
America would not let Japan escape from its clutches

 Japan, famous for stimulating its economy for the last thirty years, will continue to do that. Blaming the USA openly and realistically for its misery is an exercise in futility. A Vassal state has no recourse to blame its Overlord. Failure after failure throwing resources into a black hole did not turn Japan around.

Abenomics was so confidently and widely talked about with its three arrows that were supposed to turn Japan's sickness around. It failed miserably, with Abe even following his three arrows into the dust. At least he does not have to suffer the demonization resulting from his failure. All those monetary resources poured into the effort achieved nothing and only added to Japan's escalating debt.

Kishida-omics or comics tried to move Japan away from its zero-interest rate environment, hoping to save the economy and the Yen. It too failed and not only that, but the Yen fell even lower to a 38 year low against the US$. Selling US$ to buy Yen ought to be able to reverse the trend, that is theoretically. But Japan has to get permission from Janet Yellen to do so. Japan has fallen so low in self-esteem that no one respect Japan anymore.

But what is the surprise after all when Japan's immediate Overlord, the USA, too lost all its respect from the whole world. Trump admitted that the whole world does not respect the USA anymore too. He pointed out in particular Vladamir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un as leaders having little respect for the USA under Joe Biden. That is a massive understatement by referring to the latter three who are tops at their game.

Smaller countries today too have little respect for the USA. Does their intention to join BRICS not an indication of their disregard for the USA, despite all the threats heaped upon them of facing consequences if they follow the de-dollarization move? Malaysia, for example, is no big country joining BRICS and giving its middle finger to the USA. African countries like Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Algeria, Senegal, Tunisia and Zimbabwe have expressed intention in joining BRICS as well. They are not big countries but have not been cowed by the USA's threat.

The USA can continue to live with denial in everything that is now falling apart for them. Even the just concluded Presidential debate shows how out of reality they have fallen by still flogging a half-dead horse that had hit the ground in front of the whole world. Yet, they still believe that Joe Biden is suitable for the job. As one news media pointed out, it was excruciating watching Biden 'mumbles, stumbles and crumbles' in front of the whole world. Was the mumbling softly done to prevent those watching from understanding what he was saying? Good tactic but bad effort.

Next few days will see the media conducting open surgery on Biden's car crash performance at the debate. Just watch the fun. 



Anonymous said...

The Media is even more scathing, calling Biden's performance a 'train wreck', not just a 'car crash'. And many are distraught with the thought that this 'mumbling, stumbling and crumbling' old man is given the task of having his finger on the nuclear button. It is like giving a game control pad to a child!

But top Democrats are still adamant on keeping Biden, claiming he is the only one capable of defeating Trump. This is not 2020, four years ago, when he was still younger. Trump is three years younger and the difference it makes is undeniable, though Trump is starting to get foggy in some instances.

Biden's condition today, especially his health, cognitive function and memory have deteriorated day by day, and clearly visible with each appearance on the rostrum. For those who did not watch the debate to witness the decline, being fed videos of his appearance on TV ought to convince them that he is not suitable to do the job.

There are two wars to manage, conflict with China, fighting inflation and dealing with the USA's escalating debt. Is Biden able to handle that? Please do not talk about Kamala Harris giving him support. That woman is a liability yet eyeing the job for the next couple of months before November. She will really give the world a stomach-ache, laughing their heads off. These four years have proven her a complete disaster as the Vice President.

Anonymous said...

Thought Kamala died from a fentanyl overdose!!! Not a squeak from her since she became #2.

Anonymous said...

No squeak from her, but her Dracula laughter is loud and clear.

Problem is if the Democrats remove Biden now, she is going to take over, being second in line.

Anonymous said...

That would be out of the frying pan into the fire for the USA.

Anonymous said...

The Democrat's spin is now about Trump lying during the debate. What about the performance of Biden that is more important. His mumbling, stumbling and crumbling are more crucial issues for the job.

Who does not know that Trump is a conman and lying is his profession?

Anonymous said...

Time for Japan to have a woman PM. Then the USA cannot hold Japan by the balls. And squeezing it all the time.

But then, on second thought, the USA will instead resort to squeezing her melons. Just like Giorgia Meloni now getting her melon squeezed into submission.

Anonymous said...

Japan is in NATO now, with NATO having a base in Japan. NATO is turning to stir up bad blood in Asia now, after failing in Europe against Russia. Remember these are Anglo-Saxon Imperialist war mongers, where war and colonization are their preoccupation.

The geopolitical landscape is turning countries into taking sides and forming alliances before WW3. Japan, Germany and Italy were the Axis Powers formed during WW2 against the Allied Powers.

What we are seeing today is a repeat of what happened during WW2. USA and Japan are on the same side this time. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea are on the other side. The rest of the minnows, including self-declared up-and-coming superpower, India, are testing which direction the wind blows.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon

Even that Dalvey MP of Ireland also now kena plucked non elected.

Most outspoken they shall rid off.

Sad sad indeed.

Only a handful who dared lambasted these Scoundrels.