
Political donation aka bribery is banned in many countries but legal in the USA

 That is why the system is failing. Corporations have agendas to uphold using their donations and expect the one they support to keep their side of the bargain after being elected. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

The irony is that while almost all countries forbid donations by foreign entities and foreign personnel outside the country to fund political parties, for fear of influence exerted by those outside the country, they forgot that internally big corporations are doing exactly the same thing using their donations to influence political decisions.

In actual fact, this is a big loophole, since foreign entities can always be in control of such corporations inside the country and may yet influence the outcome in one way or another.

That is why countries like Thailand is in the process of passing a law to require NGOs to disclose their source of funding, which will disclose which foreign Government or connected bodies are supporting the NGOs to interfere with Thailand's internal matters. This has raised much hue and cry by NGOs over the move. The Thai Government knows who are funding such NGOs and instigating changes to the Thai Monarchy and trying to do a regime change. Fortunately, the Thai Military is very loyal to the Monarchy, and that has kept the Kingdom together over many coups.



Anonymous said...

China is top of the table in the Paris Olympics with 16 Golds.

Reading Channel News America, readers would get the impression the US is winning all the gold medals with so many reports of Americans winning gold medals but barely a Chinese winner was mentioned.

Anonymous said...

For years I have been thinking about the performance of Florence Joyner Griffith's world record in the 100 and 200-meters dash set in 1988, which has never been broken for more than 35 years, not even closely touched by any other women athlete. That was really a performance thought of as impossible, but that it stood for so long tells the whole story of how it was achieved.

Then she died suddenly at age 38 in her sleep. That was a clear indication and the result of her prolonged use of steroids or performance enhancing drugs in her record-breaking feat. The World Wrestling Entertainment is full of wrestlers on steroids that passed away suddenly and most of them at a young age. Just look at her massive thighs indicating steroid use. Her death was officially attributed to a childhood birth defect. Nice try indeed, but unconvincing. They tried to musk her feat with claims that she was tested and there were no indication of any performance enhancing drug use. How did they do it is no mystery.

In the past, not all performance enhancing drugs were considered illegal and many were just added on as banned substances as the years go by. What may be illegal today may have been ignored in past testing regime, and Florence Joyner Griffith may just be fortunate to have taken advantage of the loopholes to leverage on her performance. Or that the USA knew what to avoid in order to clear her path to participate. The USA's exploiting loopholes is an art that it has perfected. Her record will never be broken and will help the USA to hang on to the two records in history forever to gloat upon.

Now, any outstanding performances by any athlete is being accused of doping in the eyes of the USA and the West, especially when it comes to Asian performances. Chinese swimmer Pan Zhanle's world record in the 100-meter free style long course event, the only swimming world record at the Paris Olympics thus far, has been under intense scrutiny and thought of as just impossible. Co-incidentally there was also a report of another Caucasian athlete that shaved even more seconds from his or her personal best ever and never been accused of being on drugs.

As China continues to dominate and the USA losing its dominance in swimming and track and field, more unfair measures will be added to thwart Asian performances. When they cannot win by merit, they will resort to using foul means.

On a lighter note, have they started on BYDs dominance of EVs as being on doping too? Or China's dominance in manufacturing as all fueled by doping, LOL. That cannot work, right? So inventing over-capacity was thought to work. The USA and the West are very innovative when it comes to playing the demonizing game. Think of the US$300 million too and what it can do.

Anonymous said...

Douglas Craig Emhoff - Kamala Harris' husband - is a Jew.

Josh Shapiro - Kamala Harris' likely VP running mate - is also a Jew.

Anonymous said...

Like that Trump sure to lose. The Jews will buy all the votes for Kamala. The Jews own America.

Anonymous said...

I thought this is an American and European Olympics. I thought China did not participate. No news on main media about Chinese athletes winning Gold medals. Only American and European athletes winning all the Gold medals.

Indeed very surprising that China is on top of the table, beating the Americans and all the European states. China winning 16 Gold medals but not reported in western main media!

Anonymous said...

What do we expect from Channel News America?

Anonymous said...

America's Swimming A Team is better known as Swimming Asthma Team because many of their top swimmers claimed to have asthma, including Phelps. Because of asthma, they were allowed to have 'asthma' medication before a race, and created many World and Olympic records.

Asthma became a mandatory disease to qualify for the American Swimming Asthma Team.

Go figure what kind of 'asthma' medication were injected into these swimmers before a race. No doping, no doping. Just asthma drugs!

Anonymous said...

America's Swimming A Team is better known as Swimming Asthma Team because many of their top swimmers claimed to have asthma, including Phelps. Because of asthma, they were allowed to have 'asthma' medication before a race, and created many World and Olympic records.

Asthma became a mandatory disease to qualify for the American Swimming Asthma Team.

Go figure what kind of 'asthma' medication were injected into these swimmers before a race. No doping, no doping. Just asthma drugs to make them swim faster, win gold medals and world records!

Anonymous said...

China on top of Olympic medals tally? How can? That is not allowed! China is not supposed to win! That is upsetting the status quo.

China must be sanctioned. Next Olympic must force the Olympic Committee to ban table tennis, diving, shooting and any event that China can win medals in. Or even better, all White hands on the deck and to the pump to promote the narrative that China under the CCP cannot participate. China is politicizing the Olympics under the CCP.

Oh, must also ban or sanction any country that are friendly with China. Make the Olympics only for cronies and doggies of the USA. Doggies? Does that make it into a Doggies Olympic?

Anonymous said...

China now has 17 gold medals! Zheng Qingwen just won the ladies tennis gold.

The main media may not want to report this. So we report it here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anon 2.16 for the good news.

Ladies' tennis used to be the traditional turf of the Whites. Li Na and Peng Shuai were the exceptions. Caucasians use their size to their advantage. No more. More and more Chinese and Japanese players are making dents in the White's domination.

Anonymous said...

What does Kamala’s husband Doug Emhoff and Arnold Schwarzenegger have in common?

They both have made their nannies pregnant !!

Anonymous said...

China cannot have over capacity of Olympic gold medal as ordered by the Americunt. Regardless of whether it Trump or Alamak being the next POTUS, they will never change their desire of creating trouble all over the world to retain their hegemony. There is a reason why Hitler wanted to clear the Jew from Europe.