
Conman Trump and American con jobs

 Trump is a racist white supremacist but is also a successful conman, with a glib tongue. His glib tongue is his weapon being used to rally supporters, but what he promised will conveniently be forgotten when he gets re-elected.

Does draining the swamp ring a bell? Does 'erasing North Korea from the face of the earth' ring a bell? Does his 'easy to win trade war' ring a bell or make any headway so far? If so, why is there a need to raise tariffs, fabricate narratives to get rid of Chinese competition like DJI, BYD and TikTok?

On hindsight it is not about the USA wanting to get rid of those Chinese competitors due to National Security Issues, but rather to force them to be sold to USA entities so that the USA can control and have access to their technologies. DJI drone technology is reported to be more advance and reliable than USA Military Reaper Drones, that cost hundreds of times more to acquire. US$30 million a pop Reaper Drone is worth the effort in trying to keep the hype of its superiority alive. Just like the problematic F35s.

DJI or BYD does not need to pay to boast about their technological edge. Users of their drones and EVs will be enough to testify to their technological edge. Who revealed the issue of the DJI drones eclipsing the Reaper Drones? The Ukrainians on the battlefield revealed that. So too did the Israelis. Who needs a third opinion? DJI or BYD does not need to convince users themselves to say the right thing. And please do not say that the Ukraine military are being paid by DJI or the CCP to say only the good stuff. 



Anonymous said...

How to drain the swamp when Trump and Biden are the leaders put up by the Deep State for the voters to choose to look after the swamp and to screw the voters themselves?

How to drain the swamp when Congress is part of the swamp that keeps a leash on the President himself. How to drain the swamp when the swamp things are the components of the Deep State that controls the USA policies which the Presidents have to follow?

Trump and Biden's policies are more like draining the life out of the USA voters themselves rather than draining the swamp to help them. Just take a look at all the tariffs that Biden and Trump are raising. Are the tariffs helping USA voters or punishing them?

Virgo49 said...

Where in the World their Demo Crazy the politicians are been sponsored by the Corporations?

Likewise South Korea and so many other daft countries.

They be puppets on their strings doing their biddings.

BS Western Freedom and Demo CRAZY.

Dotard Trump wanted to clear the swamp?

All hogwash!

If really wanted to clear their shits then use your own funds and monies and be independent to clear the shits.

Enough said!

Anonymous said...

That is why the system is failing. Corporations have agendas to uphold using their donations and expect the one they support to keep their side of the bargain after being elected. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

The irony is that while almost all countries forbid donations by foreign entities and foreign personnel outside the country to fund political parties, for fear of influence exerted by those outside the country, they forgot that internally big corporations are doing exactly the same thing using their donations to influence political decisions.

In actual fact, this is a big loophole, since foreign entities can always be in control of such corporations inside the country and may yet influence the outcome in one way or another.

That is why countries like Thailand is in the process of passing a law to require NGOs to disclose their source of funding, which will disclose which foreign Government or connected bodies are supporting the NGOs to interfere with Thailand's internal matters. This has raised much hue and cry by NGOs over the move. The Thai Government knows who are funding such NGOs and instigating changes to the Thai Monarchy and trying to do a regime change. Fortunately, the Thai Military is very loyal to the Monarchy, and that has kept the Kingdom together over many coups.