
White savages ramping up for WW3. Are the rest of the world still dreaming or waiting to be slaughtered and colonised?

 Ramping up war production now without the control of raw materials like rare earth and essential supply chains like legacy semiconductors, not necessarily high-end ones for most weapons, are just empty boasts and posturing. China still controls the rare earth global reserves and processing logistics that can cripple the USA Military Industrial Complex if war starts.

Ramping up war production now? That will take years and if present stockpiles can last the initial strike, can it last and for how long without relying on supplies from China? Who is stupid enough to supply enemies with materials to attack itself? Isn't it too late after exhausting all the stockpiles by sending them to Ukraine and Israel, on top of destruction caused to a weapons factory explosion recently. Who are they trying to kid?

The USA and NATO thought that using Orban and Modi to talk to Putin will end the war in Ukraine in a hurry so that they can pivot to China? China, North Korea and Iran have not been sleeping while the USA and NATO are posturing for war. They are ready for that.

That meeting called for in Washington is all to help Biden win in November. Oh, lest I forget, Biden openly claimed that his brain is gone, but he is still healthy to run. Imagine having a USA President without a brain? That is preposterous and insanity. But it is not a problem for his supporters.

What are they meeting in Washington for? For another photoshoot? Remember they are there to meet someone without a functioning brain. They are just birds of a feather flocking together to share some bird seeds. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Russia is not waiting. Russia is building up its military logistics frantically to keep up with the threat from NATO. With energy in abundance and mineral resources unlimited, what else does Russia need? Nothing much is available or left for the USA and certainly not NATO. NATO is already struggling with expensive energy for keeping its manufacturing alive.

China is not sitting idly by as well. The good thing is that some weapons that China possesses are not privy to the enemy and is just a wild guess by the USA. Keep it that way, China. The USA tried ways and means to spy on the Chinese military, now that 4G is not in use by the Chinese, with 5G under Huawei's control in China now beyond the USA's ability to do any hanky panky business. The USA tried dropping devices around China in the South China Sea, hoping to eavesdrop on bits of information, but such devices were discovered by China.

Thanks to 5G usage, the USA and its allies can no longer spy on the Chinese military at will as in the past. The West is understandably still working on 4.5G, masquerading as 5G and yet still struggling. But they are jumping on to 7G, not 6G, LOL. No head no tail and expect to make the leap to 7G like farting hot air. Setting up relay stations for 5G is already a big issue in the USA and 7G probably needs different relay stations altogether to work properly. 5G cannot work with 4G relay stations, right?