
Nuclear option - Desperation or suicidal tendency?

So much efforts and resources are required to put out one single fire in one single building! How much more efforts and resources will be required in a war where Singapore is bombarded with all sorts of bombs from the air and from long-range ground artillery weapons and missiles?

What about the idea floating around, as test balloons, to build a NUCLEAR Power plant in Singapore? (An indication of the suicidal tendency of some cancerous cells working very hard in someone's brain?)
December 11, 2019 7:02 pm

The above is posted by Frog Outside Glass in his comments on the fire in Tuas yesterday. He said '
It took about 130 Fire-fighters and 34 Emergency Vehicles to put out the fire after 6 hours.' This is how big the effort was to bring down a fire of a factory. If it were a fire in a nuclear station, what would happen? There have been a few nuclear accidents that resulted in the closing down of the area around the nuclear station that were many times bigger than this island, ie, when there is a nuclear disaster in Singapore, if we are brave or foolish enough to play with it, there is no where to run.

Singapore has a lot of very brave men and women that are still toying with the idea that we should and could have a nuclear station in the future. Maybe too much money have been spent in this project and disbanding the organisation and staff is too costly and very wasteful and maybe a lost of pride for making such a failed decision. Maybe it is desperation for want of a better reason that die die must have a nuclear station. Or maybe as suggested by Frog Outside Glass, these people have a suicidal tendency, not the people in the island. Or maybe they think they could scoot off first before the disaster and feel very safe to risk the life of all the people in the island.

Whatever, human problem cannot be avoided. Whatever can go wrong would go wrong. But when people are too clever, think they are too clever, they will throw caution to the wind.  When successful in their life time, no accident, they will claim glory for themselves. When disaster happens, they would not be around to answer them.

What do you think? A good and clever idea to have a nuclear station in this piece of rock? Why would we need such a power source? Why are we so desperate for it? Why? Because some idiots wanted to squeeze 10m, 20m people on this island? Is this necessary?


Virgo49 said...

Self proclaimed SMART beans will self destruct their own.

SMART NATION- another company's Data Lost again.

Sinkies thought that they are one the World of the smartest beans but actually living in self delusion smugness.

When the BUBBLE bursts, this would be the Demise of Sinkieland.

Soon, very soon.

Luckily, have a Sanctuary in Matland.


Anonymous said...

A vote for PAP is a vote for nuclear power.

Is it true?
PAP = Pro nuclear power party.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ nuclear is great

I support the idea of nuclear power for Singapore, and so do many other Singaporeans.

But it is not the opponents of nuclear energy who'll determine the fate of Singapore's nuclear energy future.

I can't see Indonesia or Malaysia supporting this idea. They will be very much against it.

By the same token if Indonesia or Malaysia decided to pursue nuclear energy, how do you think Singaporeans will respond? ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Can you imagine those corrupt fuckers building nuclear reactors and being so slack in the maintenance?

So my position: nuclear for Singapore YES
Nuclear for Indonesia & Malaysia FUCK NO!

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

Matilah talking with the brain of a primary school boy.

jjgg said...

Don't insult the primary school boy

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

My apologies to the school boys.

Anonymous said...

@ matilah

What's the evidence to support your pro-nuclear power view-point?

How will nuclear power benefit Singapore?

Anonymous said...

A good and clever idea to have a nuclear station in this piece of rock?

Why not, if smart majority Sinkies think it is a good and clever idea to vote PAP into power again coming election.

And everything PAP do will be a good and clever idea because it is endorsed by majority Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

I think
- the fact that PAP supports nuclear power
- this shows PAP to be dangerously deluded and out-of-touch with reality.

Anonymous said...

The world is over-supplied with oil and natural gas.
- the prices of oil and gas is crashing to new lows.

Why would anyone want to build a nuclear power station in Singapore? .... unless the person is seriously mad or is from PAP (same, same).

Anonymous said...

Why not, if smart majority Sinkies think it is a good and clever idea to vote PAP into power again coming election.
10:22 am

It's a stupid idea to vote PAP into power again coming election.

BUT, it is a even more stupid idea to vote SDP leader Chee Soon Juan to become an MP in coming election.


Because SDP, and for that matter any other opposition parties, is not ready to be govt.

And if they are not ready to be govt, where got power to do good things for Sinkies, u tell me lah?

So without power, all the good things they say they will do for Sinkies is TCSS, correct or not?

And so it is a very stupid idea to vote TCSS politicians into power, even more stupid idea than to vote PAP again into power.

Anonymous said...

What can you not expect from a leader who suffers from cancer twice in a row? The self-destruct cancer cells permeate his body and heart and BRAIN.

Somemore different types of cancer.

Somemore, desperately clinging on to power based upon father's name, fame and fortune?

The signs are already there is the signing of the unfair CECA, the real cancer that will ultimately destroy Singapore!

Anonymous said...

Nuclear accidents have occurred in advance countries like:
- America
- Russia
- Japan
- France

If nuclear scientists and engineers from these countries could not prevent nuclear accidents from happening ... what makes you think PAP-linked nuclear engineers/scientists can successfully run a nuclear power plant in Singapore?

Anonymous said...

Fossil fuel will be less abundant in the future. Global warming is poisoning the earth. Nuclear energy is a far cleaner way of energy production. Why not for Singapore? There are countless nuclear plants around the planet, why not one in Singapore? If Singapore has to be competitive then Singapore must go nuclear or be left behind. The population of Singapore will grow and Singapore will become a first world global city, nuclear power is the only way to go. Period!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone want to build a nuclear power station in Singapore? .... unless the person is seriously mad or is from PAP (same, same).
10:30 am

PAP is mad???

Then how about those who voted for mad PAP?

Anonymous said...

If nuclear scientists and engineers from these countries could not prevent nuclear accidents from happening ... what makes you think PAP-linked nuclear engineers/scientists can successfully run a nuclear power plant in Singapore?
10:36 am

If not successfully run, then PAP can run road lah.

Sinkies die their business, if they cannot run road. This one u should know by now, if u are smart.

Anonymous said...

70% of Singaporeans are equally mad and deluded
10:42 am

If the 70% have lots of money and good life, they are not mad even if they voted for mad PAP.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ cheap cheap

What are the benefits of nuclear power?

#1 cheap energy.

#2 energy diversification.

#3 more energy without growing the carbon footprint

#1 is obvious, since we're getting a larger population, gotta bring those energy costs down by using nuclear.

#Diversification: should have more than one source of energy so have a mix of fossil fuels, renewables like solar, and nuclear. This kind of redundancy ensures RELIABLE SUPPLY

# Carbon footprint: if we have a 9-10 million souls population, using fossil fuels with increase our carbon footprint immensely. So we need solar and nuclear, and whatever renewable near-zero / carbon neutral tech to sustain our growing energy needs.

The richer a society grows, the more energy it will consume. The more energy a rich society consumes, the richer that society becomes.


psst... already decided lah ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿป๐Ÿค“

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Mr Chan says: diversify lah kotek! ๐Ÿ˜œ


You all better listen to Mr Chan.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

Why not for Singapore? There are countless nuclear plants around the planet, why not one in Singapore? If Singapore has to be competitive then Singapore must go nuclear or be left behind. The population of Singapore will grow and Singapore will become a first world global city, nuclear power is the only way to go. Period!!!!
December 14, 2019 10:36 am

What we can control is to build or not to build nuclear plants.

What we can control is to increase or not to increase our population.

What we cannot control is nuclear accident.

What we cannot do is a place far enough to run for safety if there is a nuclear accident. We don't have the space for safety like other big country.

Are these difficult to understand? Only desperadoes would go against these options laid bare to us. Do we need to have nuclear power? Do we need to grow our population madly?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1105

I can rest assure you that I am THE WORST role model in the world and I will undoubtedly be an absolute failure as a PAP Minister.๐Ÿ˜œ Singapore will die if I'm handed The Power! I guarantee it ๐Ÿ’ฅ☠️⚰️

I've live my life free and open...I do stuff other people don't approve of but I just ignore those fucks who will die one day and regret they didn't "push the limit" in LIVING when they had the chance. As a result, I tell everyone that I'm a poor role model for their children ๐Ÿค“

Singapore is embarking on Nation Building. At the moment it's a little subdued due to uncertainties in the wobbly global economy. But as you will be aware, markets and economies go up then down, then more down, crash and burn...and then they recover slowly, then suddenly SHOOT TO THE MOON and everyone is rich and happy again.

Wait lah. You will see Singapore's Nation Building go BONKERS when the global economy turns around.

Mark my words.

Anonymous said...

What we cannot do is a place far enough to run for safety if there is a nuclear accident. We don't have the space for safety like other big country.
RB 11:13 am

Uncle RB, I think u worry too much lah.

This type of thing, wait for nuclear accident then say lah.

Wait for tsunami to hit and sink Singapore then say lah.

Wait for PAP to be voted out then say lah.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is embarking on Nation Building. At the moment it's a little subdued due to uncertainties in the wobbly global economy. But as you will be aware, markets and economies go up then down, then more down, crash and burn...and then they recover slowly, then suddenly SHOOT TO THE MOON and everyone is rich and happy again.

Wait lah. You will see Singapore's Nation Building go BONKERS when the global economy turns around.

Mark my words.
Matilah 11:21 am

Hahahaha Matilah, now u r also like the 70% who voted PAP.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

>> What we cannot control is nuclear accident. <<

Of course you can control accidents.... not 100% (no such thing lah), but you "control" like you control car or airline safety. By using science and maths lah.

Also "accidents" vary in magnitude. Sometimes you get a car crash which kills everyone, most of the time you don't (because modern vehicles are SAFER than the ones in the past). Air travel is safer too. In fact (statistical), FLYING is safer than DRIVING ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Fukushima: convergences of HUMAN ERROR and BAD LUCK caused it to happen. And yet, as bad as it was, it's cleaned up now. Business as usual lah. So even if the accident is "bad", chance are it won't kill all of us and using our intelligence we fix the problem and (hopefully) learn the lessons.

PS. I don't vote. So I'm not too blame. You vote, them you're to blame. ๐Ÿ˜

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ December 14, 2019 10:36 am

《Fossil fuel will be less abundant in the future.》
--> This is just a PAP-type assertion.

《Nuclear energy is a far cleaner way of energy production. 》

- this is just a PAP type assertion

《If Singapore has to be competitive then Singapore must go nuclear or be left behind.》
- another PAP type of meaningless assertion
- Singapore is already the most competitive economy in the world by most measurements ... and this was achieved without nuclear power

《The population of Singapore will grow and Singapore will become a first world global city, nuclear power is the only way to go.》

- another meaningless PAP type of assertion
- where is the evidence to support this claim?

Anonymous said...

High time for Singaporeans to rally for the Abolishment of National Service aka Conscription.
Sin is occupied by imported aliens and
secondly, foot soldiers are outdated.
ln fact, army is use to quell uprising by rogue regime than to defend the Country. As a defence force, foot soldier is practically sitting duck.
Nuclear Power for energy supply is not needed if population is kept low at about 6 million.
having nuclear arms base abroad is vital for National Defence. lt shall be a great deterrence against aggression.
is no need for
National Service in Sin.

Anonymous said...

Don't look for troubles!

If eat full toooooooooo free, please go and wash charcoal!


Anonymous said...

A vote for PAP is a vote to self-destruction like a nuclear mishap.

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

I can rest assure you that I am THE WORST role model in the world and I will undoubtedly be an absolute failure as a PAP Minister.๐Ÿ˜œ Singapore will die if I'm handed The Power! I guarantee it ๐Ÿ’ฅ☠️⚰️

I've live my life free and open...I do stuff other people don't approve of but I just ignore those fucks who will die one day and regret they didn't "push the limit" in LIVING when they had the chance. As a result, I tell everyone that I'm a poor role model for their children ๐Ÿค“

The above is written by Matilah. Notice the 'I' and the 'I' and 'I'?

This is a man without a country, without a home, without a family, without children. He lives for himself and no one else. He dies that is the end. He does not need to care or worry about tomorrow or another one else.Thus his philosophy for living is about 'I'.

I who have nothing.

jjgg said...

Matilah.. probably schooled a bit.. probably retired from civil service.. probably frequent user of search engines.. probably budget traveler.. probably dying to name drop of his "connections ".. and undoubtedly a BS artist... seen a lot of u guys

Anonymous said...

Uncle RB u r a spot on, juz ignore that Matilar fellow, leave him alone lah, he juz wanto attract attention to distract people on tis blog la.

Anonymous said...

Die die.....die lah! So what?

N plant die...no N plant also die!

So....Sama Sama lah!


Anonymous said...

Like it or not, nuclear plants will come to Singapore. Matilah hope there will be more than one. That is good and IMHO Singapore could do with more than one nuclear plant. Why not? Singapore need to be the first in everything, so having the first nuclear plant in this region is a must. Whether you like it or not, population of Singapore will grow and because Singaporean cannot produce babies, the increase in population will have to be from importation. After all. Singapore is a place for all to come seeking fortune and a better life. True blue Singaporeans will become a rarity, and that is not a bad thing either. Only just to stop people who are small minded to claim that just because they are born here they have more rights than others. Relax, and share all the good things this little island can offer.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ December 14, 2019 2:08 pm

《Like it or not, nuclear plants will come to Singapore.》

Nuclear plants will come to Singapore only if we vote PAP.

If we vote Oppo, PAP will not dare to bring in nuclear plants.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ December 14, 2019 2:08 pm

《Singapore need to be the first in everything, so having the first nuclear plant in this region is a must.》

- You are the only one who is saying that Singapore must be the first in everything

- where is the EVIDENCE that says "Singapore must be the first in everything"?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ December 14, 2019 2:08 pm

《Whether you like it or not, population of Singapore will grow and because Singaporean cannot produce babies, the increase in population will have to be from importation.》

- we will only import more CECA Indians if we continue to vote PAP.
- if we vote Oppo, the import of CECA Indians will stop.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ December 14, 2019 2:08 pm

《After all. Singapore is a place for all to come seeking fortune and a better life. 》

- Singapore is a PAP company only if Singaporeans continue to vote PAP.

- If Singaporeans vote Oppo, then Singapore will belong to Singaporeans.
- Singapore will stop belonging to PAP and PAP's CECA Indians.

Anonymous said...

Hi 234pm+246pm.....no use lah...as I had said many many many times before, the masses will DIE DIE DIE DIE die die die die vote for pap under ANY ALL conditions, even when they are Very very very very siong!

This is Sg! You don't know meh? Wake up! Wake up!

Anonymous said...

I refuse to give up.

It's the 70% who needs to wake up.
Not me.

Anonymous said...

Hi December 14, 2019 3:08 pm

Whether you like it or not, the 70% will kwai kwai vote in the PAP. Maybe it will be 80%. Your one vote and the votes of the 30% will not change anything. Singapore needs the professionals from India, China and all the Asian countries. To stay competitive Singapore needs talents from all countries around the world. Mark my words, the next GE will show that the PAP government has satisfied the majority of Singaporeans, of course, with the exception of those who come to join RB and KPKB.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ December 14, 2019 3:24 pm

《Your one vote and the votes of the 30% will not change anything. Singapore needs the professionals from India, China and all the Asian countries. To stay competitive Singapore needs talents from all countries around the world. 》

Spoken like a typical PAP Liar.

Where is the EVIDENCE to support your wild claims that Singapore needs professionals from overseas?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous @ December 14, 2019 3:24 pm

《Your one vote and the votes of the 30% will not change anything.》

I have one vote.
I hate PAP.
I will vote Oppo.
And this makes me feel good.

Even if Oppo does not win.
Never mind.
I will kwai, kwai vote Oppo every single time.

Anonymous said...


It is really really really really tough to be in the opposition in Sg.

Not easy! Must salute them!

Anonymous said...

Two Indian Nationals Jailed For Molesting Female Passengers On A Bus


PAP's CECA Indians again.

Protect your daughters.
Vote Oppo and keep your daughters safe.

FACTS vs CONjectures said...

All the talks about Singapore needing foreign professionals in order to compete is the GREATEST LIE ON EARTH!

The FACT remains that with only 1.5 million people in 1965, when Singapore became Independence, Lee Kuan Yew, the father of the present Prime Minister of Singapore, was able to develop Singapore from 3rd World to 1st World. Moreover, most of the 1.5 million people were uneducated and with low skills, and the unenlightened rate was more than two times of the present unemployment rate, and income tax was very low, without GST, ERP, COE, etc.

How come LKY could do it without increasing the population? In fact, he was reducing the birth rate in order to control population growth.

How come LKY could develope Singapore so well without the need for foreign professionals.

Any argument that claim that times have changed is merely trying to avoid the fact that the present PM and Cabinet are not as good as LKY and his Cabinet Ministers, who were not distracted by the $million salary!

Anonymous said...

You are a dirty, lying PAP dog.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 110

No, I don't need to "name drop connections", and I won't be because it just won't be right.

Have you ever considered that my name could be the one being name dropped by my friends and associates? ๐Ÿค“
No, you didn't think of that possibility did you.

@ RB

Yes, I can be quite self centred. So what?

One thing I'm absolutely certain of however, I thank baby Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Krishna, Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, Batman & Superman....

...that I am not YOU. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Virgo 49 said...


Has the PAP Government been been diversifying all these last thirty to forty Years.?

Still the same servile service sectors. Only good in building mammoth landscapes that are only good to look at.

Can these filled your stomaches when your economy tanked?

What's farking innovations that you have except made popiah?

All complacent and on auto pilot taking for granted that all is well.

Doomed to be overtaken MOT.

Knn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bro u wanted to be invited to lim kopi then kena detained and sodomized by tuakee is it?

Anonymous said...

You are quite sick in the mind and need medical attention. Do ask matilar to dofomize u to cure your illness

Virgo 49 said...

Nowadays we have a Society of Monsters who had no qualms of Saying SO WHAT! NOT your farking business. I am SELF CENTRED SO WHAT?

All these chiap cheng Western influences.

Unlike our good old times where we help one another even in our school work so that our bros and sis dont fall behind.

Nowadays, wrong upbringings. SELFISH Monsters. Let you copy..No way,you be better than me.

This is called farking PROGRESS

Anonymous said...

《This is called farking PROGRESS》

This is called PAP's values.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


You can call it what you want, but IMO it is called Total Conquest and Subjugation of The Entire Population (with the expressed permission of The People themselves, who CONSISTENTLY get the government they deserve)

Here is the evidence

The "hardcore" aspects of LKY's philosophies are not going away anytime soon. Al the cadre have been "imbibed" with the wisdom of our "Wise Yoda", although he's dead and physically gone.

The last sentence in the above quote sums it up: NEVER MIND WHAT THE PEOPLE THINK

Yup, we're getting nuclear power in Singapore. "The People" don't have a say.  They never have and they never will ๐Ÿ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Did anyone toy with the idea of a nuclear powered ship that supplies power to the grid... Just park the huge ship in the new Tuas port or Changi naval base and provide nuclear powered electricity from there.... Any accident take the ship out to the atomic bomb test site in the south pacific and sink it.... Then built another nuclear powered ship.... we can have everything nuclear powered in Singapore... My two cents

Anonymous said...

So clever.

Why don't the advance countries with nuclear power like:
- America
- Russia
- Japan
- France

Why don't the above countries do it?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 2¢ 517

How many nuclear ships have been blown up in their harbour?

Exactly ZERO

Anonymous said...

Is not the aircraft carrier nuclear powered.... nuclear power to generate electricity.... Singapore is small... so build on ship and connect to the grid.... The technology exist... Just the Singapore brain not thinking... always from the book... KNN

Anonymous said...

Where is your evidence that the technology exists to build a nuclear power station on a ship ... to generate electricity for Singapore?

If you cannot provide the evidence, then you must be delusional.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

Did somebody just convinced Ho Ching to invest in a nuclear power plant that sits on board a ship?

Anonymous said...

A nuclear powered aircraft carrier or submarine uses fission power to generate electricity to power the engines like the electric car..... that is what nuclear power is all about.... Sigh... Singaporeans not using the analytical power at all... I just suggested... so Ho Ching or LHL will start thinking.... maybe Iswaran..... WTF... KNN

Anonymous said...

Floating Nuclear Power Plant.
Greatest ldea ever. Better if built kilometres undersea on seabed.vln case of melt-down, the Sea-water shall take care of it. Have some of these Nuclear Power Plants and sell the Power to the Neighbouring Countries to generate profit to keep Sin prosperous for a long time to come.
The Person who made the Suggestion should offer his/her ldea to the Sin Prime Minister and his Wife and be rewarded handsomely.

Anonymous said...

Current nuclear technologies in operation are too risky for Sgp.
A micro nuclear plants which less risky may work for Sgp, but so
far no country seem developing. Sgp should not be guinea pig.

Sgp should persuade our neighbors to develop geothermal instead.