
Sarawak native dancers display the wealth and beauty of their culture


Virgo 49 said...

Wow Mr RB. Beautiful photos and dances.

Must be a good photographer to capture all these movements.

Shown that Men does NOT live on bread alone in their pursuit of WEALTH and more WEALTH.

There's MORE to lifes.


Anonymous said...

Good job, RB.
You are a talented photographer!
Sarawak looks like a good place to retire.

Anonymous said...
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Virgo 49 said...

Who taught them their own prejudices and also negative behaviours that as they grown into adults became just as prejudiced and negative like their adults.

Also, thru their life experiences of meeting with lots of different natures human beans who are good,evils and UGLY in their characters they slowly become one.

Those who mixed with Evils became like them..Good, far and few.

Now, most human beans are materialistic, SELFISH and the environments made them such.

The wrong policies and cooker pressures by the Greedy Lots made them aa such.

Procuring WEALTH on the miseries of others.

Now, many young people suffered from Mental Anguish and problems as created by the unscrupulous and evil beans.

However, the Genetics genes of their natural parents also played an part in their behaviours

Wholesome goody goody parents normally borne also natural goody goody children.

Those with dark evil minds with only profits and WEALTH taking advantage of others will borne the same to perpetuate their kinds.

Anyway, What's go round comes around and they will also be duly rewarded with what's they give to others.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Read what this blogger say about those Sarawak natives.


Anonymous said...

Maybe 70% Singaporeans suffer from "hypocognition".
- the inability to recognize that PAP is not interested in helping Singaporeans to live better lives.

Anonymous said...

Read what this blogger say about those Sarawak natives.
11:50 am

So if these Sarawak natives remain poor and backward in their lives, they only have themselves to blame lah.

Same for the Red Indians of America??

Same for those suffering Sinkie PMETs who lost their jobs to CECA talents and become GRAB drivers??

If so, no wonder PAP can still win big in election, despite these suffering Sinkie PMETs who, luckily for PAP, most likely are a minority and voted for opposition to lose.

Majority Sinkie PMETs are smart and still have good jobs and good life despite CECA and what not foreign talents taking away Sinkie PMET jobs.

Anonymous said...

Majority Sinkie PMETs are smart and still have good jobs and good life despite CECA and what not foreign talents taking away Sinkie PMET jobs.
12:03 pm

U are 101% right.

And don't forget the new citizen PMETs.

This is one reason why PAP manage to win big every election. U know where the votes for PAP r coming from.

Another reason is the Sinkie opposition not being ready to be govt. That is why PAP which is also quite screw up can still manage to win big due to smart Sinkies who are the majority voted for PAP for being the lesser of 2 evils.

Anonymous said...

Be As Good As We Would

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Ugliness is in the mind of the perceiver.
One man's meat is another's poison.
One man's pleasure is another's fearful prison.

One person's wealth derives from others' toil.
The food you eat comes from the Earth's soil.
One person's life derives from parents' hardship.
The efforts of your walk comes from the labour of your hip.

The blood-suckers, like mosquitoes, don't just suck blood,
They also spread diseases like malaria and dengue fever.
The ugly women do not think themselves ugly nor dud.
It's your own mind that harbours ugliness, whatsoever.

If your mind is pure, by nature or determined training,
You only perceive as pure and beautiful in everything.
Even the ugliest of the ugly appears beautiful in your mind.
So, be positive, generous, compassionate and kind.

Observe the children, see how innocent they are,
To the innocent children, their minds are still pure,
And everything to them is just simply wonderful!
They have neither the concept of ugly nor beautiful!

Be like an adult in your behaviour and thinking,
But be like children in your perception and living.
Like this, you will be very happy and successful,
And you will be open-minded and always grateful.

Those are what the wise have taught us to do,
And I can say I am as guilty as you, too.
Though no one is perfect in this imperfect world,
Still we can strive to make it as good as we would.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Sarawak is a very peaceful place and the pace of life very suitable for the seniors. The people are happy and living their lives as they should without the vicious politiking of West Malaysia.

I have made this my choice weekend retreat. Less than 1 and half hour to get there, about the time I take from home to office. Off peak airfare is $100 plus. And where can you stay in 5 star hotel for less than $75 a day?

The cost of living there is relatively very easy for us. Green fee for 18 holes golf is less than RM200 on weekend. Nearest golf course is 15 minutes from the city centre.

I will spend more long weekends in this cat city.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Chua.
I'm intrigued by what you said.

So your recommendation is to stay in Kuching, Sarawak ... correct?

Anonymous said...

If Kuching is good, a lot of places are also good lah, or even better and cheaper.

U will be spoilt for choice, really.

Anonymous said...

Singapore is also very good for those who are not smart enough or don't want to emigrate to a better place and so let PAP rule over them.

Anonymous said...

And where can you stay in 5 star hotel for less than $75 a day?
RB 2:32 pm

A lot of places lah, if u don't mind travelling further.

Or better still, have a 5 star home lah.

I know of someone who renovate his 3-room HDB pigeon-hole into a 5 star hotel room standard.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

On a weekend retreat to Kuching Sarawak or anywhere, it depends on what you want to do there. This place has all the things I want.

How many places that are within 1 and a half hour travelling time, at that price, and no hassle? Bintan, Batam, definitely not West Malaysia when the time taken to pass the immigration would be enough to get to Kuching, smooth and easy.

Each will find his own special retreat to suit his own interests and the things to do. Some would want to sleep in the jungle, some hike the moutains, some run wild in the Safari. One man's meat is another man's poison. No point arguing about such things.

Anonymous said...

One man's meat is another man's poison. No point arguing about such things.
RB 1:23 pm

U r right.

Just like PAP is one Sinkie's meat and another Sinkie's poison. Any point to argue or not?

Anonymous said...

For retirees or semi-retires, I hope everyday can be a retreat for them, not just weekend.

Anonymous said...

For retirees or semi-retires, I hope everyday can be a retreat for them, not just weekend.
1:54 pm

Too bad lah, Singapore don't have beautiful countryside, mountains or safari, so have to travel, and for a short period only, if u want these for your retreat.

Maybe go to Botanic Gardens lah, for your everyday retreat. LOL

Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB. East Malaysia is the Saviour that you can withdraw all your FULL Medisave Monies out from their clutch.

Just be a Silver Haired PR firstly and later as PR and hooefully as their citizen.

Then applied to withdraw your well deserved own CPF monies from the PAPies. No more life imprisonment.

This Rule applied to West Malaysians who wanted to withdraw their Full CPF's monies not even retirement age.

Later, the Mats can stay anywhere in the East or West. None of the Papies businesses as they can travel freely in their own country.

So, when the Mats found that their place can have just as good paying jobs like Sinkieland they be start requesting to withdraw before they put a stop to this. No need to struggle here jusr for your stink dollars.

Also when Sinkiekand KAPUT. Many Sinkies would clamoured to be Mats.

Virgo 49 said...

Some more where in the World you can travel thousands of miles of beautiful Natural Scenery rather than in a Rat Hole of Jurong to Changi is a half hour.

That's why thousands if Rats rushed there even it's just an extra day holiday in The RAT HOLE.

And many still hypocritically critised them.

Anonymous said...

The native girls are very beautiful with nice tits as well