
Boeing 737 Max could still be flying

The deadly Boeing 737 Max could still be flying if the users stupidly listened to the American FAA. After pushing out the unsafe anti stalling software system as safe, and not owning up that it was the cause of the Indonesian Lion Air crash, it was still adamant that the aircraft was safe after the second crash of the Ethiopian Airline. It took another aviation agency, China Aviation Authority, to declare the aircraft unsafe and grounded all Boeing 7373 Max in China that the rest of the world realised something was seriously wrong. Despite of this, American FAA still refused to ground the Boeing 737 Max and was very unhappy that China did so.

Today, after some preliminary investigation, Boeing's CEO has officially admitted that the two crashes ending with more than 300 passengers and crew dead were due to the flawed software. Airline operators and passengers should be grateful to China's CAA for upsetting the Americans by calling for the grounding of these aircraft. If not, how many more crashes could have happened, how many more people would die flying the 737 Max?

Some responsible Americans are calling for independent checks and certifications of airworthiness of commercial aircraft. It is unacceptable for the aircraft manufacturers to self check and certify their own aircraft.  The American FAA is still in a state of denial, that there would need tens of thousands of men to do the checking and the cost would be prohibitive. So, back to square one with Boeing conducting their own checks and certifications?

Why don't the American FAA said it would take 1000 man years to do job if they are supposed to do it, then it would be more real and difficult to be landed with this responsibility and continue to do as per normal?

How reliable and trustworthy is the American FAA? Are they blinded by their American interest to allow this fiasco to continue because it involved American aircraft manufacturers? Is this another sign of the decline of the American Empire, the downing of Boeing? With so many aircraft grounded, so many orders cancelled, so many lawsuits and claims waiting in a long queue outside the American courts, does Boeing have enough money to pay or waiting to be saved by the American govt and taxpayers' money? Would Boeing be filing for bankruptcy?


Anonymous said...

Rb, now when I fly, I also very scared if it's not Airbus plane. 😀

b said...

It always means increase costs in travelling in near future whether boeing survived or not. More of these elites screwing commoners practices will be there without the leaders doing anything.

Virgo49 said...

Luckily now not interested in long distance travels by Air in the Hell travels.

Short hauls by coaches. Now pilots even SIAs or Malay in Suay black ants kopi licenses.

Up in the Air under God's discretions to go down or plunge.

Nowadays, human capitalists beans have no more Morals. Defective vehicles or planes just for sake of making profits do not give a damn of your safety.

The World had lost the bearings and morals.

End very soon.

Anonymous said...

The US is reportedly planning to unveil a new version of its Indo-Pacific strategy in Singapore later this month, which will be conveniently buttressed by a report the United States Department of Defense submitted to Congress on Thursday portraying China's armed forces as a threat to the world order.

By depicting China as a potential security threat, the US aims to compel other countries in the region to support its strategy.

Anonymous said...

The US is having huge internal problems right now. The market rallies were deceptions to boost and turn around the US's economy (which is running out of control; even the Fed is in a case as to what to do next - ran out of ideas long ago.)

The U.S. Dollar is shaking, as the Petro-Dollar is under threat all over the world.

The US economy is in shit pools. Manufacturers, especially high tech industries, have lost confidence in the way Trump is running the country (with rash, eratic last-minute decisions/actions that keep flip-flopping - creating uncertainty and instability in the stock markets and other critical bread-and-butter issues.

Trump's prodigious irresponsible over-spending on defence and on building the laughable puny wall with Mexico, his inability to come out with a good comprehensive healthcare plan, his tax-relief for the big-time businesses (like those of his own business empire), his one-side one-upmanship unfair trade war with China and the EU, his failure to keep his promise to build the infrastructure on an urgent basis, and his poor handling and management of White House staff (Never in the history of the US Presidency has the turnover of key appointments in the US Government, the Pentagon and the White House been so fast, so frequent and so many; this reflects poor judgement, poor decision-making and poor man-management) - all these are some other political factors have contributed to a very uncertain and unstable country (USA), and therefore, also of the world.

The present sudden last-minute imposition of tariffs of $200 billion worth of goods on China this Friday has drawn an immediate response from China to cancel and stop all trade talks with the Trump Administration. As a result, the US stock markets are taking a plunge. This is not a good sign for everyone.

I'm response also, China is allowing the Yuan to plunge, after holding it up for the past three months while the trade negotiations were going on.

More good shows coming.....?

Anonymous said...

FAA stands for Pick-up American Aviation.

UG said...

Next time the Ang Moh got problem please go consult Penang, Perak or Li Ning. Dont ask daft sinkies. In any work place. We are daft.

One small fry vs whole of Ang Moh civil servants? Anything that is Ang Moh next time I will consider buying. It is better to buy some Li Ning stuff. I am daft what. I can choose Ang Moh or Ah Tiong stuff. 6 smoke bomb also die. Cannot trust Ang Moh manage country. They are lousy. Why ntu or nus so many batch, never help ang moh invent huawei? Lucky sinkies are not appreciated in ang moh alliance country. We are daft, can choose ang moh or huawei products. And we are alone, no one owe us a living. We are busy working. Or study and work together. Some people from young good life. Study university, still can go oversea or buy car. Ang Moh never ask PAP who are those good life people and help Ang Moh invent Huawei?

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Pick-up should read as Fuck-up.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous May 06, 2019 1:20 pm
//The US is having huge internal problems right now. The market rallies were deceptions to boost and turn around the US's economy (which is running out of control; even the Fed is in a case as to what to do next - ran out of ideas long ago.)

The U.S. Dollar is shaking, as the Petro-Dollar is under threat all over the world.

The US economy is in shit pools. Manufacturers, especially high tech industries, have lost confidence in the way Trump is running the country (with rash, eratic last-minute decisions/actions that keep flip-flopping - creating uncertainty and instability in the stock markets and other critical bread-and-butter issues.

Trump's prodigious irresponsible over-spending on defence and on building the laughable puny wall with Mexico, his inability to come out with a good comprehensive healthcare plan, his tax-relief for the big-time businesses (like those of his own business empire), his one-side one-upmanship unfair trade war with China and the EU, his failure to keep his promise to build the infrastructure on an urgent basis, and his poor handling and management of White House staff (Never in the history of the US Presidency has the turnover of key appointments in the US Government, the Pentagon and the White House been so fast, so frequent and so many; this reflects poor judgement, poor decision-making and poor man-management) - all these are some other political factors have contributed to a very uncertain and unstable country (USA), and therefore, also of the world.

The present sudden last-minute imposition of tariffs of $200 billion worth of goods on China this Friday has drawn an immediate response from China to cancel and stop all trade talks with the Trump Administration. As a result, the US stock markets are taking a plunge. This is not a good sign for everyone.//

In the end, it is up to the American voters to choose who they want to be their president and lead their nation forward (or backward).

Well, in 2016 (BREXIT+++ took place as DJT proclaimed in his victory speech) the American electorate (electoral system) chose DJT as their president to lead them till Jan 2021

Meanwhile the rest of the world especially China cannot control what happens in America but it can what they choose to do and bite the bullet when necessary.

One likely reason of the DJT's trade actions could be to destabilize China or accentuate China social instability?

The US economy is no longer as dominant as it was one century ago. DJT's trade actions are likely to result in a realignment of international trade over time as the rest of the world including China adapt to the new international trade relations (or rather protectionism)?

For China to overcome this hurdle, she needs to withstand this round of potential increased social turbulence heightened by DJT's trade protectionism/ war?

Before this saga, many China SMEs profit margins are already razor thin? Thus, this trade war started by DJT is likely to aggravate the struggle some SMEs faced.

If China can dig in her toes, bite the bullet, galvanize social support and emerges relatively unscathed in this DJT started trade war, the new world order that emerges would likely see a much more marginalised America.

Hence, if the trade war ultimately becomes unavoidable due to DJT's one-sided intention to start one, one of China possible best responses is to galvanize the entire nation to coalesce, gel together and create alternative options to replace the gap created by djt's actions?

Overtime, the economy would always going to readjust to new norms and as long as China can hold through steadfastly the earlier stage, she should emerge more robust and stronger.

Often, one's success depends on how we react to situations than what situations are?

It is true for individuals?

And it is likewise true for a nation (as a whole)?



您将取得最后的胜利 :)

Anonymous said...

Ownself check ownself also can leh!

After all, it is only other people's life at risk mah!

If creating wars and killing millions of civilians can be brushed aside as collateral damage, what is a few hundred lives lost!

Boeing is another one of those 'too big to fail' entities that must be protected at all cost.

After all, there are still lots of customers buying their planes and millions of air flyers still willing to take the risk if the recent incident is any indication.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anonymous said...

The US is reportedly planning to unveil a new version of its Indo-Pacific strategy in Singapore later this month, which will be conveniently buttressed by a report the United States Department of Defense submitted to Congress on Thursday portraying China's armed forces as a threat to the world order.

By depicting China as a potential security threat, the US aims to compel other countries in the region to support its strategy.
May 06, 2019 12:33 pm

And little USAs would be first to shout in support of the Evil Empire.

Trump thinks that every time he hiked tariff it is the Americans that are winning. The truth is that before Chinese companies are affected, the poor Americans would get a slam on their faces first and many American companies too will collapse. See how Australia and Canada are crying now.

Anonymous said...

UG I am glad that you know your are daft. So u need to be fucked and sodomized so that u no longer be daft.😰

Anonymous said...



American multinational aircraft-manufacturing company Boeing knew that its 737 Max aircraft was experiencing problems months before the deadly Indonesia Lion Air crash last October but failed to disclose the issue to federal regulators until after the incident.

In a statement released on Sunday, Boeing admitted it became aware that the aircraft’s “display system software did not correctly meet the AOA Disagree alert requirements” in 2017, many months before the Indonesia crash in October 2018 and the Ethiopia crash in March 2019, which killed 346 people collectively.

“The Boeing design requirements for the 737 MAX included the AOA Disagree alert as a standard, standalone feature, in keeping with Boeing’s fundamental design philosophy of retaining commonality with the 737NG. In 2017, within several months after beginning 737 MAX deliveries, engineers at Boeing identified that the 737 MAX display system software did not correctly meet the AOA Disagree alert requirements," the company said.

“The software delivered to Boeing linked the AOA Disagree alert to the AOA indicator, which is an optional feature on the MAX and the NG. Accordingly, the software activated the AOA Disagree alert only if an airline opted for the AOA indicator.”

While it is unclear whether the warning light would have prevented the Lion Air or Ethiopian Airlines crashes, Boeing asserted that “neither the angle of attack indicator nor the AOA Disagree alert are necessary for the safe operation of the airplane.”

“They provide supplemental information only, and have never been considered safety features on commercial jet transport airplanes,” the company explained.

After discovering a discrepancy between the requirements and the software, Boeing said it “followed its standard process for determining the appropriate resolution of such issues.” A subsequent review “determined that the absence of the AOA Disagree alert did not adversely impact airplane safety or operation.”

“The review concluded, the existing functionality was acceptable until the alert and the indicator could be delinked in the next planned display system software update,” Boeing said, adding that senior leaders within the company were not informed of the review and only found out about the problem “in the aftermath of the Lion Air accident.”

Boeing revisited the issue in December 2018 by convening a safety review board (SRB) to determine for a second time whether the absence of the AOA Disagree alert would amount to a safety issue. “That SRB confirmed Boeing’s prior conclusion that it did not. Boeing shared this conclusion and the supporting SRB analysis with the FAA,” according to the company.

A Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) spokesperson confirmed that Boeing alerted the FAA of the nonfunctioning warning light in November 2018, shortly after the Indonesia Lion Air crash that occurred the month before. FAA employees determined that it presented a low risk, the spokesperson said in a statement, reported KTLA-5, before noting that “Boeing’s timely or earlier communication with [airlines] would have helped to reduce or eliminate possible confusion.”

Anonymous said...

Fed up Canada tells U.S. to help with China crisis or forget about favors

In a sign of increasing frustration at what Canada sees as a lackluster U.S. response, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government is signaling it could withhold cooperation on major issues.

Canada says the United States is obliged to help, given that the U.S. arrest warrant triggered the crisis with Beijing.

With no cards to play against China without risking significant economic damage, Canada has launched a full-court press in Washington, which is negotiating its own trade deal with Beijing.

The results have been meager.

“It’s a very challenging situation. When we raise it with the Americans they just say, ‘Dealing with the Chinese is tough’,” said a Canadian government source.

It seems that Canada is starting to understand the grim situation.

Why have China-Canada relations become more and more tense? This is because Canada has become the US pawn in Washington's political struggle against Beijing.

Since Canada has been acting according to US strategy and helping the US oppose China, how can Ottawa expect Beijing to approve?

Canada has been acting like a vassal state of the US, not an independent country. Ottawa will pay the price if it follows Washington like an obedient lap dog.

Anonymous said...

Mindef maybe after findings, will

Condemm the fallen soilder.

But things is so simple.

Why need so long to tell.

Anonymous said...

In the long term, the tariffs will hurt the USA more than China.

China will lose jobs initially, but the factories in China have embraced robotics more than humans and the Chinese population is set to stabilise by 2023. Hence job creation is not a critical factor further down the road. The USA population meanwhile is still expanding and job creation is important. Now who will be hurt more is left to be seen. But then Trump may not be in office by then.

About factories relocating back to USA, human jobs are not going back with those factories because most factories have adopted robotics and those jobs lost to robotics are not going to go back to the USA. In fact there is the realisation that it is more a myth that the Chinese have taken American jobs, but it is robotics that have taken over human jobs already. Those jobs are gone forever!