
So how CPF?

In December, Mr Toh checked the total amount in his CPF account and found that he had $67,562.78 in the account.

The retiree revealed that he received a letter from CPF Board recently, informing him that the balance in his Retirement Account (RA) balance is S$646.86. The letter said that his last estimated payout will be in May 2019, since he receives a $250 payout monthly.

Mr Toh shared: “On 31/12/2018 my total amount across my CPF was S$67,562.78, which means CPF is keeping S$66,665.92 of my savings in my CPF money away from me for Ordinary Account (OA), Special Account (SA) and Medisave Account(MA).

“Why keep so much of life saving money saved in my CPF account away from a 70-year-old healthy senior citizen? Is my lifetime money reserved for OA, SA and MA account more important than my money for retirement expenses?”...

“In the event that Ian commits suicide, kills someone or is killed, I will hold all relevant persons and ministries accountable for failing to release my funds for his alternative medical treatments…”

This was the warning an unemployed mother of a mentally-ill son issued to the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board recently, after the authority rejected her request to withdraw her CPF savings.
The mother, 55-year-old Carena Tan, had asked to withdraw S$70,000 from her Retirement Account to fund her family’s living expenses and treatment for her son, who apparently suffers from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Noting that Ms Tan would not be able to set aside the full retirement sum of S$171,000 in her Retirement Account if she withdrew the S$70,000 she applied to withdraw, CPF Board rejected her request. It instead asked her to “re-consider approaching the Social Service Office @ Bukit Panjang for financial assistance.”

Both cases were reported in theindependent.  These are the painful stories that are being kept from seeing the light in the main media. There are so many grouses and pains inflicted on the people when they are not allowed, by legislation, to enjoy their life savings that are supposed to be for their retirement. These two cases are just the tip of the iceberg. Many are suffering in silence and living in despair, hapless when the govt decided what to do with their money against their will.

The people affected are starting to curse the people that made them suffered for the want of their own money under all kinds of ridiculous excuses and changing the goal posts. To be daily and repeatedly curse by the people is not a good thing to live with. The evil doers would not believe that the curses would hurt them in any way and would continue to scheme against the people and their CPF savings.

Let them be, let them live with the curses of people adversely affected by their bad decisions. Let them live happily with their millions in their savings and assets.


Anonymous said...

It is a breach of human rights to retain the peoples' savings against their will.

Blame also on the 69.9% lah !

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ what part of "CPF is not your money" don't you numbskulls understand?:

>> Is my lifetime money reserved for OA, SA and MA account more important than my money for retirement expenses?”... <<

Obviously, yes.

>> I will hold all relevant persons and ministries accountable for failing to release my funds for his alternative medical treatments…” <<

Yeah, good luck with that. You can't hold people accountable if they are not accountable to begin with.

>> The people affected are starting to curse the people that made them suffered for the want of their own money under all kinds of ridiculous excuses and changing the goal posts. <<

More shifting of the goal posts is coming. Akan datang. Anyone wanna bet with me? 🧐

@ 857 --- pure nonsense

>> It is a breach of human rights to retain the peoples' savings against their will. <<

That sentence is 100% false. Here's why

1. No, it is not a breach of "human rights". Anyway, there are no such things as "human rights". It's all made up --- created by an arbitrary agency famous for making arbitrary claims, laws and "resolutions". The United Nations. (what the fuck does that even mean?)

2. It is not "people's savings". You don't "own" the money stated in the CPF statement which happens to have your name on it. It is pure fiction, and yet, you've chosen to believe it. Let me know how that's working out for you. πŸ˜†

3. Since it is not their money, how can it be "against their will"?


I'm wondering how come RB never reports the "good news stories" about CPF? I know uncles and aunties who are quite OK receiving annuity form CPF. But we rarely hear about these folks. All we hear is negativity whenever CPF comes up for discussion.

Anonymous said...

Those vicious and evil folks who cause sufferings to others and yet live and sleep well, are the most frightening scums on Earth.
These are folks without conscience. They are utmost evil if they amass huge fortunes and keep them as white elephants having no time and lives to use their wealths.
Scary to know that there are such evil folks in human societies.
And the funny thing is that it only happens to human society.

Anonymous said...


Sg early early already like that.

But why 70% voted ok-ed!

We DESERVED it!. Correct?

So ......why kpkbsssss now!

Tooooo late!


Chua Chin Leng蔑镇龍 aka redbean said...

KNN Matilah, you asking to be sodomised is it, sneering at people's misfortune?

Anonymous said...

There are so many grouses and pains inflicted on the people when they are not allowed, by legislation, to enjoy their life savings that are supposed to be for their retirement.

But then hor, these legislation were already there even before 2015, isn'it?

Therefore the "so many grouses and pains inflicted on the people..." were also already there before 2015, correct or not?

Yet PAP could still secured 70% votes in GE 2015! Why, you tell me lah?

And if PAP could secured 70% votes in 2015, why not next election too?

If not, why not?

Anonymous said...

Let them be, let them live with the curses of people adversely affected by their bad decisions. Let them live happily with their millions in their savings and assets.

But 70% still voted for them what, so the curses of people got effect or not, you say lah?

And if no effect, they will live happily with their millions in their savings and assets lah, correct or not?

Anonymous said...

Yet PAP could still secured 70% votes in GE 2015! Why, you tell me lah?
10:14 am

Why? I thought WP Low Thia Khiang already explained why what.

In case you forgot or don't know, he said something like this:

"Majority voters are very scared they may accidentally vote the PAP out of govt because the opposition is not ready to take over as govt.

So is the opposition ready to be govt now? If so, did they announce it? If not, do you think they are ready?

If not, will the majority people continue to be scared to vote PAP out in next election, you say lah?

Anonymous said...

Let them be, let them live with the curses of people adversely affected by their bad decisions.

Some of those who curse PAP govt might have even voted for PAP in GE 2015, for the good reasons as stated by anon 10.27 am!

Or else I think PAP could not have got 70% votes in GE 2015.

Anonymous said...

Hi all 1014 1017 1027am

So no matter what......pap smelly smelly at least 70% at next GE?

Like this no need to have GE lah!

Anonymous said...

Uncle RB, can I ask you some questions?

Do you think Tan Cheng Bock will face the same fate as Tan Jee Say in GE 2015, if he contest next election without announcing his new party or opposition coalition is ready to be govt?

After all, both have something great in common, that is they were ex Presidential candidates, a big deal correct or not?

So if Tan Jee Say could fail, what makes you think Tan Cheng Bock can succeed? Tan Cheng Bock succeeded very well in the past when he wore the PAP brand but now his brand is opposition and also did not announce they are ready to be govt.

Looking forward to hear your wise views. Maybe can make your answer as a next post?

Anonymous said...

Like this no need to have GE lah!
10:37 am

Democratically speaking,(to borrow the phrase from one of Dr Chee's book title) GE still must have lah, because we are a democratic country mah.

And democratically, Dr Chee also lost even in a by-election in a Chinese majority SMC against a unknown PAP minority race candidate, you know.

So GE or even by-election is still needed to prove that democracy is well and alive in Singapore lah. But too bad, the opposition, especially SDP and Dr Chee, always lose one. What to do?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

I did not cause these peoples' misfortunes. Whether I "sneer" (your word) at it or they won't change the situation. I'll still be lazy and happy (at least until death or misfortune comes knocking), and they'll still be fucked --- unless their deity or genie grants them a "miracle" or "3 wishes", respectively.

Schadenfreude --- sha den froi duh : noun [mass noun]
pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune

It is "normal" for humans to enjoy schdenfreude

It is biologically hardwired

RB, I suggest you update your scientific understanding lah. Otherwise, you risked being judged an out-of-touch dinosaur. πŸ˜›

In the meantime, relac, kick back and enjoy the schadenfreude you come across daily. The universe gives us a free show. We should allow the entertainment from the suffering and misfortune of others to delight us. 🀑☠️πŸ’€πŸ€£

Anonymous said...

Hi 1054

Like that opposition sure lose........

Then why want to stand for election?

Eat full too free is it?

Anonymous said...

Why keep so much of life saving money saved in my CPF account away from a 70-year-old healthy senior citizen? Is my lifetime money reserved for OA, SA and MA account more important than my money for retirement expenses?”...

Why? Because WP Low Thia Khiang already said the opposition is not ready to be govt mah. So how to take care of your CPF better than PAP when they are not even ready to be govt?

“In the event that Ian commits suicide, kills someone or is killed, I will hold all relevant persons and ministries accountable for failing to release my funds for his alternative medical treatments…”

Hold all relevant persons and ministries accountable? How? Sue them? Protest in front of ministry? You can or dare to carry out or not? If not, how? kpkb in RB blog? LOL

Anonymous said...

Eat full too free is it?
11:03 am

Not say eat full too free lah.

Just like buying TOTO or 4D, no harm trying their luck mah. You may never know, correct or not?

If can win, good lah. If cannot, never mind lah. Try again next time lah. Dr Chee has been trying for more than 20 years without success, or even near to success, you know.

The late Nelson Mandela of South Africa succeeded as President after being incarcerated for 30 years, u know.

Maybe Dr Chee is hoping to be Singapore's Nelson Mandela. LOL

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ die-hard, culturally-identified Singaporeans:

My brothers and sisters, We The People of Singapore have a unique culture...and for such a young cuntry, it is multifaceted and rich in every aspect.

However, there are a few common threads which are so strong, they are enduring and form the "strong structures" which supports the rest of the culture. One of the most notable "anchors" being:

You die, your business.

Our lives are governed both implicitly and explicitly by this ROBUST cultural meme. The government crafts social policy based on it. Our laws reflect it, as does business and professional, POLITICAL, and to some extent, social life. The education system breeds competition to prepare the rising young Singaporeans for the "realities" (aka "Hard Truths" --- LKY) of life. And of course in homes island-wide, diligent parents are drumming this Number One Cultural Value into their progeny:

"Ah Boy/ Ah Girl, don't shake your koo koo chiau / don't finger your puki too much ok? Better study hard, become Number 1 because later when you become an adult in Singapore...dun pray pray, YOU DIE YOUR BUSINESS!" Psychology set for life. Collective consciousness written in stone, cast as The Gold Standard of all that is Singapore, at the core.

That said, I would like to make my contribution to the culture. I would like to suggest a change to the meme, to become more personal for individual experience. Thus:

πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬ ☞ YOU DIE, YOUR BUSINESS...... π•Έπ–ž π•°π–“π–™π–Šπ–—π–™π–†π–Žπ–“π–’π–Šπ–“π–™ ❗️☜ πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬

Chua Chin Leng蔑镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, for every one bean to enjoy schadenfreude, there will be a thousand that don't. Human beans are not all Matilah.

It is better not to enjoy this kind of past time, your turn will come around.

Chua Chin Leng蔑镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 10:45am, Cheng Bock is unlike Jee Say and many other opposition politicians.

He has been around for many years and many had voted for him before. For the average uncles and aunties, voting for him again is a natural thing. They liked him before and there is no reason to dislike him just because he is now standing for a different party.

As for those under the PAP's umbrella like party members or organisations linked to the PAP, many would toe the party line and vote party. But then not everyone will vote for party just because party said so.

Cheng Bock is not a villian or an enemy just because he is no longer with the party, except for the simple minded and hard core party animals.

Then the other issues would play their parts to make the difference.

Anonymous said...

He has been around for many years and many had voted for him before.
RB 12:04 pm

That was because he was around for many years as PAP MP and also a good MP.

Pragmatic Sinkies, for obvious reasons, prefer PAP MPs than opposition ones to write their appeal letters to the authorities.

PAP MPs, with more resources and access to their PAP govt, chances are they can also take care of their constituents better.

With Tan Cheng Bock as opposition MP and given that PAP likely will be govt, surely PAP will tekan him just like he was tekan by being disqualified to contest as President.

And if opposition MP Tan Cheng Bock is tekan, surely his constituents will also suffer, correct or not? So why would his constituents want that?

Unless of course Tan Cheng Bock party is elected the govt lah. But unlikely lah, since he did not give any slightest indication yet that his new party is ready to be govt.

Virgo49 said...

Many still adamant that the Opposition must be the Government to change course of proceedings in Parliament.

There is NO NEED for the Opposition to be the Government to change the laws that are been enforced before.

The Equal strength of the Opposition MPs in relations to the Ruling Party MPs can tweaked or even rescinded past laws and formulated New Ones if they are put into a VOTE.

So, please don't kept playing a Broken record or broken down radio that the Opposition must be ready to be the government in order to change or rescind or even amended the laws.

Just see how the UK Parliament Voted in their Brexit Proceedings recently.

Some even Ruling Party MPs with Minds and Conscious of their own voted against their own Party.

Even with just a few Opposition MPs that without a quorum can change their laws, at least in Parliament, they can probe and asked issues that affect the citizens.

If their answers are satisfactory, then in time to come, many right thinking citizens will vote the Opposition Candidates into Parliament.

With enough numbers of Opposition MPs, they can even thwarted or stop any bills that will affect the citizens.

So, please let have the capable Opposition Candidates in so that they can at least have a voice to protect the vulnerable and helpless citizens.

Don't be so simplistic that the Opposition must be the Government to make changes.

Anyway, Sinkies are just too afraid to change the Government, overnight and in one Election.

Many, as I had said had their balls stuck in the wooden horses. Unable to move forward and dismount.

Caused by the debts by the PAPies and their own greed.


Virgo49 said...

Should be if their answers are UNSATISFACTORY, then citizens will wake up and voted more Opposition Members in future elections.


Anonymous said...

With Tan Cheng Bock as opposition MP and given that PAP likely will be govt, surely PAP will tekan him just like he was tekan by being disqualified to contest as President.
12:30 pm

You are most probably right.

Even LHL's own siblings were tekan when they went against LHL, so what more TCB?

And the more fierce TCB go against PAP, the more jialat he will be tekan. TCB may even end up like how CSJ was tekan until jialat jialat.

And this is the reason why not many smart, successful and rich Sinkies want to join the opposition, if they think the opposition has little chance to be ready to be govt.

So unlike other countries, end up those in the Sinkie opposition are mostly clowns and jesters. How to vote for clowns and jesters?

Anonymous said...

With enough numbers of Opposition MPs,....
Anyway, Sinkies are just too afraid to change the Government, overnight and in one Election.
Virgo49 12:36 pm

Aiyo Virgo49, u senile lah, from the way u contradict yourself in above.

It is precisely because Sinkies are just too afraid to change the Government that's why it is impossible to have enough Opposition MPs voted in lah.

As smart WP MP Low Thia Khiang already said, if they vote in enough opposition MPs, they are too afraid they may also accidentally vote the PAP out of govt lah.

Hope u are clearer now and less senile after my explanation.

Anonymous said...

I also curse the CPF for making me suffer for want of my own hard-earned life savings and treating me like an uneducated unrestrained spendthrift prodigal son.

Many who have to draw $millions from taxpayers' money and from other people's money in the CPF for their spending, investing and personal bank accounts are the real prodigal sons who cannot control themselves and using their own personal yardstick to measure the behaviour of the masses in terms of financial prudence.

I am 74 years old and how long more can I live?

I have $11,000 in the CPF Medisave account and I have been forced to keep it in the CPF (so that some dishonorable son and wife can use it to invest while I am deprived of my own money?)

Still not enough to detain my money by force and coercion and intimidation, they scheme to deplete all my $11,000 by siphoning "leegally" through creative so-called medical insurance of which I have to pay annual premium of $1,000 plus. By so doing, my $11,000 would be totally vanished in 10 years or less. If the $11,000 is left untouched and earning interest of 4% p.a., in 10 years time, when I will be 84, I still can use that $11,000 for medical expenses or my next-of-kin beneficiary can use for my coffin and funeral expense.

Now somebody, without being nominated my beneficiary, is happily, unethically, immorally and unconscionably (though leegally) using my money without my permission. That is simply CUNNING THEFT.


When I die my eyes will not close. After I die, my wandering spirit will take revenge on the future generations of those who cheated me.

Anonymous said...

1:02 pm

U speaking for yourself, is it? Or the minority voters?

If not, how could PAP won 70% votes despite being CRUEL AND HEARTLESS?

Anonymous said...


The main issue is that the new generations and instant citizens don't know who is who.

They can't be bordered!

They only know pap!

Furthermore they are vested in Sg.

So how to vote for opp?.

You tell me lah!

Anonymous said...

When I die my eyes will not close.
1:02 pm

I assume u also did not vote for PAP in GE 2015, right?

Too bad lah, u are a minority of 30%.

With that, I think PAP not scared of wandering or what not spirit lah.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 12.58

You think with 30 to 40 Opposition MPs, Sinkieland will SINK????

Sinkies afraid to change the Government, Yes, but they can still voted Opposition Members into Parliament

Who is been more stupid and senile????

Vomit blood trying to convince the dafts.

Have you seen the video of how the Buffalo trying to convince another daft buffalo that the Log is a Crocodile and even die trying to convince dafts until he is swallowed by the Crocodile.

That's wise buffalo is me and that daft unbelieving buffalo is YOU.

Casting pearls on swine.

Anonymous said...

If continuously forced when we are alive and our money become their business, then when we die we can make it their business. In this cruel culture, both can play a part. Not necessarily winner takes all and continue to win. Losers can take some and sometimes win. You get the drift?

Anonymous said...

The main issue is that the new generations and instant citizens don't know who is who.
They can't be bordered!
They only know pap!
1:17 pm

U are right.

My 24 year old true Sinkie neighbour doesn't know who the hell is Tan Cheng Bock. But LKY he knows. PAP he knows.

And this one PAP also knows.

And also why do you think PAP want so many new citizens?

Anonymous said...

Hi 102pm

Vv touching comment!

Pls see open lah!

Sg vv early already like that liao.

What choice do you have?

Only can kpkbsssss......

Anonymous said...

Christchurch shootings - 49 killed and 48 injured. It shakes and shocks not only New Zealanders but also the Queen and Royalty of England. Why?

Why the shootings, which seemed to be well planned? Cumulative anger or random?

Why the shock, which seemed to be pretentious? Don't they ever, in their furthest recess of mind, thought that such an incident would happen?

Moral of the story:

Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you (or your kids, kins and kinds).

You die your own business? Think again. One fine destined day, it will be your business!

Anonymous said...

You think with 30 to 40 Opposition MPs, Sinkieland will SINK????
Virgo49 1:19 pm

Aiyo, I think u are still senile lah, from the way u talk.

U think only 30 to 40 Opposition MPs meh, if majority Sinkies voted opposition? This type of numbers can control one meh?

It can even be 70 or 80 Opposition MPs by accident u know, and PAP will be voted out as govt.

And WP MP Low Thia Khiang already said majority Sinkies are very scared of accidentally voting PAP out as govt if they vote for more opposition.

And I think MP Low is no daft buffalo u know, but from the way u talk, I think u are a senile old Sinkie. And also not much hope to improve.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 1.37

Don't be daft at such a young age if you are one.

You think Opposition can sweep 100%.

At one time, they even planned a GE as a bye elections and do not even contest all seats.

What happened ? Even Opposition can not even have ten seats.

Daft sinkies been conned by the PAPIes and under their strangeholds are too afraid to vote all out.

You think this coming GE, the PAP can lose all seats?

Don't be daft lah.Calling others senile just because they are old.

Old birds many times smarter than new wet behind the ears newbies


All the farking Whites are just shedding crocodile tears.

They are the world's worst hypoctites and manipluators.

Now who's calling the Others terrorists?

Anonymous said...

Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you (or your kids, kins and kinds).
1:35 pm

Can you elaborate who is who (you, others) in above?

So as to make sense of what u wrote leh.

Anonymous said...

Don't be angry lah!

Bad for health!

Let go let go things you cannot control.

See open lah.

Happy more worry less!


Anonymous said...

At one time, they even planned a GE as a bye elections and do not even contest all seats.
What happened ? Even Opposition can not even have ten seats.
Virgo49 1:47 pm

Aiyo, I think u are also getting incoherent lah, not just senile.

If that's the case, then why do you earlier said "With enough numbers of Opposition MPs..."'?

Why r u saying things which may be impossible to achieve, judging from past experience u mentioned above?

Anonymous said...

Daft Sinkies, especially those commenting in this block, can only group think and think straight. That's why the crooked thinkers can easily swallow them like a crocodile swallowing big buffalos.

If people can openly cheat you of your cpf savings, cannot they cheat you in any other things behind the scene?

Now, start thinking again why PAP got 69.9%.

Was the elections 100% transparent?
No room for hanky-panky behind the scene? Incorruptible? How do you explain AMK TC Corruption case now in court? Incorruptible?

Anonymous said...

Let go let go things you cannot control.
1:50 pm


Cannot control to make PAP lose election, so let go lah.

Cannot control to make opposition ready to be govt, so let go lah.

But can control oneself to become rich, so take control and do it lah, like what many smart Sinkies do, and also vote for PAP after becoming rich.

Anonymous said...

The power of change lies with the 20.0% amongst the 69.9% . . .

Anonymous said...

Now, start thinking again why PAP got 69.9%.
2:06 pm

Why not?

If PAP's unknown Murali can even win 63% against SDP's famous Chee Soon Juan in a by-election in a Chinese majority SMC,

why PAP cannot win 69.9% in a general election?

Anonymous said...

The power of change lies with the 20.0% amongst the 69.9% . . .
2:12 pm

Not necessary lah, if PAP knows how to gerrymander.

In Malaysia's GE 2013, the National Front govt under then PM Najib even won to become govt with about 60% seats despite winning less than 50% of the votes!

Anonymous said...

Hi 212

You are 108% correct!

That's why many many say next GE is actually between opposition parties Vs the 70%, not Vs pap!


Anonymous said...

That's why many many say next GE is actually between opposition parties Vs the 70%, not Vs pap!
2:23 pm

May not happen lah. Why?

Because next election, PAP can make Singapore as one huge GRC with 100 seats.

So the election rules only allow a party to either contest all 100 seats with 100 candidates as one party, or cannot contest.

So with that, PAP most likely will win with a walkover. Possible or not?

And anything is also possible right, if PAP could even change Presidential election rules to allow for only Malay candidates, thereby disqualifying TCB and a walkover for Halimah a Muslim but whose father was Indian but considered a Malay under the rules.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 2.00

What I said is that there is no need for the Opposition to be the Government.

Just enough to stop or twart any
Unfavourable bills into laws so that at least there is a stop to their passing of laws to their advantage.

For example, next GE if they become the majority again, they might have your CPF's withdrawal age to 70 and beyond

If there are enough Oops MPs to put a stop without giving them a majority then sinkies can at least see some light to their savings.

Understand or not? Farfam tak in Malay. Aa Howe boh?

Anonymous said...

What I said is that there is no need for the Opposition to be the Government.
Just enough to stop or twart any
Virgo49 2:59 pm

Aiyo, since u still did not get it, let me explain again lah.

What I want to tell u, and what Low Thia Khiang also said, is that Sinkies by voting more opposition MPs, are also very afraid they may also accidentally vote PAP out of govt lah, which they also do not want since opposition is not ready to take over as govt.

This type of numbers cannot control and predict one, u know. That's why Sinkies scared mah.

U want 30 or 40 opposition MPs, u may also accidentally get more to have PAP voted out, or even none, judging from past by election strategy of opposition, as Sinkies see no point having more opposition MPs if they cannot become govt.

That's why I said your "Just enough to stop or twart any" is unlikely to happen one lah. If can, already happened long time ago, understand?

Hope your senile condition can be improved after my explanation.

virgo49 said...

As I also said, there is NO way the Opposition can win 100 per cent even they were to contest 100percent.

Impossible to upseat the PAP in just one election.

There are just too many PAP strongholds like my GRC.

Knowing sinkies kiaso,kiasee,.kia cheng hu.

If we have even 20 Opposition MPs we are already blessed.

So, don't go on rambling just like the other dafts that the Opposition must form the GOVT.

Tor Huei!

Anonymous said...

No point arguing!

There's no chance at the next GE.

They will win ALL the seats including A and H at the next GE.

Unless there is an internal split.


Anonymous said...

If we have even 20 Opposition MPs we are already blessed.
3:32 pm

I tell u lah, if opposition is not ready to be govt, not even one lah, don't say 20 opposition MPs, if Hougang disappear and Aljunied is lost to PAP this time. Aljunied was nearly lost to PAP in GE 2015, u know.

Even if opposition use by-election strategy, they will also not win any lah, judging from past elections as voters already know they will not be govt.

So I tell u again, your 20 Opposition MPs will not happen lah, if opposition is not ready to be govt. They will lose big just like how they lost in past elections, understand?

So don't be stubborn although u r old, but think and analyse what I said, and I believe your senile condition will also improve. Or else u will really Tor Huei for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Unless there is an internal split.
3:48 pm

Why would they want to split when they are all drawing good money, having good life and good chances of winning next election again?

Anonymous said...


20 oppo mps not enough .... need at least 30 out of 88 elected mps.

Otherwise papies can simply use 2/3 majority to bulldoze any laws or amendments to Constitution also.

Unlike UK, pap mps here won't vote or abstain against their own party. PAP will also use Whip when voting on important laws or Constitution --- so that all pap mps must vote together with the party.

I've seen enough shenanigans played by PAP ever since LKY time in the 1970s. In the 1980s & 1990s I used to attend parliament in the public gallery, for fun lah. But usually end up vomiting blood.

Anonymous said...

20 oppo mps not enough .... need at least 30 out of 88 elected mps.
4:05 pm

20 oppo mps may not even happen, let alone at least 30 out of 88 elected mps.

Unless TCB announces his new party or coalition is ready to be govt, then I say good chance PAP will be voted out. If not, status quo, as per before.

Anonymous said...

But usually end up vomiting blood.
4:05 pm

I think u overreacted lah. And for what?

Anonymous said...


You using too much fake news to counter PAPies semi-fake news lah.

All those CPF numbers in your article all mixed up from 3 different people. Very BS you know.

And that stupid 70-yr old ah gong --- you should tell him 15 years ago he can already withdraw whatever leftover in his Ordinary Account & Special Account lah.

Anyway majority of the Pioneer Generation & Merdeka Generation all got plenty of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and properties outside of CPF.

If all these Ah Gongs & Ah Mahs so jialat, then how come they all vote PAPies & give them 69.9% ?? You tell me lah.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 4.05

You are Right that ww must have at least 30 or more Opposition MPs.

So, daft Sinkies if you want to have not any old how bills passed into laws to your disavantage then you have to vote in these numbers

Fewer numbers at least consolation have a VOICE in Parliament.

Get rid of deadwood and parrots in the Present House.


Anonymous said...


You will be disappointed!

All the seats will go to pap including A and H at the next GE!

You wait and see!

Btw, don't feel sad!

Sg is already like that liao!


Anonymous said...

Another False Flag Covert Operation Carried Out By CIA Operatives?

A Spanish Foreign Ministry said a group of unidentified men entered North Korea's embassy in Madrid on Feb. 22, bound and gagged staff, and drove off four hours later with computers.

There has been no claim of responsibility.

The dissident group identified by the Washington Post could not be reached for comment and its purported website has made no mention of any involvement in the raid.

On Feb. 25 the website posted a statement saying the group had "received a request for help from comrades in a certain Western country" and that "it was a highly dangerous situation but (we) responded." The group said an important announcement would be coming that week, but no details of any operation have been released.

The Madrid embassy is where North Korea's chief working-level negotiator in talks with the United States, Kim Hyok Chol, was ambassador until 2017.

Intelligence experts said computers and phones reportedly seized in the raid would be eagerly sought by foreign intelligence agencies given the information they might contain on Kim Hyok Chol and others.

Asked about the Washington Post report, the US state department referred queries to the Spanish authorities.

The CIA declined to comment.

Anonymous said...

Anything and everything in this world can and will change. There is nothing that can remain forever.

Anonymous said...

RB, I agreed with you 1000%that Matilar is asking and need to be sodomized.πŸ˜€

Anonymous said...

Hi328am Good Morning.....

Yes! U are 108% correct!


18 28 58 108 yrs from now?


Anonymous said...

Or 988 yrs from now?

Anonymous said...

My encounter to day:-
m-cock sent some one seeking me to participate on questionnaire on how well am I living nowadays? ( I am a senior citizen). I asked can I not to be interviewed?, he answered yes, and added that my participation in the questionnaire can help him earn 12, I told him I do not wish to get emotional(meaning feeling bad for not helping some one. Who pay him for the job should not be my business). And I also told him, I respect him for his effort(which I did not ask for). I also make it clear that I do not want the 10 mtuc voucher, and not interested to sign on any document.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 6:04pm

Official govt surveys (like national census) are NOT paid by how many surveys completed. These are private surveyors sub-contracted by govt agencies or semi-govt bodies like NTUC.

They may also be private company data collectors who will then sell your info to commercial entities like banks, insurance companies, property agencies etc.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 6.04

Last Sunday, a group of Cardboard policemen came calling at our Estate with smart pushing a lady officer to knock and the rest staring at you like wanting to arrest a criminal with their propganda of what's Secure Singapore Apps against terrorism.

I told them please go away with your Bullshits.

What's Secure Singapore Apps bogeyman to frighten the daft sinkies.

Cannnot even control a crowd of unruly Black Ants.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Virgo

You were right in telling them to go away.

Apps created by govt like Secure Singapore do one thing very well:

Keep YOU under surveillance by capturing your data and tracking your movements.

If such apps are designed and built "correctly", they will continue to broadcast even when your phone is "off".

Consider the privacy issues carefully before installing such apps.