
Paris Olympic Medal standing - China tops with 21 Gold medals

 China is still sitting on the top of the table tally with 21 Gold medals. The USA is trailing with 19 Gold medals.

Most of the western main media are refusing to report this in their news. Many would think China did not participate in the Olympics or did not win any gold medals because of the dearth of reporting on the Chinese winning Gold medals.

This is how the Americans and the West manipulate the western media to make themselves look great when they are not that great, but believing they are great. 

In American media they changed the format of reporting, using total number of medals, ie gold, silver and bronze to put the Americans on the top of their table, ignoring counting the gold medals in the traditional way.

In this Olympics Russia and Belarus were banned from participating while war criminal Israel is allowed to participate. What kind of principle is this? The Israelis and the Americans are committing genocide in Gaza!


Virgo49 said...

Good morning Mr RB and All

The worse is that they kept harping that China's Teams are on Drugs.

Humanely Impossible when they broke any records.

Even WRecords!

Whats Sour Grapes and Records the Savages thought only are set by them for are meant to be broken by China.

Another Olipig in 2028 China shall sweep all the Olipig's records they thought humanely impossible.


Anonymous said...

Do watch this video by Fernando Munoz Bernal on Youtube titled 'Pan Zanle's 100mt World Record met with Racism'. You will, after watching it, probably can understand why the USA dominated the Olympics for decades. USA athletes were given extensive immunities compared to other countries by the World Anti-Doping Agency for their athletes that tested positive for dope, using the argument that there were compelling reasons to give them immunity for medical reasons. Most other countries were given scarce immunity. To be fair WADA should apply such immunity rules fairly for all countries, not just pandering to the interest of the USA alone.

In an expose by a Russian hacker inside the workings of WADA quoted by Fernando Munoz Bernal, it seems the doping charges levelled against others does not apply to the USA athletes, having most of the immunity given to them. Why? The answer is that this is also the corrupt system that works in other world bodies like the UN and WHO. Now even the Nobel Prize is under scrutiny. You see, the USA is the biggest contributor towards bodies like the WHO, UN, WADA and the like, and collectively calls all the shots as to how these bodies have to tailor their agenda to favor the USA. Short of that, these bodies are threatened with funds cut-off. That threat against the WHO over the COVID19 fiasco was a good example.

Does this ring a bell regarding campaign contributions by Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Wall Street businesses towards Presidential candidates in the USA? Such campaign contributors also expect favorable treatment from those contributions, when their bet gets elected. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Thank about that as well!

Athletes like Simone Biles, who was tested positive just before RIO in 2016, was not suspended and went on the win four medals. Florence Joyner Griffith was on steroids but was never suspended and went on to set world records in 1988, that stood for more than 35 years and never to be broken. Did anyone, the MSM, coaches, athletes accused the USA of doping issues regarding their athlete's stellar performances?

The USA probably knows inside out what drugs are going to be tested and what drugs to avoid from inside knowledge, due to its predominant position inside the affairs of WADA. Gathering inside information in everything they have an interest in is the pre-occupation of the USA establishment. In economics or business terms we call it 'insider trading'. And that is one reason why Florence Joyner Griffith escaped detection over doping issues that were not in WADA's list of banned substances at that time. Conspiracy theory? What was the real reason why she died suddenly at age 38 in her sleep? They claimed it was due to a birth defect. We know better, looking at many World Westling Entertainment performers using steroids and passing away suddenly at a young age.

Now the USA is losing its dominance in swimming as well. And it is desperate to throw the blame on others using doping arguments, a performance enhancing measure that they excelled in for decades. And other White countries are jumping on the wagon and ganging up to demonize Chinese athletes, claiming their performances are impossible. Well, can they also argue that China's economy is impossible, China's HSR is impossible, China's EV production is impossible, China's shipbuilding is impossible and anything about China is impossible. They are all fakes!

Just a passing note, that former Australian swimmer, Brett Geoffrey Hawke is his name I think, raving like a raid dog and telling everybody that Pan Zanle's 46.40 seconds was impossible, when he was reported to be talking about the 'possibility' of even a 45 second 100-meter freestyle earlier. I leave that to your judgement of how twisted minds work.

Virgo49 said...

In any International Sports Competitions and Tournaments in any White Countries, the Umpires, Refrees and Linesmen and women and even any White sporting officials and even Sports Commentators are biased towards China, Russia and any other countries that are not aligned to their BS Democrazy systems.

They are harsh comments on others except their Western Sports Teams.

Virgo49 said...

CNA aka supposed to be Channel News Asia now be Channel News America inclusive.

Virgo49 said...

Just kept harping their useless hand guns half past sic oops six socalled Sportsmen and Women.

Each time withdraw due to injuries etc.

Knew no fights gave all sorts of flimsy excuses.


Anonymous said...

There were so many intimidating and coercive tests against the Chinese swimmers and hardly any test on the American swimmers. And despite the biased and duress put on the Chinese swimmers, none was tested positive.

On the other hand, how many American swimmers were taking drugs but not tested and went on to win so many medals?

There must be laws against oppressive, biased and excessive testings of athletes and swimmers. The Olympic Council needs to answer for this shameful tests on the Chinese swimmers.

Otherwise, like doing away with the American controlled UN, the rest of the world should quit the Olympics and set up their own equivalent international events. All the American controlled organisations should be banned. IMF and World Bank are being dismissed. UN and the Olympics should also be dismissed with new organisations set up for fair play.

Anonymous said...

The USA athletes also have their 'exceptionalism' in sports. They are given immunity to use drugs and get away with it. They gave big contributions and demand big say in everything. The terms must be in favor of the USA, no one else. That was how they dominated the Olympics for decades.

And the MSM, doggies say nothing about this. How sick is the system really cannot be imagined.

What Fernando Munoz Bernal said must be widely circulated to inform the world of the hypocrisy of world bodies held hostage by big money.

Anonymous said...

Just came across someone saying that USA has weaponized doping to control the Olympics.

Time for China and the Global South to get out of participating. Time to de-couple from the Olympics. No harm came to Russia for not being included.

The Global South should start another gathering for sports under its own banner. What say you guys?

Anonymous said...

You know who has been most vocal about banning the Chinese from the Olympics? The Brits. The evilest country in history, that committed the biggest genocide in history in North America and the country that gave birth to an equally evil offspring, the USA.

Today, we can still see the Germans, French and Italian having quite sensible relations with China, albeit strained at times. The Italian Prime Minister just visited China. Not the obnoxious, snobbish Brits who are still thinking that are they are a respected global power. They are outright barbaric to the core. This little pariah of an outcast should be removed from the face of the earth for all the trouble they created. The Russians could not tolerate them either and Putin threatened to nuke them into dust. Boris Johnson sabotaged the last peace deal in Ukraine in 2022. The Russian will never forget his evil deed.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying the protesting now in Little Britain and it is a wonderful sight to behold.

Anonymous said...

If the Global South breaks away and form their own sports body, the Olympics will become the 'Doggies Olympic' with only the doggies allowed to take part. That will be fun watching the dogfights on steroids.

Virgo49 said...

Fine example the quarter finals of the women volleyball match between China and Turkey in the final deciding match.

Current Olipigs game now on going.

Turkey players blocked the slam from China across the Chinese Net as foul and should be disallowed and point awarded to China towards the deciding game points end and the referee insisted that no foul was committed.

Right in front of his eyes as he was on the right angle view astride the netting.

China's coach protested to view the video of the foul and they covered the view of the Turkey players hands with blackouts and allowed the point to Turkey.

This caused unsettling amongst the China's players as that point is crucial for the ending game points to the semis.

See how China had to face all sorts of bias against them and the only way for them to beat all the odds is be class above all to beat them soundly.

Loaded bias towards any Chinese teams in any Sports Competitions.

Virgo49 said...

Right Anon 7.06

The Bloody Brits are notorious for Riortings in any small incidents and riorts anywhere they goes.

Its in their Evil Genes and the Anglo Saxons are their descendants from this Evil Source.

Karmas now on going in their own Chaotic shits land and what's beautiful sights indeed for all to see.

They are the World's Worst Hooligans that destroyed in any place and country that they are there.

Scums of the Earth

Anonymous said...

British football fans are the worst hooligans in the world. Remember the Hillsborough Stadium disaster in 1988/89 where 96 people lost their lives? British fans were even banned from some countries!

Anonymous said...

The Brits are putting their rioting expertise to good use today. Now, where is Nancy Pelosi? We need her to give live commentaries and how she is enjoying the great sight to behold.

Anonymous said...

Elon Musk said that civil war in UK is inevitable.