
Our SMTFA team at the Singapore Masters 2019

We started on a hot Sat morning and were perspiring like hell. The late showing up of our captain, Jason Wong, added to the tension as events were starting and all our number bibs were with him. No bib no race! This was unusual as captain was always the earliest to turn up, this time he was picking up a few runners, so cannot blame him. Karen was sweating away as her 5000m event was ticking away. I think she did get her number bib in time for the race.

We swiped all the 4 x 100m relays except for one when our best, the 45-49 men team raced against world masters champion Japan. We were leading by 15m at least in the last leg but their last runner, claimed to have broke the 10s mark caught up to beat Takayuki, our Japanese runner by a nose.

There were several other photo finished races. I lost my silver in the 60m dash to Salam whose nose was a big longer. He clocked 9.53s and mine was 9.54s. The gold went to Tang Weng Fei, ex national hurdler clocking 9.13s.

Charles Ang also lost his 200m silver by a whisker. He blamed it on the fact that he could have won if only he had put on a bra.

We had the cheap thrill of beating a 65 year old ex Olympian from India who participated in the Moscow Olympic and has a PB of 10.5s for the 100m. Myself and my team mate, Salam, both 69 going 70, out ran him in the 60m dash. Nice feeling.

We are still counting the medal tally and tomorrow is another day of excitement. The weather after lunch was much cooler, saved by a short downpour. And yes, lightning warning came on and the events were halted for an hour.

Fatimah Lateef was the Guest of Honour and gave a short speech about how great it was to run in the masters and all the politically correct words, about how good it was to be healthy and still able to run around in the stadium instead of being bedridden and sickness ridden. It is no joke and quite amazing to see so many seniors running around happily like children in the expanse of the stadium. Do not squander away your health, take good care of it, or you would be paying heavily trying to get it back in vain.

Big question, when would the govt give due recognition to the masters athletes for keeping themselves fit and running for the glory of the country? More than 10 countries took part in this Meet, Taiwan, Hongkong, Japan, India, Sri Lankan, Philippines, Brunei, Poland, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia were all here.

Today is the final day and I will be running in the 100m this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

//Fatimah Lateef was the Guest of Honour and gave a short speech about how great it was to run in the masters and all the politically correct words, about how good it was to be healthy and still able to run around in the stadium instead of being bedridden and sickness ridden. //


Did you all suggest or invite the GOH's MP GRC 78-yo teammate or even his RI blossom pal the 79-yo affable ex-GP who was also a formidable veteran ex-MP for 6 terms spanning 26 years to join in future masters competition?

Is there any age limit?

Is it correct there are competitors older than that?

Anonymous said...

Uncle, I still have to say this,

Can you stop behaving like a twenty something if you want to live long long.

At your age, the cardio system is not designed to be under so much stress.

Take up brisk walking better.

We all want you to keep writing those naughty articles to keep us entertained.

Anonymous said...

Rb//And yes, lightning warning came on and the events were halted for an hour.//

That is the wisest thing to do?

When got "LIGHTNING", better not to be hero?

Faster take cover?

"It is not two strikes and you are out"?

It is (just) ONE strike and (most likely) GAME OVER liao?

Anonymous said...

Also GAME OVER like the Iron Man in The Avengers, if anyone get a strike in the heart or a stroke in the brain. Even Super Hero cannot withstand the elements of Nature.

Time would be better spent helping grandchildren to grow up smarter?

Seeking personal glories of getting medals, trying to fulfil lost opportunities of younger days and break bones or records may draw some encouragement and cheers from like-minded people. But in the final ANALysis, it's like the U.S. Old Man Trump trying to Make Americunts Great Again as the dawn of the Evil Empire is drawing speedily near to the End Game?

In reality, there is no glory in such a pursuit. At the very most it is a personal satisfaction?

At what price? Sudden death?

What message does it carries? Work until drop dead, run until drop dead?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I had two days of fun doing and enjoying life like a youngster again. Someone said, it was like being young again but without the chore of homework and worries. At this age, it is the quality of life, quality time, that matter. What is life if you can't do this or that, can't eat this or that, or can't go here or there? Free yourself.

Till today, I can still eat whatever I want to eat, do whatever I want to do. A fiend was diagnosed with diabetes and doctor said no more alcoholic drinks. He was a drinker, after a month of abstainting he gave up. What is life without alcohol, and he went back to his drinks. 10 years have passed and he is still enjoying his drinks, ignoring the doctor's advice. He ants to die happy, being himself, doing what he wants to do, and drink as much as he likes.

It is good to be engrossed in doing something you like, like fishing, playing mahjong, go on tours, go drinking or chatting with mei meis etc etc. Enjoy your life while you can, tomorrow may not come.

I got myself a gold and two bronzes over this weekend, rewrote my own record for 100m with a personal best of 14.56s. Previous record was 15.03s. I dunno what you do with your life, some may think this is silly, but not sure what silly things they were doing with their own lives.

I had a great time, all of my runner friends enjoyed themselves with grit, passion and camaraderie. We will do it again in Jul, Aug and December in Kuching, Sarawak.

I am now having my beer and dates without a worry in this world.

Anonymous said...

Ya I agreed with RB. I am not the sporting type but I enjoyed spending time with China Mei Mei once every month for few hours when money allows. The girl Friend experience make u feel young again especially Mei Mei always compliment the size of my manhood. I feel shiok.