
Trojan Horse already entrenched in BRICS

 BRICS stands for - 'Be Realistic In Choosing Sides' which is some advice for those not yet decided on joining BRICS. For those running the show in BRICS, I would even say that choosing members that are trustworthy is just as important and not in a carefree manner. Choosing wrongly and admitting a 'Trojan Horse' will destroy the whole ideal. That is BRICS dilemma with regard to India today.

India wants to have the cake and eat it. It wants to benefit both ways. Having no realistic clout, it still wants to show it is calling the shots, just to boost its fake ego by blocking membership expansion. What does those who aspire to join BRICS think of India? Certainly not positive at all! Thus, it is derailing all the efforts that others in BRICS are striving to uphold by admitting more members into the bloc to make it stronger.

India is a fringe player in BRICS. Not a big and important player in energy, not a manufacturing hub, not an innovation hub, not excelling in cutting edge technology or even in infrastructure development. The only thing that India has is its population explosion, that is being hyped up by Western sources as another big consumer market to rival China. India is thus thinking it will provide a big consumer market for other Global South countries. In truth, that is not realistic an expectation for the near future, the next decade or so, as India is still a poor country with little consumer demand capacity compared to China.

Even then, what demand that is coming up over the next decade or two is going to be geared towards benefitting local Indian manufacturing before opening up to the rest of the Global South. Right now, we have seen how India is preventing Chinese products from accessing the country. Handphones, computers and EVs have all been curtailed. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Modi knew he would largely be ignored with the likes of Putin and Xi at the SCO meeting. Modi has Hindu cult support in India and has a big ego to uphold and does not handle well with any bruising of his big ego. India had already been singled out as acting contrary to BRICS agenda of expansion and Modi knows it, and so does those at the SCO meeting.

At any big meeting, Putin and Xi will get the lion's share of the press coverage. At the G20 meeting in Bali in 2022, even Biden was upstaged by Xi's presence. Most leaders attending the G20 in Bali were keen to speak to Xi on the sidelines.

Not many heads of state, even USA Presidents, gets the kind of welcome that Xi got in Astana, Kazakhstan. A Jets fly past followed by inspection of Guard of Honour can only be for someone that is appreciated. Xi had the same distinctive Jet fly past welcome in Saudi Arabia. He was equally well received in Slovakia and Hungary. Why do they go all out to put on such a welcome for one demonized as a 'Dictator'? Oh please, do not say that the CCP paid them to put on a good show.