
CECA backlash surfacing

Harder Truths:
Ah, one of the man joys of using IT companies full of FT.
Either it was intentional or the system is so badly designed and / or managed by FT that no one can stop this from happening.
Usually the people looking after these things also don’t give a sh*t.
I am just waiting for news that $G banks have also been f**ked up. It is a sure thing that sooner or later this will happen when FT are involved. I hope the 70% get their reward when the bank says someone in China or South Asia emptied their account and nothing can be done – sorry about that.

u get what u pay for:
good lah..go invite in more ceca IT ‘experts’from indiapore to sinkingpore with love!

No Awareness Training?:
Singapore GLC and government organisation must already have security awareness and training program put in place. Singaporean workers are well equipped with knowledge not to open/click any unknown or suspicious email/links. Is phishing the truth or ST logistics excuse to cover it’s weak system security. Or it could the work of insider threat such as IT outsourced CECA workers .

Straight "A"s Marlboro Tan:
The party against people imported so many CECA FT claiming to be talents

The above comments are in TRE in an article about the leaks in Mindef and SAF.  It is a common human behaviour that a few can be a rarity or novelty. When a few become a glut, pervasive and worse, when the lunch and welfare of Singaporeans are gravely affected, the novelty element is off and the over presence would become a pain in the arse and repulsive. This is exactly what is happening to the CECA Indians and their dominance and monopoly in the highly sensitive and dangerous IT industry and system. They are practically given a free hand, a free play to take over this industry, with no control, no qualifications or reservations on the grounds of national security.

The Americans are paranoid of losing their privacy and sensitive data to Huawei when using Huawei equipment. In Stupidity has no Cure country, no one cares, no one thinks it is important to safeguard and protect our data and sensitive information and madly opened their legs to CECA Indians to take control of our IT industry and systems both in the private sector and govt ministries.

These idiots trust them, believe that they would do no mischief or harm to our industries, businesses and govt ministries. It is ok. perfectly ok, to lower our trousers and no need to guard our backs in the presence of so many foreigners controlling our IT systems.

I am wondering when would the whole thing explode and everything is gone with the click of a button? Yes, it would be so easy when foreigners are in charge and in control of our IT systems. It is a miracle that it has not happen yet. Maybe Newater helps, with the drinking of Newater, the foreigners too filled their brains with shit and would not do anything silly, would not take advantage of their privilege positions in easy access to all our IT systems.

Pray, please pray very hard that it would not happen to us. Forget about Murphy's Law. It would not happen to us because we have the most clever rulers ruling over us.  Everything is under their control.

With so many foreigners in charge and in control of so many strategic facilities, we are so vulnerable. But who cares?


Anonymous said...

///The Americans are paranoid of losing their privacy and sensitive data to Huawei when using Huawei equipment. In Stupidity has no Cure country, no one cares, no one thinks it is important to safeguard and protect our data and sensitive information///

Precisely .... Mindef uses too many Huawei equipment!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't spread fear here leh!

Wah! The pictures as described very very very very the Siong!

Where to hide?

What should we do now?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Python 5:
December 22, 2019 at 4:12 pm (Quote)

look at the causeway jam during public holidays.
we are obsessed with the stuff they offer at the 3to1 exchange rate.

you think SAF can invade them in 1-24 hours???

you ask reservist to fall in also got problem.
you want to invade them??

let me say this, I have gone for interviews and its Malaysian managers and interviewers that offer me the role and took me in, even if its a short term contract job.
You think I’d attack them in a war??
think carefully about arming people like me with guns and grenades.
I will kill all the PAP and the 70% first!!!!

Above is a comment in TRE. How pathetic can Singaporeans be? Getting a job in Singapore lies in the hands of foreigners!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The joke from someone's ex-colleagues still working in an Australia bank based in Singapore is that many years ago the bank's management observed Lunar New Year and go around handing out token ang-pows to Singaporean staff when it comes to Chinese New Year.

Nowadays they observe Divali !

Anonymous said...

Are Sinkies owners of Sin ?

Anonymous said...

..........but the masses will still die die die die die die die die vote for them under ANY/ALL conditions....why?

You seriously think that this will change at the next GE?

Very very very very very very very very difficult!

Many many many many many many many many on the ground predicted 1oo% seats go to pap!


Anonymous said...

With so many foreigners in charge and in control of so many strategic facilities, we are so vulnerable. But who cares?

No choice lah, simply because the Sinkie talents are not available or even in the numbers required to be in charge and in control of so many strategic facilities.

And for the same logic why 70% Sinkies voted PAP, simply because the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt to take over from PAP.

Virgo 49 said...

Aiyo, Sinkies Cuvvy or oops Civvy Soldiers can fight meh?

Even injured in Parachutes Jumps.

Even die in training.

Waste movies and resources.

Foreign trashes in now also cannot evit them.

Anonymous said...

Singaporeans are doomed because the PAP elite is completely senile and living in ivory tower.

Redbean is talking about the loss of control over our IT systems.
Other bloggers write about our elderly poor collecting cardboard to survive.

What does PAP's Tommy Koh worry about?

Tommy Koh is worrying about his list of 5 tests Singaporeans should pass before becoming first-world people.


It's pretty clear.

The PAP elites are worrying about one set of problems.
And Singaporeans are worried about other problems.

It's time to vote PAP out because they are not focussed on the problems that worry Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

Getting a job in Singapore lies in the hands of foreigners!!!!!
RB 9:24 am

Why does that matter, I mean for PAP?

The foreigner will become a new citizen or is already a new citizen, like the Ramesh from JP Morgan in the car park incident with a old Sinkie screwty guard uncle.

And who will new citizen Ramesh vote for, u tell me lah?

Anonymous said...

It's time to vote PAP out because they are not focussed on the problems that worry Singaporeans.
10:37 am

Not so easy lah, because:

#1, there are now many new citizens, like the Ramesh mentioned by Anon 10:38 am.

#2, there are also many true blue Sinkies with good life, and they could even be the majority of true blue Sinkies.

#3, and lastly like what Low Thia Khiang had said, majority Sinkies are very scared they may accidentally vote the PAP out because the Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt.

Anonymous said...

You think I’d attack them in a war??
think carefully about arming people like me with guns and grenades.
I will kill all the PAP and the 70% first!!!!
comment in TRE
RB 9:24 am

The comment is from a stupid Sinkie lah, if he is a Sinkie and serious in what he said. Or maybe he just TCSS, then OK lah.

Singapore will never go to war lah.

Singapore will buy super high tech weapons from USA and host US aircraft carriers at Changi NAval Base. This is the strongest deterrent against those who think of going to war with Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Singapore will buy super high tech weapons from USA and host US aircraft carriers at Changi NAval Base.
10:57 am

"[5] Henry Kissinger, while United States Secretary of State, also said: "An aircraft carrier is 100,000 tons of diplomacy."[6]

With diplomacy, no need to go to war.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:37 am.

The one universal reason that all Singaporeans can agree on for voting out PAP:

All Singaporeans want more money.
But PAP keeps increasing taxes to take away money from Singaporeans.

PAP also wants to take away our HDB flats after 99 years.

Therefore we have to vote Oppo in order to have more money.

Anonymous said...

The 'war' has already begun, as the Trogan horse already let in with 1 to 2 millions of them from all over the world 'invading' & gaining grounds in the job market, properties, shopping malls,on the roads,mrt etc. True blue Sinkies will b overwhelmed & its increasing trend will go on & go till the last true blue Sinkies r replaced by the new converts, a very clever move by the ruling party, to vto is super hard perhaps a reincarnation of the old man might help to wake the Sinkies up.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Henry Kissinger is applying SunZi Art Of War strategy by using the gift of the gap to settle, war is damaging to humanity & only used at very last resort.

Anonymous said...

It's not relevant whether Oppo is ready to be government or not.

Just vote Oppo to prevent PAP from taking more money from us by increasing taxes.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha ������ hahaHahahaha!

jjgg said...

U mean American by product

Anonymous said...

@ 10.37am

Tommy Koh is just another mental masturbator who is way past his expiry date for relevance to Singaporeans.

But it's good to see Tommy expose himself for all of us to see .... just how irrelevant PAP's elites have become to Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

@ All,


"The Believe It Or Not Series - Singapore Tales" was started by me. I stopped it at Story 1 because someone here is using the same Heading, probably with the intention to give a false impression that I was the one that continues the series.

As a result, I have stopped at Story 1. All the other stories, from Story 2 onwards are not written by me.

I think whoever that person is has a malicious intent.

So, please aware

Anonymous said...

I don't think Tommy Koh has anything of value to offer Singaporeans.

Tommy is just too out of touch with Singapore and Singaporeans.
Too many years spent in yhe ivory tower.

Like most PAP elites that are over 60 years old ... Tommy should just take his millions and fuck off to his retirement villa in Europe.

Anonymous said...


Is it possible for you to delete all the "Believe It Or Not Series" that are not written by me?

One can see that the intention of the writer is to use falsehood to attack certain Singapore leaders so as to cast a shadow of doubt. And attribute the blame on me.

Anonymous said...


This is no good leh!

Eat full too free!


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Frog, will try to delete them.

This chap is a bad reflection of his masters. Yes, he is creating fake news to malign you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, RB.