
Headless Asean has no views or position on Asian Nato?

 NATO has over the years been behaving like a terrorist organisation in Europe, Middle East and Africa, conducting wars and meddling with the domestic affairs of other countries. It is very aggressive and expansionist, now taking over most of the former Warsaw Pact countries that the slimy and untrustworthy lying Americans promised not to do so.

The Ukraine War was started by NATO under the command of the Americans with not just the intention of bringing Ukraine into NATO, but with a bigger and more deadly objective of breaking up Russia and conquering Russia. NATO is not a defensive organisation but an offensive terrorist organisation out to dominate the world. It should be called the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation.

NATO now openly announced that it wanted to expand to Asia and South East Asia using the sickening American excuse that China is a threat to the countries in the region. They accused Russia as wanting to conquer European countries when Russia had always been the victim of European aggression and invasion. Russia has never invaded western European countries. And Russia does not need the land in Europe for its survival. Russia has too much land and resources and too little people. It is the NATO countries and the evil Americans that are coveting Russian land and resources.

The purpose of NATO expanding into Asia and South East Asia has the same objective, to conquer and rule the countries in the region. So far Asean has been very, very quiet over this move by NATO. Do the Asean countries think that by keeping quiet they will be safe? Or is it that Asean is now headless, no leader with strategic thinking to stand up and make a stand for Asean against the expansion of the European and American terrorists into the region? Or Asean does not mind being colonised and ruled by NATO or the Americans?

Do the leaders of Asean know what is happening, what would be their fate should the evil Americans and European terrorists have a foothold in the region? The Americans have expanded into the Philippines with no protest or objection from Asean. Asean only knows how to meddle in the internal affairs of Myanmar, because the American cronies in Asean have been pushing Asean in that direction. No one is able to see the danger of an American presence or the presence of NATO in the region.

Perhaps this is the nature of Asean people, an inferior people to the white men and would naturally end up as colonised people of the white men. The Pinoys already volunteered to be an American colony. Who is next in Asean? East Timor already has an American military base, and waiting to join Asean.


Anonymous said...

Ironically enough, even hardcore american patriots are against NATO; so why the hell the proponents of Asean are wussing out?

Virgo49 said...


This by Luxin on NATO's Agenda to SEAsia countries to contain China.