
When your land is stolen from beneath your feet

The title The Atlantic selected for the video—”When Your Land Is Stolen From Beneath Your Feet”—may sound emotionally manipulative until we remember that theft was what the Singapore Prime Minister advised Singaporeans to do in order to stay ahead of global economic competition. As reported in TODAY, PM Lee Hsien Loong urged, “Singapore must not only protect its lunch but steal other people’s lunches.” This is not merely an unfortunate use of language, but a refrain repeated by Singapore’s leaders and citizens. However, one can no longer excuse Singaporeans by thinking that they are victims of brainwashing by the state. No, they are in cahoots with the government to extract the most from their poorer neighbors for themselves—sand, water, human labor. It makes one deeply ashamed to be a Singaporean, to be so morally bankrupt.

Jee Leong Koh posted the above in an article in the TRE. This Mr Jee or Mr Koh, I am confused, only bananas could do this kind of thing, to confuse others in the way they write their names, has an important point to make. His article was about Singapore buying sand from Cambodia by dredging its rivers and causing damage to the rivers ecosystem. True, everything human beans do affects the environment and lives around them. Dredging the river is only a small part of it, nature will repair it when things settle down, just like the reclamation of land from the sea. Life will find its own way back and thrives again, as long as the damage done is not permanent and beyond repair.

There are many worse things that we are doing daily to destroy the ecosystem and life on earth that we do not seem to care about right in the heart of this island. The worse thing that we are doing to kill ourselves and planet earth is the indiscriminate population of life on earth. Thing of all the things and livestock needed to sustain a life of 80 or 90 years. Thing of depleting the ocean of fishes because of the growing population, the consumption of raw material and energy and energy production etc etc. Dredging some rivers, if done responsibility is a necessity, to keep the river healthy for the ecosystem. It is greed, and irresponsible actions that are most destructive, just like natural population grow and death against inflating of population recklessly and irresponsibly.

But this is not the main contention of my article. My point is from this sentence, ”When Your Land Is Stolen From Beneath Your Feet”. Do the daft Singaporeans understand that your land is being stolen from beneath your feet by the foreigners being imported here in huge numbers that are unsustainable? Think of a confine space with 2 white mice, then 10, then 100, then 1000 and so on. When would the numbers reach a point when every mice will be fighting and eating each other?

The foolish concept of economic growth without looking at the limitation of space and the ecosystem can only come from fools with eyes blinded and not seeing further than the tip of their nose. Our country is being stolen from beneath our feet without the daft knowing what is happening.


Anonymous said...

Please do not worry RB, Singapore will be OK. Remember what our leaders have constantly told us, CECA is good for us and all MNC from India will bring good jobs for Singaporeans. GDP will be in double figures and all will be well. So Uncle RB, do not fret.

Anonymous said...

Lucky man are mortal.

Anonymous said...

Not forgetting a terrible irresponsible decision by our authorities to invest in MONSANTO. Our taxpayer money, is used to speculate in a company infamous for destroying the environment and infamous for having a highly organised network of influential people and schemes to perpetuate it's crime.

Anonymous said...

Good morning.

Worry not worry not.

Sgeans are very very very friendly.

Even if land is being stolen from beneath their feet by the foreigners.....is ok...no sweat!

So ok and so no sweat that 70% gave a massive massive YES at the last GE! Correct?


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ tsk tsk tsk too judgemental lah

I think you are very mistaken. Most people know what’s going on, even the daft ones. Thy just don’t agree with you, and suffice to say, neither you nor anyone else has a monopoly on the OBJECTIVE truth.

My architect, engineer and finance friends tell me that Singapore, if done right, can sustain 15 million souls. Fact: they don’t have a monopoly on the objective truth either...even though they’ve arrived at their claims using calculations and models. We know, those things don’t always work as intended.

I look at Singapore as a Grand Social Experiment (GSE). You can make all the positive and negative assumptions you like, extrapolate data, build mental and computer models, but you won’t know what works until you TRY it out, observe the results and analyse your findings. EXPERIMENTATION is key, without it, you are just blowing smoke up your arse.

So I say, on with the GSE. Open up the borders, see what happens. Disregard “noise” (naysayers, complainers) since they don’t have any objectivity or a whit of empiricism about them. They just go with feelings and emotions...and that is NO WAY to plot the future of a great cuntry like Singapore.

Lee Hsien Loong made an error by saying “Steal people’s lunch”. The correct analogy/ metaphor is “EAT people’s lunch”, meaning to be so competitive and driven that you demolish the competition and dominate their sector. Similar terms are “disruption” and “creative destruction”.

As usual, politicians talk too much cock...they get the “general idea” right, but since they’re not competing in the market, they have no clue what they’re saying --- their speeches being prepared for them by speech writers and their personal assistants.

There’s a new book beginning to trend have a look at “Loonshots” by Safi Bachall an Indian-American physicist.

There is a growing number of Singaporean entrepreneurs and business people attending Singularity University. If you plan to disrupt and conquer, this could be a great way to spend some money and time.

Or you can just stay where you are and complain...and get absolutely NOWHERE. 🤣

You die, your business! ...so stay hungry and eat people’s lunch!

Anonymous said...

Someone said this before......“Singaporeans get the government
they deserve, so I don’t want to hear any complaints.”

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ humbleideas

Monsanto is a great stock to own. The State’s money should be invested in companies which are solid and make shit tonnes of money, have dominance in their sector, and hopefully globally, and have “pricing power” --- the ability to control the price of not only its products, but the sector.

It also should have a “moat” --- i.e. some form of ROBUST protection to dissuade competitors from “eating it’s lunch” and ensure long-term stability and dominance.

And of course the business has to have a track record of profitability, large free cash flows, have no debt or debt which they can service easily...and generally be “bullet proof”.

Agribusiness is great because people gotta eat --- whether recession or boom, war or peace...we all require food.

The State’s money should find the safest securities with good returns. Sometimes the State loses money on investments, every investor experiences this. The key then would be to have WINNERS to make up for the losers.

I don’t agree that one should let one’s personal feelings of “morality” interfere with money management of “other people's’ money”. It is fine if you yourself apply your feelings, emotions and morality to your own life and investments. But when you are required to do a job, you do the job. Simple as that.

Virgo49 said...

U Ass A churning into a Recession soon.

Brexit chaos. Dotard stirred shits in Isreal.

Welcomed 15 miilions souls. Where go hungry see whether Blood Baths not on the stocks and shares but on the Streets.

Cardboard police now busy investigating the one who wants to throw egg on their Master.

Posted what's you can now before also kena soto mee next month when the Bill become Law.

The 70% dafts deserved the Government that they voted in.

Anonymous said...

Taking advantage of a bad contract signed by Hyflux, this gov is gonna eat up an entire operational Tuas Spring Desalination Plant for $0 even though it is built with 900M hard-earn monies of mom-and-pop investors who invested in the national asset. (With so many confidentiality clauses in the contract, no way retail investors can do due diligence.)

Is the govt action even morally sound?

And the people of Singapore, are you proud of that our government is eating the breakfast, lunch and dinner of our own people?

Anonymous said...

Rationale for 2 million-plus influx of foreigners into Singapore since 2004:

Q: “Do you think that’s inevitable or do you think that people just get lazy or what?”

L: “No, I think the spurs are not stuck on your hinds. They are part of the herd, why-go-faster? But when you’re lagging behind, you must go faster to catch up with the herd. I’m quite sure that there are children of the migrants who strive arduously.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 954 --- win -- shout for joy, lose -- cry like baby

Aiyah. Investing money got risk lah.

Attribution Bias: When people “win” when speculating/ investing they feel so fucking proud believing that it was their “smarts” and “attitude” (yeah, write a self-help book lah) that enabled them to WIN.

However, when they lose --- they blame other factors --- other people, the govt, god, foreigners.

All cognitive biases are entertaining, but the attribution bias is so much fun. Without the attribution bias at play, Sheeple’s Corner At Hong Lim would not exist! Sheeple’s Corner needs a ready supply of cry-babies to mutually masturbate each other in their shared misery.

Water, is the next “big thing”. For e.g.: Dr Michael Burry (one of the short sellers in the GFC) is quietly acquiring “water assets”.

Singapore is too vulnerable. Malaysia has proven a difficult study where water is concerned. So Singapore has little choice but to work toward being self-sufficient. It is a matter of national security.

Go Temasek! You can do it! 🤣

>> And the people of Singapore, are you proud of that our government is eating the breakfast, lunch and dinner of our own people? <<

Not only proud. Damn fucking happy. 😁

Anonymous said...

Inject 2.3 million foreigners into the 3.4 million herd of Sinkies, the Sinkies will have to work harder, and work for lesser . . .

Anonymous said...

V951am & 954am

The 70% very very very happie mah.

They asked for it! They got it!

We deserved it!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1013

...or don't work at all. Just rent out the properties and be a Land Baron.

Where is Condo Guy? Apparently he's doing fabulously with rental properties.🤑

Remember --- you die, your damn business.

How are those spurs doing? Got pain yet...or what? 🤪

Anonymous said...

Those spurs are driving many to unreported suicides !!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 1041

I don't think suicides should be reported. They are not "news".

Seriously, think about it --- what LOGICAL PURPOSE is served by the reporting of suicides in the media? The reporting of suicides are Suffer Porn which only functions as fodder for people's fascination with the suffering of others. For e.g.: after a horrific road accident,people will gather to see what's what, and even use the numbers of the vehicles involved to "buy 4D".

People also "buy number" when they learn about suicide.

Only the police and relevant authorities need suicides reported to them, and them alone only.

But since you all love to experience the "shiok" you get by witnessing tragedy, the MSM will oblige you. Hey, it drives up advertisement revenue!

Don't bluff lah you all...you luuurrrve to see people suffer.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:54am, @All,

Like I said, 99% of people can't make money in investing whether stocks, properties, or business, or whatever. They have a gambling mindset & simply want to sit back and win / collect money. Investing doesn't work like this. Those retail Hyflux investors put too much of their money into it (concentration risk) and got burned through their own laziness -- lazy to learn, lazy to remove their own ignorance, lazy to monitor, lazy to study the company & industry, lazy to deep dive into the company's financial reports, basically lazy to think.

You're wrong when you said Hyflux used the $900M for building Tuaspring. Most of the $900M was used to repay previous loans & bonds by senior creditors, or to buy back their pwn shares. This was already the 1st sign that Hyflux was simply using new money / new investors to roll over previous investors, or trying to artificially prop up the share price.

Those who bought the preference shares in 2011 could be forgiven for their initial decision, since at that time Hyflux appeared healthy in both profits & free cashflows. However anybody who knows anything about investing & bonds will know that 6% is "junk bond" status, even more so with 8% step-up if not redeemed by 2018. Triple-A rated Temasek & DBS bonds yielded barely 3+% or 4%.

By 2015 Hyflux's annual reports & financial statements (ESPECIALLY CASHFLOW STATEMENT) showed that there was a big stink in their business model & frankly not sustainable.

Even for investors who don't know or not interested in Fundamental Analysis will know something is wrong just from the share price itself. Prices incorporate all known facts about the company & the business, and by end-2015 the Preference Share price had shown a marked deterioration. Investors could still have sold & gotten out then with a slight 3%-4% capital gains somemore.

As for those who bought the Perpetual Securities in 2016 --- totally no excuse. The $500M was purely used to pay off previous senior creditors & not for new investments or even to strengthen their balance sheet. This was stated clearly in the prospectus for the Perpetuals. By 2016, it was damn clear even in the annual report (which are always written to paint a rosier picture than reality) that there were many years of NEGATIVE FREE CASHFLOWS, even when profits were still positive.

And anyway, by Sep 2017 the price of Perpetual Securities had started to deteriorate so badly that even a blind man will know something is wrong. Investors should have gotten out by end Sep 2017 for a 6%-7% capital loss.

If remisiers are so good as what RB always claim, the above is what they should have done along the way to guide & protect their customers. But I can guarantee that not 1 of them did so. Buy or sell is you die your biz -- I just collect commissions. Willing buyer willing seller. Caveat Emptor.

Anonymous said...

To anon 1201: Are you sure the 2016 prospectus for the perpetual bonds stated that the funds are to be used to pay off previous creditors??? This is an open confession of a Ponzi scheme. If the MAS did not stop it, then something is seriously wrong, and the unlucky buyers may have a case to file suit against the regulator? There is a Hyflux protest at Hong lim soon, this matter should give some support to the sad uncles and aunties.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ Borrow until die lah

This is typical Singapore: a "darling" business borrow and borrow until their unpayable outstanding debt is MORE than what the business is worth...and get away with it for so long. And mudder-fudder investors , remisiers and people supposedly more intelligent and responsible, and in-charge all asleep, deluded and toasting champagne. "Only The Good Stuff in Singapore!"

Anonymous said...

When the Electorate chooses to sell their Country, there is no ground or reason to say aliens are stealing.
The Country is sold with the Concurrence and even blessing of the Electorate; in this case, it means the Sinkies.
Matilah Singapura has iterated many times and likely to repeat again and again that the People deserve the Rulers they have chosen.
Majority of Sinkies appear to agree to sell Sin to others.
There is no theft or even any other wrongdoing by aliens.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:54am, @All,

Like I said, 99% of people can't make money in investing whether stocks, properties, or business, or whatever. They have a gambling mindset & simply want to sit back and win / collect money. Investing doesn't work like this.

This comment I disagree. So many here are bragging about how good they are in investing in stocks. So cannot be 99% losing money. And for someone who can comment, 'Investing doesn't work like this.' means this guy knows about investing stocks and must also be making good money, smart guy.

I don't think any remisier would dare to say he is very good in stock picking. If anyone is so good, he can just trade himself and be a billionaire like some of the clever investors here. RB never claims to be one. I can only say that I have never recommend my clients to buy Hyflux or Noble.

Remisiers are there to service their clients and share what they know with the clients, and to do best for their clients, and not necessary always right. The market is not as simple as the smart people think.

Or else no one would be saying 99% can't make money.

Anonymous said...

"2016 prospectus for the perpetual bonds stated that the funds are to be used to pay off previous creditors" -

It will be disgusting if the funds are raised from retail investors to pay off institutional creditors . . .

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 122

>> Matilah Singapura has iterated many times and likely to repeat again and again that the People deserve the Rulers they have chosen. <<

I'm glad to notice the idea is catching on :-) If people took that idea to the next GE, and decided their voting preference with it held clearly in their minds...maybe things might be different. (maybe). However, politics is formed by culture. Before cultures can change, minds and ways of thinking has to change.

Actually, I take no pleasure in sounding like a broken record. I'm always on the hunt for new, fresh ideas...not just my own, but especially by others. You need "new eyes" to see what you don't see, we all need that.

Anonymous said...

@Humbleideas, @Anon 1:27pm,

///"2016 prospectus for the perpetual bonds stated that the funds are to be used to pay off previous creditors" -

It will be disgusting if the funds are raised from retail investors to pay off institutional creditors///

This was what happened & borrowing money (or issuing new shares) to pay off or roll over previous debts / bonds / debentures is legal & MAS approved.

At least WSG has educated most of you clowns 0.0001% of how financial markets work.


Clever investors don't need to trade until billionaires --- most here in S'pore and around the world are perfectly happy & able to invest in order to consistently generate a few K of income monthly. So that they don't need to work if they don't want to, or answer to some asshole who controls their paycheck.

If remisers job is to just click buy / sell button, then no different to a piece of wood.

No, not stock picking, but being aware of what your clients have --- whether they bought based on your "sales pitch" or not. If you know or notice that they have some positions that are turning toxic, if you have fiduciary duty then it's your job to advice or at least alert the clients.

Unfortunately, remisiers here are not bound by fiduciary law & hence the relationship is purely commissions-based, willing buyer willing seller you die your biz, caveat emptor.

Even an average IQ person will know something is wrong with Hyflux by Sep/Oct 2017 just from the prices alone, and they would tell friends or clients if they are holding Hyflux stuff. Come on, most every other stock was chionging like fuck in 2017, but Hyflux was behaving like having a stroke.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies sold their Country
with eyes,legs
and hearts
wide wide.

Anonymous said...

When I asked my remisier when/how to pay for the Keppel Ifra Trust new offered shares at $0.441 (ex-CO Friday, already trading yesterday), he replied he don't have the shares so dunno.

Anonymous said...

Hi 157

I know someone who became new citizen just three years ago is also now kpkb thàt we are letting in too many instant citizens like him!


Lye Khuen Way said...

Redbean, a brilliant piece on sustainability.
Our coverment only knows how to exploit.

Worse, it has no compunction exploiting it's very own Citizens.

And it dares to warn others that we should be stealing their rice bowls too!

We suddenly become their partners in crime too ! Stealing is a crime,no

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:14 pm.
Here in MSN, there are Supporters to sell Sin.
MS is one most prominent; he wants the Border to be as open as his legs and arms.
So is the One depending on rents from expat and alien for his/her many properties.
lf the Country is sold to generate wealth,
why not?

Anonymous said...

Flight SQ423, Boeing 777, landed at Changi Airport at 7.54am after flying from Mumbai to Singapore. It was 32 minutes late.

There was a bomb threat concerning Flight SQ423. Police are investigating.

Steal others' lunches or others threatening to steal our lunches, planes and lives?

Anonymous said...

The stock market is worse than a gambling house. It is an ocean of hungry sharks and fatten whales. Some of these are cheats, con men and manipulators. The cheats and con men are not as bad as the manipulators, most of whom are insider-traders. They eat your lunch and you wholesale, without second thought, at the earliest chance. BEWARE AND BE VERY AFRAID.

Anonymous said...

Hi All
lndeed, what's wrong with collecting and making money?
if they were and are done on State Assets and at National Level by the Rulers and the Ruled. lt is accepted by all as though in cahoot, so it cannot be treason, right ?
lt also goes to show that the citizens are in it with their leaders working hand in hand to make the Country richer, wgich must be good for everyone.
Maybe Sinkies do not have to manage Sin as foreigners would do it for the locals one day.
All Sinkies need to do is collect and make more money.
Bear in mind not to accuse others of stealing when they paid for their purchases.
lt is a sin to do so.

Anonymous said...

The foolish concept of economic growth without looking at the limitation of space and the ecosystem can only come from fools with eyes blinded and not seeing further than the tip of their nose.

Foolish and fools u said one lah.

But PAP ministers got million dollar pay by putting into practice this foolish concept what. What's more, they could even win big in election.

So how can they be fools, u tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

The 70% dafts deserved the Government that they voted in.
Virgo49 9:51 am

If u r poor under PAP govt, u think u will be rich when opposition become govt?

Anonymous said...

Do the daft Singaporeans understand that your land is being stolen from beneath your feet by the foreigners being imported here in huge numbers that are unsustainable?

Not importing the foreigners will be even worse lah.

So PAP choose the lesser of 2 evils lah.

And even if it is evil, PAP can still win big in elections what. So what's the problem, I mean for PAP?

Anonymous said...

When would the numbers reach a point when every mice will be fighting and eating each other?

Reach the point then say lah.

If the sky fell down how?

When the sky fell down then say lah.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,

Don't waste your time replying to a tape-recorder or a robot. They have not only no brains to think, they also have no hearts to feel. They are totally devoid of moral, ethics, conscience and soul.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 346

>> The stock market is worse than a gambling house. <<

...and it's been going since the 17th century!

>> It is an ocean of hungry sharks and fatten whales. <<

Your "sea-faring" analogy is apt. Yes, from earliest times, the largest companies were sea-based, and they OWNED entire cuntries.

British East India Company Stock

Dutch East India Company Stock

Note the spike ~ 1720. It was The South Sea Bubble --- crazy market boom is not a new phenomenon.

>> They eat your lunch and you wholesale, without second thought, <<

You don't eat, then you will get eaten. It's ZERO SUM game --- for every winner, there is a loser. But, if it irks you, you don't have to play. No one is FORCED to participate. 😉

If you owned VOC (Dutch East India Company) shares today, you'd own the world's largest company.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Unfortunately, remisiers here are not bound by fiduciary law & hence the relationship is purely commissions-based, willing buyer willing seller you die your biz, caveat emptor.

Even an average IQ person will know something is wrong with Hyflux by Sep/Oct 2017 just from the prices alone, and they would tell friends or clients if they are holding Hyflux stuff. Come on, most every other stock was chionging like fuck in 2017, but Hyflux was behaving like having a stroke.
March 26, 2019 1:52 pm

I said many times over, there are many silly things that are being passed around in the industry as wisdom, but really sparks of idiocy in the heads of fools. Let me tell you a little secret, an idiot one day decided that remisiers were not allowed to give trading advice to their clients. If remisiers were to give advice to clients they would be contravening what this idiot decided and can be prosecuted.

So in case your remisiers are not telling you much about which stocks to buy, remember this. Don't blame the remisier. The idiot is king and his words are his commands.

Oh yes, any average IQ person would know what is wrong with Hyflux. But what could you expect from a nation of daft?

Anonymous said...

But what could you expect from a nation of daft?
RB 10:10 pm

Only 34,000 retail investors of Hyflux what. OK on hindsight they are daft lah.

But then how many % is 34,000 of the nation population?

So cannot say nation of daft lah, it is too sweeping, don't u think so?

Need to see the big overall picture, like what PAP do, in order to win.

Anonymous said...

There are two things which ensure PAP will sure win, and win big every election. They are:

1. Money no enough and suffering Sinkies are a minority. Majority Sinkies are smart enough to know how to make money to have good life under PAP, even though PAP govt is not that good now.

2. The Sinkie opposition is not ready to be govt. This will guarantee them to lose for sure.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 7.42

Aiyo, how you know that if the Opposition were to be the Government the poor Singaporeans cannot be rich.

If not rich, maybe at least they do not have to struggle under the PAP.

Now then have time to rebut you as having supper at Melaka.

If you do not give the Opposition the opportunity then how you going to access they will be a better government and make the Singaporeans prosper.


Anonymous said...

If you do not give the Opposition the opportunity then how you going to access they will be a better government and make the Singaporeans prosper.
Virgo49 10:39 pm

Should be assess, not access lah.

Please lah, the opposition themselves not only shown but also said they are not ready to be govt what.

So what is there to assess, u tell me lah? Common sense, correct or not?

Anonymous said...


Another growth area for investments -- Big $$$$$$ to be made from sick Asians

So far my healthcare focus is mainly US with their big pharma & medical devices & health insurance & medical services companies & ETFs --- americans are the largest healthcare spenders after all.

I'll certainly monitor the Asian healthcare space & the growing middle-class story. Will take advantage of opportunities when Mr Market becomes depressed like last Dec. 👍

Anonymous said...

"......economic growth without looking at the limitation of space and the ecosystem"

They did it for power gripping, to them you die is your own business, and they stay inside big space with natural ecosystem, some where around big beautiful garden.

Anonymous said...

Track our (CPF) money

The Singapore sovereign-wealth fund, GIC Pte. Ltd., has acquired a 25% stake in Dutch hotel company citizenM - owner and operator of micro-hotels. Its stake brings citizenM's enterprise value, which includes debt, to EUR2 billion (US$2.3 billion), the lodging company said.

CitizenM is one of a small but growing number of microhotel brands, which stack up hundreds of smaller rooms and focus on modern design while turning lobbies into social hubs. Many don't have a full restaurant, offering a cafe or a bar with grab-and-go food service.

Founded just 11 years ago in 2008, citizenM has a portfolio of 15 hotels in eight countries and cities like Amsterdam, London, New York and Shanghai. In September, citizenM opened its second property in New York, a hotel with 300 rooms at 189 Bowery.

Private-equity firm KRC Capital, which was founded by Rattan Chadha - also founder and executive chairman of citizenM - and Dutch pension fund manager APG Group NV own the other 75% of the company.

The three owners have committed to invest a further EUR750 million for future expansion, the company said.

Think Again said...

Wrong! Sadly and grossly mistaken.

In this world, every event/issue there are three main aspects of perception, namely the positive, the negative, and the unseen or unclear aspect.

The positive aspect of perception derives from the theatrical displays created with the intention to lull, dull, intoxicate and mesmerize the unthinking masses.

The negative aspect of perception derives from the observation, analysis, interpretation, and previous experiences of the section of the masses who can think.

The unseen, unclear or hidden aspect of perception derives from wisdom.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 10.47

I had already said that it is not necessary for the Opposition to be the Government.

As long as the Opposition had the numbers, they can debate and shown the weakness of the.Ruling Govt.

As equal in strength and numbers, they can twart or stop any unfair bills into laws.

Thus, the Singaporeans might be subjected to any unfair policies that may harm them. Thus they might not suffer any unnecessary financial drawbacks.

If the Opposition can drumed many holes into their imbecile policies with better policies and debates, then the unthinking Sinkies might wake up and give the Opposition the votes to be the next ruling government.

Don't always play the broken record that the Opposition must be the Government of your spoiled radio commentary.

You ex Teacher make grammar corrections smarter than the Computer choice of words?

Anonymous said...

The land is stolen from beneath our feet, not by foreigners, but by the very people we elect to take care of it and who sold it to foreigners. The leader who told the whole world that this land belongs not just to the citizens only but to every one who is here, whether to work or on a visit.

Anonymous said...

Screwity Guards Can Be Extremely Dangerous!

A screwity guard in Malaysia, Penang, Georgetown, was sentenced to death for rape and murder of 17-year-old student.

Judicial Commissioner Abdul Wahab Mohamed said based on the evidence, Tarmizi Yaakob, 23, was found to have caused the injuries that resulted in the death of the 17-year-old female student.

"The defence has failed to raise a reasonable doubt in the case.

"The defence was an afterthought for the defendant," he said in delivering his decision on Tuesday (March 26).

Defence counsel S. Yagoo in mitigation said the accused was remorseful and urged for a lighter sentence.

DPP Noor Azura Zulkiflee urged the court for a maximum sentence as it was a serious matter.

After raping her, Tarmizi, from Permatang Damar Laut, murdered the 17-year-old schoolgirl on Oct 25, 2015, between 7.30am and 7.30pm at the Bandar Baru Perda flats in Teluk Kumbar.

The charge under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder carries the mandatory death sentence upon conviction.

Abdul Wahab also sentenced Tarmizi to 15 years in jail and three strokes of rotan for raping the victim in addition to the compulsory death sentence.

If an individual who has committed a crime of enjoying the pleasure derived from someone's body to satisfy his lust, and then killed her, must be sentenced to death by law, what should those who enjoyed the money of the masses and deliberately inflict much suffering upon them (tricking them to work until they drop dead without any pension nor retirement) get in turn, if convicted?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous March 26, 2019 7:35 pm
//.....got million dollar pay .....//

Go morning,

For a person deciding whether to work in certain sector or shit job, obviously the pay or returns must be above normal and one important consideration?

For example if a prostitute is paid less than say a cleaner and still must "open leg" to any HARRY, DICK and MATILAH, who wants to work as one though the job can shake leg almost the whole day?

Same same shit jobs such as pimps, loan sharks, drug pushers, contractors, or use the mouth talk shit type, ....?

So for shit jobs, unless $$$ damn good, if not who want to do?

Anonymous said...

C L Chua 10.10pm //Oh yes, any average IQ person would know what is wrong with Hyflux. But what could you expect from a nation of daft?//

This sai cui or shit/ sewer filthy water processing maybe karma?

For some people with sensitive system,
everyday drink already stomach quite bloated and unwell?

So everytime have to boil and reboil the day cui over and over again to make sure all the bacteria are 1001% DEAD?

Very torture for some old people?

Make their daily life very tortuous and painful?

Scientifically, some people should research or investigate whether the sai cui processing is 101% "safe"?

If mrt breakdowns so often after billions and herculean efforts poured in, sai cui processor if fighting bankruptcy will never cut corner or run out of spare parts cos never pay suppliers but the sai cui plant still running?

Anonymous said...

Drink the contaminated dirty filthy water taken from the sewage and drainage means you are drinking menses juice, shit juice, urine juice, sputum juice, bacteria juice, viruses juice, fungus juice, microbes juice, chemicals and poisons.

Very very very BAD LUCK!

It is very very very CHEK ARK to make your people drink such HORRENDOUS PLUS IHORRIBLE JUICES.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


Wah, Stansberry Research ah? My my, you are continually full of surprises. I'm a big fan of Porter and his team --- Doc Eifrig, Dan Ferris etc. And now Porter has got Michael Covel, a trend follower as an associate, which is surprising for a "value-oriented" team.

Yes, Asians are becoming rich, and getting sick like everyone else, but only now they can PAY to live longer. Rising middle-classes are full of upside potential, and if you get in early and cheap you can do fucking well.

I'm concentrating on WATER at the moment. Iove heard unconfirmed reports that our SWFs are quietly buying up water rights in other cuntries.