
PLA in Europe

 The PLA is in Europe, with a mission to fight terrorism. This is the first time China has deployed its armed forces in Europe, conducting military exercise with Belarus, to fight terrorism.

Europe has been under constant threat from the white terrorists in the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation. This is the most aggressive and expansionist terrorist organisation in the world. They have expanded into almost all the former Warsaw Pact countries, invaded Yugoslavia and broke it into several smaller countries. 

NATO is now fighting a war in Ukraine with the aim of invading and destroying Russia. Their next target is China and other Asian countries. They have roped in two American colonies, South Korea and Japan, to be part of this terrorist organisation to terrorise Asian countries, to control and dominate Asia, ...as an Asian arm to the evil American Empire.

PLA's presence in Belarus is a vital step to stop the marauding white savages from conquering Russia. Belarus is like the front door of Russia. Once the white terrorists break through Belarus, Russia would be fully exposed, just like the control of Ukraine by the Americans.

PLA in Belarus is a statement by China that it is ready to defend Russia on the western front. More PLA soldiers would be in Europe when the situation demands, when the white savages get more aggressive. White terrorism must be stopped in Europe and not allowed to spread to Asia. 

The white savages have ganged up to want to conquer Russia, fabricating the lie that Russia wants to invade Europe. It is only proper that China and other free and independent states join in the defence of the Russians, to keep Russia free and independent from the terrorists in NATO.


Anonymous said...

Well, since NATO can come to East Asia, why not PLA going to Europe?

PLA should do better by going to South America, also to fight terrorism and drug lords in Colombia and oil stealers in Venezuela among others. If no terrorism, just create terrorism like the USA in Xinjiang. If no threat, just create imaginary threat like in the Philippines. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander.

Anonymous said...

Just as using the National Security narrative to push agendas by the USA, China is doing the same for rare earths, space station participation, and passing laws to allow the taking over of assets to counter actions that the USA and the West are threatening regarding China's treasuries and investments in the West.

Anonymous said...

Nikkei crashed more than 12% as at 2 pm local time. A bloodbath is coming.

Virgo49 said...


Asian Stocks Tanked.

Trying to revive SGX?

Auto pilot for too long.

Anonymous said...

An open war between the Anglo Saxons, Nato and the Jews against the Iran, Turkey and the rest of the Arab and Muslim states about to explode...anytime now.

All the stock markets likely to crash.

Anonymous said...

The White savages have even ganged up at the Paris Olympics to demonize China. The Western media, the coaches, the athletes from White countries are feeling sore about Chinese divers winning gold on too many occasions, and now Chinese swimmers are competing on their turf and beating them.

The whole White gang is intent on demonizing Chinese athletes over doping charges tested on past tournaments and using that as arguments to tarnish their performance here in Paris. Chinese athletes in Paris have been the most stringently tested among all athletes, so what is the reason for the sour grapes? It is all racism.

For comparison, Simon Biles, the female gymnast that won two gold medals in Paris was also tested positive for banned substances just before Rio in 2016, but she was not suspended then and allowed to compete in Rio winning four medals. Yet nobody said anything about her tainted past over her performance in Paris.

I want to share this video on Youtube by Fernando Munoz Bernal titled 'Pan Zanle 100mt World Record met with Racism'. Many interesting things were revealed about the hidden dirt regarding the USA, exposed by a Russian hacker into World Anti-doping Authority's website, that indicates the anti-doping testing does not seem to apply to the USA. USA athletes have been discovered to have used banned substances but were granted 'immunity' in 60% of cases. Immunity means not punished even if tested positive for banned substances.

The other telling statistics by the anti-doping Authority, the percentage of doping violations by USA athletes stood at 1.2% out of 6,782 testing, compared to China's 0.2% out of 19,228 testing. Now, who is more guilty of doping offences? Even in other sports like Tennis, sisters Venus and Serana Willams were tested positive for doping but not punished with suspension. Immunity? What a joke!