
Singapore unable to guard its longkangs

We have the most powerful armed forces in the region, the most powerful air force, the most power navy, but we cannot protect our islands from being invaded and occupied by 2m foreigners. Actually we invited them, oops, not we, the govt invited them to occupy our little piece of rock, so short of land even for our Singaporeans to live comfortably and cheaply. We are running out of space and the severe consequence is that we have to pay sky high prices for our homes, even to the tune of millions for 99 year lease govt flats. And some desperadoes are insisting that we should build a nuclear plant in the island to provide for the additional power for more people. And the govt is not stopping this silliness and wanted to invite more foreigners here, to raise property prices and prices of everything.

Now, where am I? Oh, our most powerful armed forces, paid with a very huge budget to protect and defend our islands from being invaded by foreigners. See the irony? No? You are forgiven because self claimed super talents, aka unthinking idiots, also cannot see the irony.

Now the latest, no, I am not talking about protecting our private and personal data, I am talking about protecting our little longkangs. This we also failed miserably. Despite having the most powerful navy, with submarines and state of the art warships, we cannot keep our longkangs safe. OK, if you still did not get it, the longkangs are our little teeny weeny Strait of Singapore, squeezed between our islands and Indonesian island,not more than 10km wide and 50km long, that's all.

It has been reported that this year alone, before the year 2019 is out, there were 29 pirate attacks on ships in our supposedly very safe and well protected and patrolled strait. Is was our responsibility to protect them in our territorial waters. This is more than 2 cases a month. We are one of the biggest ports of call, thousands of ships have to pass through our strategic strait and we cannot keep it safe. And the pirates are not highly armed military forces but kuching kurap robbers armed with knives and parangs. And our sophisticated multi million dollars navy could not deal with them.

How are they going to defend our islands under an attack by a military force if they could not fend off attacks by little pirates? Actually this is a non issue. We do not need to protect islands from foreign invaders. We invited them in, we welcomed them to occupy our little piece of rock, to steal our jobs, to steal our lunches, to replace us and our children.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Not only tat, Sinkieland got some unsolved problems yet the leeder took leave to solve a unsolved maths problem, probably to him lokangs Sinkies problems r not challenging enough only by solving the unsolved maths problem then him proclaim mettle of a solved mystery, all the rest problems r juz so minute to him lah.

Virgo 49 said...

Sinkieland pressing economic issues with thousands gonna roam the streets and yet coming Parliament sitting, under one AMK MP bringing up issued like having Cats in HDB housings.

All seemed non chalant in these bread and butter issues.

Think they already had their millions in their banks or kitties and these will not affect their liviehoods.

Also, Cock sure that the 70percent Dafts will surely vote them again.

Virgo 49 said...

Anybody read of the Indian National WHO protested at Marina Bay of his India's Citizenships Law?

Any Sinkies protest against our Migration of the Influx of Foreigners into Sinkieland on the White Paper except the few hundreds in the rain at the HLP.

Many daft Sinkies still laughed at us FOOLs.

Your rewards of acceptance will be very soon.

Your children and grandchildren shall be the collateral damages.

Anonymous said...

Singapore - a land of opportunity for true blue Singaporeans and also for all FTs for foreign land. FTs are here to create jobs and provide expertise and knowledge for Singaporeans. If true - why not? CECA is not bad in principle but if not controlled properly could lead to imbalance and disadvantage for Singapore. Let's hope for the best outcome.

Anonymous said...

《FTs are here to create jobs and provide expertise and knowledge for Singaporeans. If true - why not? 》

Where is the evidence that CECA Indians are here to provide knowledge and expertise for Singaporeans?

Hope your daughter gets raped by a CECA Indian.

Anonymous said...

<< Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India.>>

<< Rape cases against internationals have led several countries to issue travel advisories that "women travellers should exercise caution when travelling in India even if they are travelling in a group >>


Anonymous said...

What will happen if CECA Indians start driving Grab taxis?

If PAP Ministers' daughters get raped, then how?

imho said...

Sinkies gov invested so much in china and india..
so if they prosper, sinkies gov also prosper ..
so if they not doing ok, sinkies gov also not doing ok..
whether sinkies gov will share profits with sinkies is another question
but be very certain that they will share the loss.

Anonymous said...

And the pirates are not highly armed military forces but kuching kurap robbers armed with knives and parangs. And our sophisticated multi million dollars navy could not deal with them.

But will this make the PAP lose the coming election?

If not, so what, I mean to PAP?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1026am,

>>>What will happen if CECA Indians start driving Grab taxis?<<<

That should be the norm.

In all other developed cities in the world, the immigrants & new citizens are the ones driving taxis / private hire cars. Their true blue citizens hold onto the good paying jobs, 9-to-5 5-day week, 4-week annual paid holidays, company medical benefits, company co-payment into retirement funds.

But in SG it is the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Also, Cock sure that the 70percent Dafts will surely vote them again.
Virgo 49 9:07 am

Of course cock sure lah, when the Sinkie opposition is not united and ready to take over as govt.

WP MP Low Thia Khiang had already said majority Sinkies are very scared they may accidentally vote the PAP out of govt because the Sinkie opposition is not ready to take over as govt.

When an old bird MP like Low Thia Khiang said this, you better listen carefully.

Anonymous said...

We invited them in, we welcomed them to occupy our little piece of rock, to steal our jobs, to steal our lunches, to replace us and our children.

Because a lot of smart Sinkies and their children have left Sinkieland lah. Hence not enough Sinkies left behind to make the GDP grow, even if it is only 1 % GDP growth.

So PAP have no choice but to replace these Sinkies who left with foreign and CECA talents lah.

Not to replace will be even worse for Sinkieland, so for PAP, it is the choice between the lesser of 2 evils.

Just as majority Sinkies voted PAP for being the lesser evil as compared to the Sinkie opposition.

Anonymous said...

@ 11.35am

< ... majority Sinkies are very scared they may accidentally vote the PAP out of govt because the Sinkie opposition is not ready to take over as govt.>


Majority Sinkies are now very scared they may accidentally vote PAP into govt again because the 4G PAP is not ready to take over as govt.

Anonymous said...

@ 11.15am
《Sinkies gov invested so much in china and india..
so if they prosper, sinkies gov also prosper ..》


Anonymous said...

@ 11.48am
"So PAP have no choice but to replace these Sinkies who left with foreign and CECA talents lah."

So SINKIES also have no choice but to replace the PAP with OPPOSITION talents lah."

Anonymous said...

Hi all

I was very very very very very very very very proud to be a Singaporean many many many many many many many many years ago under our pioneer leaders.......

Now......haahah Hahahahahaha haha Hahahahahaha haha Hahahahahaha haha **#£&@*"!! Hahahahahaha haha Hahahahahaha #@&£+?*"£&!!!!

Anonymous said...

PAP Government unable to guard the Singapore Straits from pirates.

If this is true, do you think the PAP government can protect the Singapore reserves from mis-management by GIC and Temasek?

Anonymous said...


No point no point lah!

Sg is already like that liao loong loong loong loong loong loong loong time ago lah!

What can you do? You know I know wah.....the masses will DIE DIE DIE DIE die die die die vote for pap no matter what and under ANY ALL conditions!

Said many many many many many many many many times before at most the masses will only TCSSssssssssss and kpkbssssssssss when they are not happy! But when come to voting....still pap! Correct?

Actually sg no need any GE! Waste time and resources.

What pap% at next GE will be very very very very very very very very shocking to many many many many many many many many.

You got the answer!

Anonymous said...

Hi 255pm

Please please please don't be so angry lah! Small matters small matters!

It is really Very very very very very very very very good that you are still very very very very very very very very optimistic about changes after next GE! Is ok! is ok! Great! Great!

Anonymous said...

"We invited them in, we welcomed them to occupy our little piece of rock, to steal our jobs, to steal our lunches, to replace us and our children." ~ RB

We not only invited them in. We also purposely and deliberately signed a legally binding International Contract called CECA (or Complacently Executed Contract of Assholes).

In addition, the idiots also paid for some of them to stay and study free of charge in the form of scholarships, with pocket money to spend and tuition teachers to guide them. All paid for by Singapore Taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:15pm,

///If this is true, do you think the PAP government can protect the Singapore reserves from mis-management by GIC and Temasek?///

GIC has used S$1B of CPF funds to co-invest with British Land for their FANTASTIC Broadgate integrated development.

Broadgate campus -- pulling in 140M pounds rental per annum on 99% occupancy rate & average long rental leases of almost 8 years.

BTW, with Brexit uncertainty tapering off (even a confirmed no-deal Brexit is better than unknown in-limbo Brexit), prime UK property & London financial assets have found their base & started to climb back up.

BTW2, Brit Land share price is super-undervalued (over 30++% undervalued) & in the process of recovering to fair value. Plus you get paid 5+% dividends while waiting. It's at the most undervalued in almost 20 years. It's like buying SG property during 2003 SARS.

They've also increased their dividends every year for the past 10 years.

By waiting for a crisis (Brexit) & waiting till the crisis is about (but not quite) over, we can actually make a much better investment into British Land than GIC!!!! LOL!!!!!


Iron Bowl said...

Bukit Batok fire, you can see town council start pushing blame.

highly paid people but take 0 responsibility. This is Singapore, which I have no faith that they can handle crisis. They will just use POFMA if something bad go wrong.

Virgo 49 said...

Hi Iron Bowl

This is the Scenario of the same with Sinkies Managers and their Management.

Same products. Most just played the BLAME game. Sinkies Managers just knew that their salaries and CPF's contributions are been credited monthly without fail to their respective accounts.Taking responbilities? Not on their lives.

Poor fallmen and women, their subordinates have to take the blames.

Any subordinates or those lower than them dared to confront their blunders will be chopped off ASAP.

They will jelled and cahoot with their higher ups..most top management will prefer to lose their juniors rather than their useless key people.

For they themselves also want to leave the mundane management to their middle idiots so that they will also enjoyed their blissful cosy lives.

Anonymous said...

No need to wait grandkids, kids already kena lar

Anonymous said...

Knn u mad or crazy or what


Anonymous said...

Ya I agreed with u lar. U go sodomize him to wake him up lar

Anonymous said...

Knn your facts correct or not? If not I follow then lost money then how? Sodomize u also wont bring my money back

Anonymous said...

U sodomising king is it?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Anon 1026am,

>>>What will happen if CECA Indians start driving Grab taxis?<<<

That should be the norm.

You really think this is a good thing? Imagine our taxi drivers are all CECA Indians? You want your wife, your daughter, your girl friend to take taxis? I fear for your grandmother oso.

Anonymous said...

@ 9.46om

What's worse than all taxi drivers being CECA Indians?

PAP people being in charge of CPF, Temasek and GIC. We can kiss goodbye to all our money.

Anonymous said...

Be it land or c,if one is not responsible of his action,

He is lawless!

Anonymous said...

Total number of pirates in Singapore Staits harrassing the inbound and outbound ships to Singapore's port is now 30 for 2019.

Just two days after The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP ISC) issued an alert about two pirating incidents in the Singapore Strait, yet another incident occurred on Christmas Day.

On 25 December, a tanker named Stena Immortal, underway in the eastbound lane of The Singapore Strait and bound for port Singapore, was boarded by pirates. Crew members spotted six unarmed people in the engine room at around 12.28 am, leading the chief engineer to alert the master. The alarm was activated and the six perpetrators escaped empty-handed in an unidentified small boat.

Nothing was stolen and the crew were fortunately uninjured as there was no confrontation with the perpetrators.

The incident was reported to the Singapore Vessel Traffic Information System. The Singapore Navy and Coast Guard, as well as the Indonesian authorities, were notified.

With this latest report, the 2019 total number of such incidents in the Singapore Strait in 2019 is up to 30, 15 involved ships in the westbound lane, while the 15 were in the eastbound lane of the Singapore Strait. In the last quarter of 2019 alone, there were 13 incidents, including this latest one. Three of those incidents occurred within five days of each other between 23 to 27 November.

Virgo 49 said...

My oh my!

Just have a glance of the ST today and saw that the piracies occured on the route between Singapore and Bintan.

Today, going on board Genting Dream from Sun to Bintan.

Wow, that's the most piracies occurred.

Hopefully the Sinkies Navies, Coast Guards and the Indon ones are patrolling this area.

Or else don't know what's the scenario will be with thousands of people on board as hostages.

Hope for the Best


Anonymous said...

What faith can the People have when they were not able to deal with simple little riot and piracy ?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ kepala butoh thinking

Our brave and excellently trained men and women of the SAF defend us against illegal foreign incursions by motherfuckers who think they can attack Singapore.

Foreign workers from shit kickers to high flying execs are here LEGALLY under the framework of LEGAL government policy.

Fuck you and your cum stained brain for not knowing the difference.

No wonder Baby Jesus is crying. In a few months we'll have to kill him so your sins can be forgiven! 🤓🤣

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

People like Matilah would not know the difference between a country taken over by foreigners or invaded by foreigners.

Future historians would have a lot to write about a Singapore that was once prosperous but run down into a slum country after invaded by foreigners, brought in legally by the silly immigration policies and CECA.

Would the idiots be called traitors or heroes by the new slum owners?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ comprehension

Sometimes I think it's compassionate to give Redbean a pass since he writes like English is his 2nd language and therefore has a few holes in how the language actually works.

Apparently he has great problems with the understanding of the word and meaning of "invasion", and distinguishing between legitimate immigration and unlawful interloping and incursion.

I would suggest a course in REMEDIAL English, but I don't actually think it would make a difference.

I believe Redbean suffers from SBS, Stuck Brain Syndrome. 😜