
India shares the same anti Muslim agenda with the Anglo Saxon states

 India is perceptively moving away from its coziness with the USA and UK. Modi is in Russia making an attempt to bring peace between Russia and Ukraine. The fall of Rishi Sunak in the UK is making Modi nervous about sleeping with the West.

Even hardcore anti-China Indian sites are more moderate in their criticism of China. But let us not read too much into that.

Modi knows India is running into big problems with jobs and an exploding population needing mass job creation. Perhaps India is planning another CECA with Russia, LOL.

Should the USA and the West begin expressing their love for Muslims and Sikhs in India, Modi is in trouble. He must look for alternatives knowing the USA and the West can start pushing India on issues to stop India from getting closer and helping Russia, since that is already being played out with China.

These are the USA and NATO's desperate moves, more so when seeing Russia still growing its economy despite two years into the war and is now being classified as a 'high income' country by the World Bank. With sanctions galore and funding a war, Russia still manages to chalk up growth better than the NATO countries, which is a slap on the face of the USA and the EU.

Thirty-two countries in NATO together still failed to bring Russia down with more than 16,000 sanctions. And NATO thinks it can do much by expanding into Asia to confront China?



Anonymous said...

Hindu dominated India does not get along well with Muslim countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh. Muslims and Sikhs in India itself are never on cordial terms with the Hindus.

And Narendra Modi is in Moscow talking about his love for Ukrainian children and his pain in seeing them killed by Russian missiles. What about the Muslim children killed by Israel in Gaza? Does this not pain his heart like the Ukrainian children? What a hypocrite!

India does not even get along well with Buddhist dominated state Myanmar and its relationship with Buddhist dominated Sri Lanka had also been strained for years. The civil war between the Tamil Tigers of India seeking to set up an independent state in Sri Lanka is a well-known instigative move by India.

India can never get on well with others and is only looking to have the cake and eat it. Where it cannot get any advantage, it will not join, just like the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). India was originally part of the RCEP but opted out and is not a member. Both groupings were formed under the leadership of China, which India is not too happy about for sure. India is only happy with the CECA where they can have all the advantage at its disposal.

India had been played around by even the old man with dementia. There was the talk of building an impossible railroad across the Pacific to link to India. There were the big boasts about building the India/Middle East/Europe Corridor which inflated India's ego but is now being deflated like a balloon. The war in the Middle East killed it all. Even if that had not happened, Saudi Arabia would not have wanted such a project when it already has the BRI.

The reality of the BRI is right before the eyes of the Saudis, which they can touch, while the castle built in the air - The India/Middle East/Europe Corridor is just a figment of the imagination of a dementia patient. Believe in it at India's own peril after losing out on the BRI. It is a regret that India will find it hard to come to terms. Listen to the dementia patient and suffer the consequences, like the EU.

Virgo49 said...

Modi had Sek Kars with Putin to supply their unemployed to Russia and as soldiers to fight NATO.

For a change as in the past been traitors to own Asians by acting as their watchmen and police and half baked soliders to control the beans that were been colonised by them.

Now since needed at least not starving for their unemployed be Russian fodders to fight their wicked White Masters.

Anonymous said...

Understand the IMEC or India/Middle East/Europe Corridor has not even started yet, just someone's wet dream. It had already been blown up to be a big deal, or a big balloon - on paper only. When is it going to start is not known, blaming the Israel/Hamas war for the delay. How many decades it is going to take to come to fruition is still unknown. Who is going to build it is not yet known. Who is funding it is not known. Whether mankind will still be around to see it is not known, LOL.

By the time it gets started, Joe Biden would have forgotten there was such a project that he spearheaded. Unlikely that he will live to see it. Even then, when Trump takes over the Presidency, he will probably tell India and the rest that USA must come first is his policy. The rest of the signatory to the project can go and fly kite.

USA citizens must be wondering what the hell is happening when the domestic infrastructure of the USA is falling apart, and Biden is using taxpayer's money to support a big project outside of the USA. Biden probably knows this will be a problem for his successor and not his to worry about.