
Some pics from Kuching

A night stroll at their esplanade by the river

Our contingent for the Opening Ceremony. We won the best contingent prize.

Getting ready for the Opening Ceremony

The countries represented, 28 countries in all

Our beautiful escort for the contingent

Getting ready for the 100m heats. I got into the final and came in fourth. Think we can get a medal for the 4x100m relay.

The M70 and M75 masters


Anonymous said...

Congratulations for being the best contingent! Also for the 4th position.

The M70 and above masters look very fit and healthy!

Keep up the good works. Jia Yew! Hope you win the 4x100 metres.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ young ah puis, take note

These pics should be a source of motivation to the too many young Ah Puis we have in oh-so-rich Singapore. They play too many video games, never move their bodies and eat too much junk food.

Man, even the young gals are getting fatter now. This is bad. Trust me, I live in Australia, one of the fattest cuntries (25+% Ah Pui)

SAF's IPPT should double down and tekan these fuckers...but more importantly, they should self-govern themselves to remain fit their entire lives.

Health is our #1 Asset. If the "capital" in this asset is impaired, it is all downhill from then on!

Go Masters! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Anonymous said...

Rb how come the SIA girls very Lau leh. Are they SIA retirees?


Virgo 49 said...

Nothing good comes out from this RETARD's mouth.

You think you don't grow old? Some don't even have chance to grow old.

Maybe look more shiak than them with your mind only on $$$$$$$$!

Anonymous said...

Relax lar


Anonymous said...

They are masters athletes, not SIA gals.
