
China's law on death penalties for separatists and secessionists.

 China's law on death penalties for traitors who are diehard separatists or secessionists is long overdue. It should have been implemented years ago. In the 1950s Taiwan was hijacked by the US on the pretext of saving the island from the communist government of the People's Republic of China. It was just plain illegal and illicit interference in China's internal affair.

In 1971 the United Nations Oranization recognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of all China which includes the Island of Taiwan

In 1979 the United States itself recognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of all China which includes the Chinese island of Taiwan and by 2024, One Hundred And Eighty-Two UN member states have similarly done so.

China and Taiwan would have been reunited long ago in the early 1950s had it not been for the illegal and illicit intervention of the Evil Empire of the US in the Chinese civil war. 

The Taiwanese Chinese traitors of the DPP in Taiwan have committed high treason against the motherland and the Chinese nation by treacherously conniving and colluding with the bellicose United States and Japan to try to split Taiwan from the Motherland. The judgement and penalty for high treason for being a national traitor and for betraying the country is the death penalty. The Chinese government of the People's Republic of China has finally and belatedly enacted and pronounced the Death Penalty for all national traitors who are separatists or secessionists who under  the influence and behest of the US and Japan work towards a fake and pseudo independence in which no respectable countries having relations with the PRC of China would recognize.

The PRC pronouncement of the Death Penalty for traitors and national betrayers implies that all the traitors in the Taiwan DPP can be arrested to face judgement. Should any of the DPP traitors goes overseas to any country then it is imperative and obligatory for that country which has relation with China to arrest the criminal traitor and repatriate him or her to China to face summary judgement.

However, there are some Chinese traitors in Taiwan who are separatist and secessionists and who are actually Japanese descendents of former Japanese occupational forces who refused to be repatriated. When the time is up these Japanese criminals should be rounded up and summarily despatched without any   further questions.

Today is 1st July, 2024 and China is celebrating the 103rd Birthday Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The CPC was founded on 1st July. 1921 in a two storey wooden-and brick building in Shanghai where the first CPC National Congress was held. On this 1st July, 2024  and the 103rd Anniversary of the founding of the CPC it would be a good start to begin rounding up all DPP traitors wherever they may be and put them to the gallows or the firing squad. Any Chinese patriot who shoot and kill on sight any DPP traitors or any separatist or secessionist must be handsomely rewarded with national honour. 

Southernglory proudly congratulates the CPC and the PRC on the 103rd Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Long live the CPC and the People's Republic of China for endless milleniums.


Monday, 1st July, 2024



Anonymous said...

Any foreigner be it Anglo-Saxon American, Japanese or others who plan and plot with the Chinese traitors like the DPP moronic clowns in Taiwan must and will be apprenended instantly without fail to face the firing squad.

Anonymous said...

China should be wary of Western embassies and consulates wich are always diabolical nests for hidden sinister spies and saboteurs who always work in secret to recruit local traitors to sabotage and undermine China's safety and security. Such foreign spies and saboteurs when caught should either face life inprisonment or the death penalty.

Chen De Ming, a proud overseas Chinese from Hawaii.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Chen De Ming.

Anonymous said...

The military and police in Taiwan must keep a list of all the traitors and be ready to arrest all of them when the time comes.