
Russia is out of reach from western interests

 There are reports that Western businesses are trying to make a return to Russia, seeing the economy of Russia doing better than the EU. This is too little too late for the West as the Russians themselves are taking over the domestic market like fast food and retailing and Chinese investments already sinking roots in Russia. Suffice to say, Chinese investors are fast in making their presence felt as soon as a vacuum arises. Sales of Chinese EVs for example are taking over the market left vacant by Western carmakers. Those Western carmakers have already lost the market in Russia for good and retaking it is out of the question.

Russia is now a 'high income' country according to the World Bank, which is to say that Russian consumers are able to afford more growing wants than just basic necessities. And this is a sure way to grow its economy with demands fueling more manufacturing investments and creating more jobs. It will fuel a cycle of fast growth in Russia's economy.

Why is the USA and the West so fixated on trying to overwhelm Russia? Russia is such a huge country to over-run, not to talk about control. It may be rich in resources that the USA and the West are ogling with green eyes, but reaching for it is another matter. The West and Japan had tried the same modus operandi against China in the last century, but China's size was a big problem for them to control. They tried breaking China up among themselves, just around the Eastern provinces, hoping to control China like in Africa. They failed and they will fail against Russia as well when thinking about how daunting the idea is. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The USA and the West are using drug induced dreams of taking over Russia. Even Afghanistan was already a handful and beyond their ability to tame, not to talk of taking over the 'Graveyard of Empires'. They thought Iraq was a piece of cake and therefore Afghanistan should not be a problem. They calculated wrongly and ended up in the graveyard which they yearned to take over, and looking really stupid, running away and leaving tons of military hardware behind.

Even tearing up China into pieces and using the eight nations together to help control China failed to contain the Chinese at its weakest juncture in history. They are today also crazy on drugs, trying to chase the dragon that will reward them with fire and brimstone instead.

That dream of taking control of Russia is just like a snake trying to swallow an elephant. The USA and EU will be suffocated to death. And suffocated they are now, without cheap energy and paying through their noses for energy supplied by the USA and still discreetly buying Russian oil under the table, trying to fool the rest of the world.

The Japanese had such a dream of controlling all of Asia during WW2. Japan miscalculated and overestimated its reach without the manpower and resources to match. An army, no matter how powerful, spread over such a wide expanse is bound to face big problems in controlling conquered lands. In fact, the Japanese at the tail end of the war desperately resorted to using prisoners to fight its war in Asia. That was why Japan went on to commit so many atrocities all over Asia, with such animals inducted into its military.