
China, the white knight in Africa

After 500 years of colonization, exploitation and oppression, the Europeans left the African continent broken, barren, bankrupt, poor and underdeveloped. The European patted their backsides and simply walked away from Africa leaving every African country in ruins and in poverty. The African countries needed help, needed financial aid, technology, education and infrastructures to grow and progress. The western controlled banks and agencies, like IMF and World Bank’s response is that these countries are too poor to service their loans, they have no money to pay back. No money means no loan. Period. They would not give bad loans to poor African countries, made poor by them.

So, what is the choice for Africa when their former colonial masters wrote them off as poor and bad credit risk and do not deserve to be given loans? Without loans and financing the African countries can’t rebuild themselves. Their former colonial masters did not care, your poverty is not their problem. Show me you can pay back your loans or else no loans. The African countries were thus stuck in between the devil and the deep blue sea. They want economic growth, they need infrastructures, investments, factories, jobs, but without money, they could do nothing other than remain barren and poor and undeveloped countries.

While the Europeans, the ex colonial masters that robbed them sneered at the poor African countries, ignored their pleas for help, financial, social, economic and technology, China stepped in. China offered these countries all they needed with no strings attached, no political blackmail, no interference in their domestic affairs, no regime change, just pure business transactions. China offered the African countries cheap loans, sometimes interest free, to rebuild the African countries, investments and infrastructure developments, for a small fee. China is not a rich country, not the former colonial masters that robbed these countries and thus has no obligation to be Santa Claus. China came to trade, to help, to do business and needs to be paid. Fair? When the former colonial masters that robbed these countries refused to lift a finger, China was there in times of need.

The African leaders are not stupid. They saw a white knight that was willing to work with them, to invest in their countries, provide aids and technology, why not? And the loans were cheaper than those provided by the IMF or World Bank, banks that would not even want to talk to them. There was a willing buyer and a willing seller, both came together with their eyes open, negotiated the best deals they could, signed on the dotted line without a gun on their heads, to develop the African countries. Most of the African countries are now progressing very well and moving up the economic ladder. There were jobs for their people, investments, more wealth and development, better infrastructures and connectivity by rail and road, life is certainly better every day.

What went wrong, or anything went wrong? Sure, some of the deals did not turn out as expected. A few deals went bad due to miscalculation and some due to poor leadership and corruption. But the majority of the deals were big successes. If not, China would be kicked out of Africa, would not be welcomed even for a day longer. The African countries would be waiting at the doors of their former colonial masters begging for mercy if China did not lend a helping hand.

What went wrong? The West, out of envy and mischief, started to bad mouth China and its investments in Africa. The standard smears include non transparency, bad debt, China is there for the minerals, in other words China is in Africa to cheat the Africans and the African leaders are so stupid that they did not know they were being cheated and keep going to China to ask for more. How valid are these smears and white lies?

No transparency? The whites are saying that the African leaders signed all the deals without knowing what they were signing, all blind or ignorant fools? This is not the days of colonialism or white supremacy when the Africans had their hands tied or chained and forced to sign away their countries and resources. The African countries are independent countries and their leaders are educated elites of their respective countries. There would be some bad hats for sure. But generally these are responsible good men and women running their countries and would want the best for their people and countries. They would not be so foolish to sign away their countries when there is no transparency. Period.

Oh, China did not do it out of good will. China was there for the natural resources. What is wrong with that? The African countries have no money, anything worthy had been stolen or looted from them by their colonial masters. And the former colonial masters knew the African countries have nothing left to be taken, or else they would not have left Africa. And this is also the reason why they refused to lend the African countries money to rebuild themselves. When offered funds and aids and technology for the minerals. The ex colonial masters, the people that are criticizing China, came and took the minerals for free!

China is helping the African countries to develop their economies and infrastructure and it is only rightful and fair that the Africans find ways to pay for them. And China even had to move in with their equipment to extract the minerals so that they could be paid. Anything wrong? It is fair trade, barter trade of sort. The white lies said this is bad. China is exploiting the African resources. Really? Why don’t the West do the same if they are so kind and sincere? No, they would want to take the minerals without paying like they did in the past or in exchange for weapons of war.

What about bad debts, debt traps? How many hundreds or thousands of projects were there in Africa and how many turned bad? Sri Lanka’s Hantambota port now under China control for 99 years? Did the accusers know the deal, how the port was eventually leased to China, what were the favourable terms offered to the Sri Lankan govt that they found it a fair deal? All the hyping of bad debt by the whites is simply white lies to create mischief and mistrust between the African countries and China.

If China is really the predator and exploiter of African countries, it does not need to take one year before the whole of Africa turned against China. But they are the best of pals, with many new projects and loans being signed everyday. What do these said about non transparency, exploitation and debt trap? Bull.

The good relations between China and the host of African countries and the numerous projects in progress and more coming on stream speak for themselves. China is doing the right thing, the things that the African countries wanted and the African countries appreciate and are grateful to China for lending a helping hand when their evil colonial masters turned them away to rot and die by not helping and not willing to lend them the funds they needed.

White lies are white lies and only the stupid would believe in them.

China has been in Africa and in Central Asia for decades and there is peace in these countries. Look at the countries where the Americans are there, peace or at war or at various stages of war? Who is the real trouble maker?

Sri Lanka, a Buddhist majority country, Christians and Muslims are minorities and living in peace. Why out of the blue the Muslims attacked the Christians? Who would benefit from a destabilized Sri Lanka? Who would want to see Sri Lanka turned into a war zone? China is a big investor in Sri Lanka and would stand to lose if the country is at war. Same as in Venezuela.

If China did not become the white knight in Africa, remove China from Africa, what would happen to Africa? Removing China from Africa means removing the hundreds of billions of dollars China poured into Africa building infrastructures and factories and homes.

The western countries are avoiding Africa like a leech, a disease.
Another mischievous white narrative is that China is attempting to colonise Africa. It is this kind of white lies they are spreading to create fears in the unthinking to smear China. But many sillies would happily parrot it when they open their mouths, especially the banana reporters in Asia.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Until you see it with your own eyes you won’t believe how much has changed in the world. These are not “out of the ordinary Black Swan events” These observations are part of the rapidly changing nature of our world and the nomadic nature of our species.

All observations made in Australia, cultural melting pot of the world.

1 African children speaking to each other in Mandarin.

2 Chinese guys dating/ married to African women

3 Chinese women dating/ married to African men

It takes 2 hands to clap. Whilst the western colonialists made a shit show in Africa, their efforts of plunder and mismanagement were aided by the fact that Africa was so tribal’ corrupt and there was a constant struggle for dominance in the tribes and amongst the tribes. Bothe the blacks and whites fucked up the continent royally.

Fast forward. Now China has pumped in resources and slowly got the fucking place organised. Of course they are ENTITLED to some form of profit or ROI (Return On Investment) The colonialists of history certainly took more than their fair share of profits (plunder) from Africa.

Places like Singapore, Australia, Canada turned out relatively OK because their colonizers were “OK people”, by and large. Africa, not so lucky. They got fucked every which way from areshole to breakfast.

Is China colonizing Africa? Depends on how you interpret the world. To me it’s an irrelevant question.

China is facing HUGE problems as a cuntry. Aging demographics is a big one. Water resources, the devastating effects of Climate Change especially on the Northern Plain wich is the “bread basket”---i.e. where most of their food comes from. Also, despite the record number of billionaires and a surging, upwardly mobile middle class, the majority are still rural poor. China simply CANNOT STOP growing and expanding its influence. If they did, they are FINISHED.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China is in a way a country that started on Year Zero in 1949. It is thus only 70 years in rebuilding itself and is an infant in many areas. It has a long way to go, but doing fine.

imho said...

Plenty of mixed race people like naomi osaka, best for the world.
Every cunty bff and help one another, good for the world.
The white made big mistakes so hopefully chinese will not make same mistakes.
It should never be about profit or growth, its about subtainability aka share share.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Xi Jinping has come out with a policy statement on BRI, that it is about share and common destiny for the good of all humankind. But the slimy West refused to acknowledge the goodness of this vision and kept badmouthing China about suspicion, non transparency, opague deals, bad debts and China wanting to colonise the world.

They still think colonising another country is so easy today? They tried in Vietnam and Korea and failed. They are still trying in Iraq and Syria, but to no success.

China has never colonise any country in SE Asia or Central Asia, let alone Africa. China would not do it and unable to do it. But the West keeps on harping about this white lie to sow discord and mistrust of China.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The banning of Huawei is the first nail in the coffin of the American Empire. Self inflicted injury.

Anonymous said...

In the Africa's continent version of the survival on the Games of Thrones, China will emerge as the winner while the Whites EU & Americuns will be the losing end, which is why these Whites buggers bad mouthing about the rise of China. China's leader President Xi even tell the world about respecting each other cultural heritage & preserving it ( probably China thinking an Asia way of a Unesco alike for Asia), Xi also praise Sinkieland's Sentosa ( maybe he praise the Casino gambling culture of Sinkieland la & wanna his citizens avoid Sentosa for gambling addicts),Thailand Buddist temple in Asian cultures preservation etc.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting to note that for once the Global times the Chinese pro-Gov media recently praised Mr Hsien Loong for a speech he made about China. After that, Ms. Yacob was invited by the Great Mr Xi himself to Beijing. Though she could only as expected, regurgitate some boring useless statements, it is unusual for the President of China to allocate time to waste. Soon I knew why. Our dear Mr Vivian B. last few days literally scolded Donald Trump in Washington to back off and treat adversaries fairly. What a pleasant surprise. Finally Mr Loong appears to be reallocating priorities, and making strong statements.

Anonymous said...

Foreign wild life Chinnaiah Karthik, a 21-year-old from India's national reserves, Imported with open arms and legs, will appear in the High Court on June 3 after being charged with aggravated rape.

According to The Straits Times, quoting Chinese daily Lianhe Wanbao, Chinnaiah allegedly approached a 23-year-old female university student along Turf Club Avenue on May 4, at around 1:30 am.

She reportedly attempted to defend herself, but was overpowered and then attacked.

Referring to court documents and the report, ST said Chinnaiah then allegedly dragged her into a forested area between the Singapore Turf Club and Kranji War Memorial nearby, and raped her there.

Police investigations turned up surveillance footage of the area and managed to identify Chinnaiah.

The police conducted an ambush and arrested Chinnaiah near the dormitory where he stayed the next day.

Chinnaiah was charged in court on May 7.

He faces a jail sentence of eight to 20 years and at least 12 strokes of the cane, if convicted.

Why people who implemented policies to import such criminals, from a country well-known for its talented rapists, are not charged or be made accountable?

Virgo49 said...

At 1.30 am this lady at Turf Club Ave quiet and eerie.???

Inside bungalow houses? Reported don't know jogging or returning home.

Many took the Singapore Crimes free for granted. Cardboard policemen.

Only action after someone got raped. Killed or mugged. Wah credits then goes to them. Indentifying on their cameras.

With all these wildlives by the thousands in, expect more to come.

Waiting for same to happen in my estate.Hopefully some VIP RC grassrots members children or their grandmothers.
Desperate for letting off steam, eighty year olds also don't give chance.

Had enough calling these Cardboard SPF for actions. Must have equal miseries for apathetic Sinkies to suffer the same. Our estate full of cameras but sitting on their arses and only on action after some one pay the price for the crime.

Maybe, they need many departments like the Courts, Prisons and the lashing men to uograde their skills.

Skills Develoment Funds.

Virgo 49 said...

Apology out of Topic

Reports of fake news that JT and now HSK of scams in investing and donations.

Now, Real Tests of their new PROFMA laws into action.

Will they take immediate action as good examples??

Demand or prosecute those who test their newly enforced Laws.


UG said...

Too late. Already kena rape. Never mind. Only one university student. We go many more. Who cares. Make sure my family salary is not peanuts can liao. Cambridge O Level can throw away. Huh? Vivian scold Trump? China best friend with Africa? LKY and Old Guards transform Singapore? I am luffing at old leaders.

Too late. Kena rape. Life destroy. Thought scholar will execute everything at 100% rate according to the salary compare to other country. Doctor also KPKB eat rice expensive. Woo hoo. So funny leh. I am luffing at old leaders. Why ah? Because I go army, everyone must like machine leh. Everything must be the same. But you see PAP uniform some suka suka wear this, some suka suka wear that. And $350 dollar still must go Beach Road own self buy zip lock bag leh. Not free hor. How come Yes Guruji $120 pounds can feed for months ah? Where all the money in Singapore? I serve $350 cheap cheap like go jail like that, who will benefit ah? I play monopoly game, built house, built hotel, own railway, own electric company, own water company, go jail, throw dice. Wah kaoz. Which goondu sell our power plant? Never play monopoly game ah?

How come will kena rape? How thought our police must go Ang Moh country training one? No meh? Ang Moh must be lousy la. So small cannot manage. Lan Peh Ang Moh alliance state. Die in 6 smoke bomb. Joke.

UG said...

Too late. Already kena rape. Never mind. Only one university student. We go many more. Who cares. Make sure my family salary is not peanuts can liao. Cambridge O Level can throw away. Huh? Vivian scold Trump? China best friend with Africa? LKY and Old Guards transform Singapore? I am luffing at old leaders.

Too late. Kena rape. Life destroy. Thought scholar will execute everything at 100% rate according to the salary compare to other country. Doctor also KPKB eat rice expensive. Woo hoo. So funny leh. I am luffing at old leaders. Why ah? Because I go army, everyone must like machine leh. Everything must be the same. But you see PAP uniform some suka suka wear this, some suka suka wear that. And $350 dollar still must go Beach Road own self buy zip lock bag leh. Not free hor. How come Yes Guruji $120 pounds can feed for months ah? Where all the money in Singapore? I serve $350 cheap cheap like go jail like that, who will benefit ah? I play monopoly game, build house, build hotel, own railway, own electric company, own water company, go jail, throw dice. Wah kaoz. Which goondu sell our power plant? Never play monopoly game ah?

How come will kena rape? I thought our police must go Ang Moh country training one? No meh? Ang Moh must be lousy la. So small cannot manage. Lan Peh Ang Moh alliance state. Die in 6 smoke bomb. Joke.

Anonymous said...

UG, what if that one woman is your grandma, Mother, Wife, sister or daughter or closed relatives. Very cruel for you to say never mind. I hope u Kena sodomized by one of the wildlife.

Anonymous said...

@anon 6.15pm

Ignore that UG fellow, he/she could be mentally deranged or hv some psycho problem, forget about that fellow as though it's a mirage.

Anonymous said...

China is not colonising any country just because it is building the belt and road and helping with infrastructure developments all over the world.

China is in fact trying to open up markets for what it needs and also what it can sell. Infrastructure developments like rail and roads are the most important aspect of world trade. Moreover, China also knows that trade trespassing through the Straits of Malacca alone is suicidal, if war breaks out. Hence the need to find alternative routes across land.

China is thinking far ahead because it knows depending on trade with the whites alone is suicidal in the long run. History that they experienced themselves at the hands of the whites, and what is the agenda of the US hegemony in the long run, must have given them the impetus to project their soft power to Africa, South America and South Asia.

That judgement has not been wrong so far. The trade war and the US trying to dictate to China to change it's laws or face punishment, and ordering their banks to release sensitive information in their dealings with the North Koreans really shows what a bully the US has now become.

The bullying have now turned to the Germans about the consequences for buying Russian gas and the Germans have given them the middle finger. Germans are indignant for being treated like a US colony. How this will turn out nobody knows, but whites are whites and they are allies after all.