
Siti Nurhayati - Keep running girl

'I need to represent Singapore even though my father couldn’t': The para-athlete who chases her dreams and the dreams of others. By Matthew Mohan 

SINGAPORE: When the crack of the starter's pistol reverberates, it is just Siti Nurhayati Ali Askar Khan and the track. Arms pumping, legs churning, heart pounding, the 16-year-old blitzes down the lane. No distractions, no worries, no stress. ...Siti runs fast and she has to - she's part of Team Singapore's contingent of 30 athletes who will participate at the Special Olympics World Games 2019 from Mar 14 – 21. Held in Abu Dhabi, the event is for athletes with intellectual disabilities, and this year marks Singapore’s tenth year participating.

Singapore's athletics team has eight members and Siti is arguably the most experienced of the lot.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/sport/para-athlete-special-olympics-team-singapore-11322330

Sports can bring life to people in different circumstances and the para Olympics and other para Meets are occasions that give the para athletes a chance to show their prowess in their sports.  I wish Siti and her team mates all the best and bring back more medals to do Singapore proud.

3-5 May 19, Singapore would be holding the first South East Asia cum Singapore Masters Athletics Meet here. The importance of this inaugural Meet can be seen by where it is being held. It was initially to be held at Toa Payoh Stadium, then Gombak Stadium, and finally Bishan Stadium.  At one stage it was supposed to be held at the open practice track next the National Stadium. This is how important this Meet is, and how important the masters athletes are to the people in charge of sports.

I bet they would not even report about it when the event is being held, right here in Singapore.
And there is a bigger Meet in December, the Asian Masters in Kuching, Malaysia. Singapore or is it the Singapore Masters Athletics Association, will be sending a contingent of seniors to compete in this Meet. Would the sports officials be interested in them? Would the media be bothered to cover the events and the athletes like they covered the para athletes?  The seniors, the masters athletes, not important, no point covering or reporting about them?

When would they gain recognition and support from the govt and be treated at least as important as the para athletes?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Siti Nurhayati Ali Aksar Khan added to Singapore's overall tally later in the day with a bronze in the 200m F12 category.

"I am very happy to get bronze because I broke my own personal record and also proud that I competed with tough competitors," said the 16-year-old who clocked a personal best of 32.42 seconds. CNA

Anonymous said...

Singapore leaders only recognize young people and foreigners. Old Sinkies are encouraged to work until they die in order to help increase the GDP, but not the NDP. Forgone conclusion, old people are good for hibernation at the top, to continue to collect $millions every year. But not any other old people. Other old people are good only for the once-in-a-blue-moon Pioneered Package and the Merdeka-ed Package. That's about all. Thereafter, they die their own business. Even when sick, they cannot use their medical insurance fully. They still have to pay cash. Why like that one?

Because 69.9% daft Sinkies just love to be sodomized again and again. They don't like Mahathir but they love Anwar and Whitemen Tua Kee or Men-in-White Tua Hood - Reversed Robinhood.

Anonymous said...

9.23am, I agreed with you lar. Most sinkies like to be sodomized leh

Virgo49 said...

Daft Sinkies, young and old in that 70% camp are been brainwashed by the PAPies from cradles to their graves with no minds of their own.

Whatsoever the PAPies do or implement, they must be correct and for your own good.

In Kopi tiams and even in showers and in changing rooms of gyms, these daft sinkies will curse the Mahathir and all praise for the PAPies and that AhGuas Men In White.

They are so parochial in their thinking without weighing who are the Ones taking advantage of them and even the Others.

Unthinking Nation of Dafts calling themselves a Smart Nation where everyday all info and data been hacked and exposed.

Soon, be Sinking Land.

Anonymous said...

Pap how many % àt next GE?.

Any guess?

Anonymous said...

Many many many forecasted pap wins ALL the seats at next GE!


Anonymous said...

The seniors, the masters athletes, not important, no point covering or reporting about them?

It's true lah, can tell that they are not important from the way they are treated in the media, but this type of thing also cannot say aloud what, correct or not?

Say it aloud and people will not be happy so what for, u tell me lah.

Anonymous said...

Say it aloud and people will not be happy so what for, u tell me lah.
10:38 am

Can say it aloud lah, I mean in RB blog.

For shiok mah. 不吐不快 Not vomit out not comfortable.

Vomit out in RB blog, PAP also still win election, so OK lah, I mean for PAP.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 10.38am

There are a lot of people like you "don't say it aloud" out there!


Anonymous said...

Daft Sinkies, young and old in that 70% camp are been brainwashed by the PAPies from cradles to their graves with no minds of their own.
Virgo49 9:46 am

Please lah, how daft or brainwashed can they be

when a lot in the 70% camp have lots of money and enjoy life under PAP?

So of course they will also vote for PAP lah.

U call yourself smart when you suffer money no enough under PAP? Cannot be, right?

Anonymous said...

Whatsoever the PAPies do or implement, they must be correct and for your own good.
Virgo49 9:46 am

This one u say one lah.

Let me tell u lah, they may have voted for PAP but that doesn't mean they think PAP is correct or good, u know.

Seems there is no change in your senile condition from the way u talked.

Anonymous said...

Unthinking Nation of Dafts calling themselves a Smart Nation where everyday all info and data been hacked and exposed.
Virgo49 9:46 am

I agree lah, such incidents shows PAP govt is no good.

But then is the opposition ready to take over as govt?

If not, why not? Because the opposition is daft or worse than PAP so cannot take over?

If so, how to expect smart Sinkies to vote for more opposition?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ RB

Not giving "advice", but just a suggestion to consider.

Fuck the government and fuck their money lah. You take their money, eventually, they'll squeeze your balls until you end up being a slave to their agenda. Your agenda or your club's agenda can fuck off lah. By now, you should know how these motherfuckers think, and operate by their "legal gangsterism".

Here's my suggestion...maybe you've already done something...I refer to my 3 favourite words: I don't know.

First, you know you guys have value --- the value of PERCEPTION, don't hand-wave this away. A bunch of fit oldies doing what most unhealthy, fast-food chomping people half their age can't do, is VALUE. And the beneficiaries of such value will be advertisers whose "schtick" would be inspiring others (their customers) to do seemingly beneficial "outlier" things or focus on "impossible" goals. So market to these types of RICH companies. (Make sure they're rich)

If you are not an IPC (Institutions of a Public Character), make sure you are. Sometimes our asshole govt. does "nice things" and gives people "free kicks" --- you should take (exploit) those opportunities.

In his last Budget, Lui Ciak Buay Liao Minister Heng extended the 250% tax deduction for donors ...ie for every $1 donated, the donor gets a $2.50 TAX DEDUCTION --- for another 3 years 🤓 This is, IMO, an unbelievable free kick. With this kind of free kick even Blind Freddy can score goal lah. You could have plenty of money to run (pun intended) for at least 3 years...and then because the election will be coming again, they'll either up the tax deduction or extend the time.

The govt encourages partnerships between business and IPCs. So you get your private "patron" --- who'll benefit from the tax deduction, and it should be a-ok for your club.

An acquaintance of mine started some kind of youth-focused initiative/ community what-not in the arts. The motherfucker did all the above (IPC, tangkap rich patron)--- he got a rich bank as the #1 patron, and then organized a "gala fundraising dinner --- selling the 250% tax deduction "for a good cause" angle. After paying this and that, he raised $400,000+ from just one dinner. Dun pray pray, Singaporeans very generous one leh. 😘

Anyway, think about it mate. Fuck the govt money, but sayang the govt for their occasional "free kick" 🤣

Virgo49 said...

Anon 11.13

You are like leashed dogs and caged birds just because you are well fed by the PAP.

Like the Koreans used to say;

Why you want to lead these types of lives ?

Kept dogs and birds in cages and leashes.

Ya, you can be rich but you are like zombies and imbeciles.

I personally do not believe that Sinkies are rich under the Pay And Pay.

Just wayang only Papuers just pretending to be Princes.

Anonymous said...

They can always cast spoilt votes or blank votes if they do not want to vote the other candidate.
Virgo49 11:30 am

Aiyo, your senile condition is getting worse from what u said above.

Even with many spoilt votes, PAP can also win, u know.

Still remember how KFC Tan won PE 2011 with only 35% votes?

The more u talk, the more it shows signs worsening senility.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 11.30

It you dafts who think that the Opposition candiates are No Good.

PAP parrots majority in Parliament Good meh?

The Opposition Candiates are not been elected to prove themselves in their debates and you straightaway said that they are no good.

You think CSJ, Philip Jeya, TJS no better than TPL, that Murali and many others.

You dafts been brainwashed that they are no good just because the PAP said so.

Anonymous said...

I personally do not believe that Sinkies are rich under the Pay And Pay.
Virgo49 11:39 am

Because I think u also not rich lah, that's why u mix around and personally only know the same kind as u lah.

Remember the saying, Birds of a feather, flock together?

From the way u talk, u are just like a frog in the well which can only see the sky above the well.

PAP being the govt see the whole picture for Singapore so they know how many are rich and have good life. PAP got 70% not for nothing, u know.

Anonymous said...

You think CSJ, Philip Jeya, TJS no better than TPL, that Murali and many others.
Virgo49 11:46 am

Not say they are no better lah, but problem is their party is not ready to be govt.

If they are elected as MP, they will surely be tekan by PAP govt and their constituents will also suffer, u know. So what for?

Hope u understand better now, senile old man.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

If you cannot do "reasonably well" in Singapore, you're not doing certain things correctly lah. Dun blame the govt or society. Kotek lah.

To quote my friend, a retired ex-floor trader on the old SIMEX": Singapore is the best run, and wealthiest communist dictatorship in all history" 🤣

Wake up and smell the kopi-o lah. (kau kau, siew tie)

Anonymous said...

Wake the Fucks Up, idiotic Sinkies! Someone else from all over the world are already here to kill you slowly (terrorism in another form) by breaking, cracking, stealing and robbing in broad daylight, invited with open legs and open arms by those you voted in to take "GOOD CARE" of you (get rid of you)!

Anonymous said...

Wake the Fucks Up, idiotic Sinkies! Someone else from all over the world are already here to kill you slowly (terrorism in another form) by breaking, cracking, stealing and robbing YOUR RICE BOWL (your livelihood) in broad daylight, invited with open legs and open arms by those you voted in to take "GOOD CARE" of YOU (get rid of you)! While they enjoy life-long iron rice-bowl with easy $millions every year (affording them to buy at least one landed properly in the US, UK or Australia (to build their safe haven to escape to when the chips are down).

Anonymous said...

One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison - Xenophobia

C J Werleman, journalist, author and analyst on "Conflict, Terrorism And The Middle East", said the New Zealand Mass Murder, the Australian Breton Harrison Tarrant’s Manifesto “mimics the same kind of Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Muslim and Anti-Leftist views expressed by the Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Breivik, who murdered in cold blood 77 Norwegian students in what he described as his protest against Europe’s Liberals and Multicultural Values”.

Werleman added: “What we do know about Tarrant is his profile reads as the sum total of every counter-terrorism practitioner’s and academic’s fear, one that law-enforcement agencies throughout the Western hemisphere have long warned to be the No. 1 terror threat: right-wing extremism.

“More specifically, Tarrant represents the dangerous convergence between broken white men and extreme right-wing media, bearing in mind that 100 per cent of all terrorist attacks carried out on US soil in 2018 were carried out by right-wing extremists, with the Southern Poverty Law Center crediting a toxic combination of political polarisation, anti-immigrant sentiment and modern technologies that help spread propaganda online. The SPLC is an American non-profit legal advocacy organisation specialising in civil rights and public interest litigation.

“For years, tabloid newspapers in New Zealand, Australia, Britain and the US have published a stream of inaccurate stories about Muslims, while also deploying sensationalised headlines, with one study finding British newspapers were pressured into correcting stories about Muslims more than 20 times in one three-month period, and another revealing that crimes committed by Muslims received almost four times as much media coverage as crimes committed by all other groups.


What may be even more serious is that the Internet was thoroughly exploited by Tarrant to lure viewers to his crime. He advertised his massacre on social media, laced a video he released before the shooting with online jokes and ensured that the first things the rest of the world would see and hear about the shooting were exactly the things he wanted them to know, according to the Washington Post: “This manifesto is the work of someone who understands the Internet and how to metaphorically weaponise it.”


You see them here in this blog's comments everyday.

Anonymous said...


More blood means more opportunities for war stocks. Counter-terrorism, counter insurgency, cybersecurity, espionage, covert monitoring technologies etc. For past 5 yrs that I've lurked here, already told you that war & killing will always be good business as long as there are humans.

Anonymous said...

There are SIX (6) Main Types of people in this world:

1. Top 1% who create and control the world's main events.

2. The Right Extremists.

3. The Left Extremists.

4. The Exploiters cum Opportunists.

5. The Blur Blocks who do not know what the fucks is happening in the world.

6. The Couldn't Care Less.

Virgo49 said...

Anon 11.41

You are just too daft. Do not know what's even Protest Votes are.

Even though the PAP will win aa you said, they will be alarmed that their support had gone down.

Then, they would realise the unhappiness and tried to win back their supports by being less arrogant and served the people more.

Another daft Anon said even the Opposition wins, they be also be tekan by the PAP and what's the use. Their Constituency also suffered. Luckily Aljunied and Hougang constituents are not coward like him.

With such daft thinking and cowards like him, no wonder they remained as leashes dogs and caged birds throughout their lives.

You think the Opposition Memebers are kindergarten children unable to defend and fight themsleves like you?

One Anon how lian said I am poor and mixed with the poor that's why I said Sinkies are Paupers behaving like Princes it because I only mixed with the poor.

Imbecile. Think he is deeply hurt for being a Pauper and trying to pretend to be a Prince that why he calling me all sorts of names and what's senile.

Live up to this age have seen most sinkies like him living in their bite more than they can chew situations with liabilitites more than assets ready to drown state.

If I am not well to do to have apartment and condo in Melaka and able to call it a day at aged 56 with frequent trips to game at Genting Highlands.

See whether you can retire at aged 80 as conned by the Papies.

I am posting to wake up you dafts not to be slaves forever just like Mr RB is doing.

Casting pearls on swine is really a waste of time. Trying tI convince fools will make you vomit blood.

Better go and have another round of Roulette.


Virgo49 said...

Sorry should be Arsehole.


Anonymous said...

@ Virgo49 March 18, 2019 7:03 am
"Live up to this age have seen most sinkies like him living in their bite more than they can chew situations with liabilitites more than assets ready to drown state."

Part 1:

Angkor Virgo69,

Ai think u hv hit a great pt on dat.

In the latest Congress, China Premier Li Ke Qiang publicly and officially announced growth target revised down to 6% for 2019

Last week the whole sinkieland economists surveyed in the latest poll dropped all their forecast to 2.5%

And this is only mid Mar, means at most use one month data of 2019 (Jan)?

Like that 2019 could be very JiakLat Liao lo?


Based on past years, this downward revision could be the beginning to moderate expectations and final numbers could be much lower by the time they are done with all the coming revisions for the rest of 2019?

Let mee just touch on the key issue.

Look at the Canadian $

About few years ago ard 2008 to 2012 at the peak of the China building boom (after Wen Jia Bao unveiled China 4 trillion fiscal stimulus then) , SGD Vs CAD was abt 1.5 to 1? Now it is basically on par (1.01 to 1)? The Aussie $ much worst now @ abt 0.95?

The general trend could be this is the first wave ?

Means what?

First to understand YEW need understand Mathematics

Unfortunately for many Mathematics kong cum including one mati imh escapee and his sec 1 education lo(ooooo)ng time fan, they know nuts abt Mathematics ?

By knowing nuts abt Mathematics, yew know nuts abt eCONomics?

For example, to understand abt the Chinese economy growth TRAJECTORY based on their GDP COMPOSITION , YEW NEED TO UNDERSTAND A SIMPLE EQUATION AND WHAT THE CURVE LOOKS LIKE


In 2005, China I in its GDP was 37%. By 2015, under the watch of Wen Jia Bao, it was at a staggering 47%. In 2017, it came down a bit to 45%

For a developed and mature economy historically this number is in the teens?

To keep up previous numbers China may need to build another 500 ghost cities and another 2 parallel super bullet train lines from Beijing to GZ (amongst others) ?

Is this possible?

For resource exporting economies such as Canada and Aussieland which are heavily exposed to the I component of China GDP, it is a forgone case le?

Some more with the Meng Wan Zhou saga and involvement in S C sea conflict Canada and Aussie could face a lot more headwind?

But the worst has yet to come?

Sinkieland total trade in 2013 was 1.3 trillion? Last year was 1.1 trillion? Exports constitute 210% of GDP?



WITH THE HEAD AND SHOULDER EVENTs OF THE 911 in 2001, GFC in 2008 and BREXIT & BREXIT+++ in 2016, the trend reversal and deglobalisation has set in?

Being 400% exposed to trade amidst the rising tide, tidal wave and tsunami of deglobalisation and growing protectionism means what will happen?

Coupled with the y=sq rt of x trajectory of China GDP growth arising from its GDP I component , it is not hard to envisage, imagine and visualise the grim and bleak picture lying ahead?

So Angkor Virgo69, u could be very rt?

Those highly exposed might be experiencing the RWS downward roller coaster ride with the (2) balls in their throat?

To be cont'd in Part 2 ...

Anonymous said...

If I am not well to do to have apartment and condo in Melaka and able to call it a day at aged 56 with frequent trips to game at Genting Highlands.
Virgo49 7:03 am

OK lah, u well to do but I think u also a bit senile lah. Because the way u talk and talk back this one cannot bluff one, u know. LOL

Well to do also can be senile, especially when you are old, u know.

It's natural lah, so don't take it too hard, OK?

Virgo49 said...

Hello Anon 6.48

It's not necessary that poor people are daft and stupid.

They could be poor due to circumstances but they may be even smarter and more street wise than those who are rich.

Rich or poor still have to complete their life journeys to the crematorium.

Can be a Prince today and Pauper tomorrow and vice versa.