
The Singapore Laundry Machine

Singapore is now infamous for the biggest disclosed money laundry case involving something like $3 billion. Is this big money? Yes, but actually a trickle compares to those that were not disclosed and still going on inside big international banks. Not caught, not disclosed, means did not exist even when it is happening under the nose of the govts of these big banks. The culprits involved in the Singapore case were just unfortunate to have been caught. 

The big banks are the major players in money laundering, making huge profits that only casinos can make, are laughing all the way, in their own banks. And mind you, despite the prevalence and widespread money laundering, don't even believe that Singapore is the only case and it is safe elsewhere, many cases are still operating all over the world. Singapore's case is only the tip of the iceberg.

Singapore is also a great place for laundering of another kind. Many so called fake talents, with fake degrees and resumes, came to Singapore to launder their degrees, qualifications and experience to turn them into legitimate credentials. All they need to do is to enrol into a tertiary institutions with their fake degrees or qualifications, get a Singapore degree, and viola, all is fine and real. The Singapore degree is definitely real and all the fake degrees can be discarded.

Another way is to get employed in a Singapore company or organisation, worked for a few years, and if undetected, the Singapore working experience would be the gold plating needed to enhance the resume and be respected and accepted all over the world without question. It is like from fake talents to real talents.

Singapore is such a wonderful multipurpose laundry machine. And everything is quite easily done as the process to discovering and uncovering a fake is near impossible when resources are limited and a lack of will to do the necessary. Caveat, Singapore is not a willing accomplice. Just a convenient location and machine to turn fake talents into real talents.


Anonymous said...

I can see DIY laundry machine shops mushrooming all over Singapore, LOL. But hardly do I see customers making use of those facilities. Lugging a big bag of soiled clothing from a distance to be washed is good for exercise only, not for convenience. How do they survive? Money laundering?

For years there was the denial that no money laundering existed in Red Dot. Not from Indonesia and Myanmar elites. How come the change? What changes?

Virgo49 said...

Aiya Anon.

Many many Ahem Ahem going on but have to be discreet and covered lah!

Dog eat Dog World of Commercial Businesses, to secure the contracts many have to grease the hands of those scoundrels.

So actually sometimes cannot blame those who gave lah!

What's Quids pro sotong lah as touted by that Dotard Trump's and Scoundrels

Only Foolish duds like those PRCs who are so smart in making their legal or illegal billions why of all places come to Sinking Land?

So many other places easily settled in greasing the palms and hands of the authorities and lived peacefully.

To Sinkeland their businesses even earning lotteries and casinos are all legal.

But others also do lotteries and casinos in other countries and earned their billions are illegal.

So the PRCs are just too stupid to come here.


Ahem just for curiosity, the KTM railway land surrendered easily!

Quid Pro Sotong ah?

Mr Nasib?

Anonymous said...

Without the visit of wangyi visit, you think the laundry in the machine would be taken out? Pinkies & gangs must be cursing china for being so kaypoh. With so much money flying around, do you think our world smartest gov. don't know what going on. There are lot of big fish need to be protected, so case have to be quickly closed & those involved deported.

Virgo49 said...

Now also good lah!

Forfeited and confiscated goes into the Treasury.

Just nice for Extra Assurance and GST and CDC vouchers for the masses.

Hello don't forget ah all of you ah?

Elections coming ah!

You must know who to vote hoh!

Wah wah shiok shiok some more no need to come out from our own pockets.

Some more can have. Free feeder service buses for Marine Parade and West Coast residents later on to bloster the wrongs of Tan Chuan Jin and Iswaran.

Hello we so good take care of you all must not be ungrateful and bite the hands that give you the monies hoh!

Just nice no need spend our coffers.

Virgo49 said...


Virgo49 said...

An interesting write up by Foong Swee Fong : -

Come August, about 1.5m Singaporeans will receive up to $850 in GST vouchers to help with the cost of living.

Nobody will quarrel with having more money, yet, this annual handout is detrimental to the progress of the people and the nation because it adds to the suffocating influence and power of the government over the people.

As it is, the government has a finger in every sector of the economy, including food courts, supermarkets, transport, healthcare, banking and insurance, property, construction, seaport, airport and airline. It controls the labour unions and the employers federation. More than 80% of the people depends on it for their housing. The town councils are directly controlled by it (except the few constituencies not won by the PAP). Our CPF is controlled by it. The mainstream media, funded by the people, operates as its propaganda arm.

The legitimate duty of a government are external defense, internal security and functions that are naturally not profitable for the private sector but will frequently reap benefits for society in the long run, including essential services for the poor like education, medical care and housing. The rest it should leave to the private sector, while ensuring free and fair competition.

The government’s excessive control in so many aspects of our life will only make those of us who are meek, dependent on it, and those who are active and ambitious, sycophants (“balls carriers”).

It is far better that the government scrap the vouchers but ensure that the people, especially those in the lower economic strata, can make a living wage, by drastically reducing the army of foreign workers, who are keeping wages down.

In addition, the government should relook its policies that keep cost of living high, including the recent increase in GST, excessive economic activity in a very small island which has arguably led to dis-economies of scale, the conundrum of a public housing policy that is dependent on ever-increasing prices, given that the people’s retirement funds are tied to it.

Using taxpayers’ money to give out annual GST vouchers only adds to the control of the government over the people, which is evil. People in such a country, like slaves, will never fully develop themselves, to be the best that they can be, instead, will shrivel to being small men, who can never achieve anything great. The government, in its wanton need for control, is sacrificing enormous human potential, even as you are reading this.

Finally, we can all bet our last GST voucher that the government will carry out the general election shortly after the people have received the vouchers in August, to capitalize on their gratefulness, which may well give them the edge over their opponents, and thus extend their iron-grip on the people for another five years.😡

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

There are a few critical points that Fong Swee Foong missed. This money is the people's money. Take without need to be thankful. They came from the taxes, GST, fare, fees, etc etc.

For the retirees without an income, GST and the lot is like robbing them everyday. Many retirees are already dead broke, not a single cent left, and still got to pay for the GST increases, price and fare increases. This is like squeezing blood from stones.

These vouchers are like returning the GST and whatever taxes and fees the govt is robbing from the no income retirees. How are the no income retirees going to pay for all the taxes, and increases in GST, fares and fees? They don't even have the money for the next meal. These vouchers are just a form of compensation to the retirees.

Without these vouchers and with all the increases in GST, fares and fee hikes, how are the retirees going to survive the next day? Pocket no money. The govt should be providing assistance to the no income retirees to keep up with the high cost of living,...but instead raising GST, fares and fees some more. This is a double, triple or quadruple whammy on the no income retirees.

Virgo49 said...

Mr RB just to add another point.

This year and next few years freebies are the contributions and presents from that group so smart in conning or earning that to them legal and the others illegal monies that were been confiscated by the Government as their laundering monies

What's laundering to the Government is also what's laundering to thei other parties as they are also doing the same businesses.

We conned we cheat and we threatened.

Virgo49 said...

The government on their legal basis whilst other's illegal

Virgo49 said...

Mr RB,

There is a scheme whereas any retiree with less than a certain amount of their combined CPF's
when they retired or withdrawal they are been given a sum of monies every quarterly that could also be allocated to all retirees when though they had more than the said category.

This is been fair as no doubt we retired more than them cause we worked harder and earned more in our working lifes and also been pushed to be upgraded with also much efforts

So how can we be expelled?

Also, one sore point. Previously many Civil Servants that opted for their conversion to CPF's scheme instead on.their pensionable scheme had little CPF's contributions as they still had their pensionable allowances.

They also qualified for this scheme of quarterly payments.

Also some may draw a big amount for their pensions.

Wow double happiness.

Pensions plus Quarterly payments

Chia bey liao ah!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Not familiar with this scheme. There are pros and cons. Need to read up.