
India does not need to be in G7 to be whispering to them on what is happening in BRICS

 India is waiting for that invitation, just like Ukraine being dangled a carrot to join NATO, which is the Russian 'red line'. And that invitation will give BRICS a good reason to tell India to leave BRICS for good. BRICS cannot have a G7 'Trojan Horse' divulging sensitive information to the G7 vis a vis the USA itself.

If the G7 is desperate enough to want to find out the internal workings of BRICS, they may just do that by admitting India into the G7. Further, the G7 could then hope to use India to stonewall the expansion of BRICS by continuing to hinder the acceptance of more Global South countries into the bloc.

It will actually be a blessing in disguise for BRICS if India is to join the G7. It saves BRICS the trouble of having to find a good excuse to get rid of India with its clear intention to sabotage the agenda of BRICS, hoping to garner favorable support in the eyes of the G7.

India is just playing one side against the other. Getting rid of a snake is better than getting bitten and suffering the consequences as BRICS moves forward. 



Anonymous said...

Whispering like hiss, hiss, hiss of a snake?

Anonymous said...

India must be made to leave BRICS. It is already sabotaging the agenda of BRICS.

Anonymous said...

India will never leave BRICS! "We are here to screw you!"