in China to make bigger profits by taking advantage of the 'slave labor'. 'Slave labor' was an accusation never mentioned before, when their factories were merrily reaping in the profits and laughing all the way to the bank. Now it is an issue, after freeloading on cheap products for decades.

Countries must never try to be better than the USA, which must remain as the top dog in everything. Any attempt to change the status quo is a threat. Japan and Germany were beaten down with atrocious accusations when they were rising spectacularly to threaten the USA.

Germany's attempt to have closer relations with Russia to benefit from cheaper energy was sabotaged by the USA and perceived as a threat. The USA made sure of that by taking out the Nord Stream pipelines. Japan fell for all the USA's sinister traps that killed off its rise permanently, with this and that accord that the Japanese fell into. The USA is even placing roadblocks when Japan tried to save its Yen's freefall. Japan had earlier been warned by Janet Yellen not to go overboard in propping up the Yen. What arrogance! Latest events have shown that Japan had discreetly been selling US$ assets to save the Yen in desperation. That will be a costly move for Japan going forward. Satan never forgives or forget! 



Anonymous said...

Italy and Argentina were pushed into a corner and now trying to reset their relations with China. That is the main reason for their about turn, real of false intent is left to be seen.

Now, China must be very cautious regarding these two snakes. Real or imaginary in their repentance moves, China cannot just forget about their acts of betrayal in the past and welcome them with open arms. That would be a big mistake, knowing that they could do another betrayal under further pressure by the USA.

What is most important is not investing too much in these two countries or having to face problems with seizure later on. Lessons must be learnt, not forgotten. Moreover, China is dumping assets in the EU already and cannot be reversing its stand just because of Italy. And what the USA is doing with pressure exerted on Mexico can very well be applied to Argentina as well.

There are safer avenues for investments by Chinese companies even in Europe, such as Hungary and Serbia. There is also a big enough world for China to invest in outside of the USA and EU. There are South American countries beckoning. There are African countries waiting to welcome more Chinese investments. There are many ASEAN countries giving China a big plus to replace the USA as the big power they want to welcome. The three exceptions of this new geopolitical shift are Singapore, Philippines and Vietnam.

Any surprise? Vietnam is the surprise, after all the help given by China during the Vietnam war. South Vietnamese population are anti-China to the core that is for sure. China was the reason for their defeat against the North during the Vietnam War. They still love the GIs giving them the infamous Vietnam Rose and fathering all the illegitimate children. They conveniently forgot the pain caused by the USA resulting from the use of Agent Orange and Napalm Bombs that destroyed their agricultural land and causing deformities in children born afterwards, the millions of mines the USA dropped and the decapacitation caused by them and the sufferings of the people.

Anonymous said...

The USA dream is falling apart. And those aspiring to follow the USA dream, well, what do I have to say. The Japanese say 'sayonara'.