
Hong Kong rioting - When China pretended to be Ah Q

 On another occasion China seemed to behave like Ah Q was in Hong Kong in 2019 when the West in which the United States and England were the main hoodlums and criminals in using CIA, NED, and saboteurs and evil propagandists hiding in their embassies and Hong Kong institutions created havoc in stirring up fake and toxic accusations on Hong Kong rule and governance against the Chinese Central government. The American and British crooks and saboteurs in CIA, NED and their embassies staffs worked in cahoot with local traitors and hoodlums to stir up boiling emotions amongst the Hong Kongers to engineer an umbrella revolution in Hong Kong with insidious intent to spread it to mainland China eventually. For almost a whole year Beijing seemed to be powerless and allowed the ruffians, rioters and their evil Western supporters and organizers to run wild causing great destruction and a few deaths.

All this time of great turmoil and riot the Central Chinese Government seemed to behave like Ah Q. People started to curse the Central Chinese Government and President Xi Jin Ping of being useless for being unable to take any action. But they were all wrong. China was just observing how far and how evil the Americans and British were prepared to go and who were the Western crooks and scoundrels and who were the local traitors and collaborators before taking any action. So after ten or eleven months of senseless riots China took action and with one full swoop China got all the culprits and evil perpetrators in the net. Not only the small fries were caught but many big crooks hiding in fake high and respectable institutions were also nabbed.

Thus with the last and final action taken by the Chinese Central Government in Beijing, peace, tranquility and security has now returned to Hong Kong. So in the beginning it would appear China was behaving like Ah Q. As it is, it was a strategy to let the neurotic and psychopath Anglo-Saxons US and UK think they could successfully do all their evils in Hong Kong before China created a tremendous storm to nab all of them, the evil doers. Thus it is another example that China is not Ah Q and China under the Chinese Communist Party will never be an 'Ah Q'.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Singapore also like Ah Q when Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia. Cut off this and cut off that and our old man even dared not visit Malaya for decades. Ah Q?