
Mickey Mouse Philippines taking on China with Indian missiles. Has China learnt anything?

 The tension in the South China Sea has heated up. The Mickey Mouse Pinoys continued to provoke the Chinese by sending their Special Forces in rubber dinghies, armed with automatic rifles, to trespass Chinese island at Ren'ai Jiao in a pre dawn raid. The Chinese PLA Navy were there waiting for them and intercepted the dinghies, disarmed the Special Forces and sending them back where they came from. One of the Special Forces had his thumb severed, not sure how he did it.

Mickey Marcos has earlier threatened to go war with China if one of the Pinoy provocateurs is killed. Now one is wounded. And Marcos is pointing his 36 Brahmos missiles, recently bought from the strongest military power in Asia, at China. He is going to burn China. China must be shivering in fear.

China is now in great trouble with the fiercest Mickey Mouse of Asean and the biggest military power in Asia joining forces to attack China. And there is also the evil American Empire, the barbaric Japanese ex empire builder, and ex colonial power, the Dutch, and Butch Canada with their warships in the region. Mickey Marcos can now thump his chest with the fullest confidence to threaten China with his world best Brahmos Indian missiles, all 36 of them. China's 1 million missiles will be no match to the powerful Brahmos missiles.

China is now in deep trouble. And disarming the Pinoy Special Forces would make Mickey Marcos more determined to go to war with China. A new version of the Ukraine War is in the making, and so is the making of an Asean Zelensky.

Oops, oops, the American and the flotilla of Japan and European warships were no where to be found. And the Americans quietly told the Mickey Marcos that they would not be involved militarily against the PLA Navy, and don't invoke the American Pinoy Treaty. Faced with this set back, Marcos started to change his tune, saying the Pinoys would not want a war with China and calling for talks. 

What happened, no more gungho? Fire the Brahmos and see what happens. For the moment, no more provocations in the South China Sea. 

China has learnt its lesson. If it behaves like Ah Q, everyone would take pot shot at China, even little clowns and Mickey Mouse. Hope China remembers this and stop behaving like Ah Q for its own good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mickey Marcos's face cannot be more red than ever after this latest incident. He thought he could become another Zelensky and be the face on every western media, and invited everywhere to beg for money and be given, if he could provoke and taunt China into a fight.

Unfortunately, the Americans' intent is just to use the Pinoys as a tool to agitate China for publicity. Period. The Americans would not go to war with China. They can't. They would lose. All the American warships in the area would be sunk. The Americans know this.

But silly Mickey Marcos did not. He must be thinking that a hot war with the Americans fighting in the front line, the Pinoys hiding behind, would be enough for him to declare martial law in the Philippines, like his father did, and he will be entrenched as the President for as long as he is alive. No need to end after one term. Can also lock up all the Dutertes and his political enemies, like his father did.

No way would the Americans be willing to fight a war and die for a few reefs in the South China Sea and in a war they cannot win. It would be very different if the Pinoys were taking on another small Asean state. The defence treaty would be activated immediately as it would be a case of the Americans wielding its big stick against helpless little states that cannot fight back.

China is not a small hapless state and carries an equally big stick. And no way can the Americans fight and win in China's courtyard. Period.

China will not restrain itself anymore. Silly antics and provocations by the Pinoys would mean ouch, ouch, ouch. It is about time that China drags the piece of rusty sheet metal from its island. Oooh, the Pinoys called it a warship!