
Buying 100 of the world's most advanced fighters

This is surely unbelieveable for a tiny dot to acquired such formidable weapons, the F35. At US$68 mil a piece, wow, we will surely become the most well equipped air force in the world. We will become invincible! I am worried about my income tax and more taxes, and our national reserves. Such advanced aircraft, with stealth capability, are employed by sophisticated airforces like the Americans and other super powers to evade equally sophisticated defensive radar systems. And the capability of the aircraft is to achieve air superiority over equally capable aircraft. Looking around, who are our enemies and what to they have? Do we need them when the defence is made up of coconut trees and catapults? But can't be too sure. If we upgrade, they also upgrade. We spend more, they also can spend more. I will like to be the arms merchants, inspiring the boys to spend more money on their toys to be one up against each other.


Anonymous said...

The government is really stupid. Foreigners already invaded Sg in large numbers. They invaded us economically, educationally and culturally. They will soon overwhelm us and take over the government. Who says you need to invade a country militarily? All those military white elephants isn't going to save us from being invaded.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

a technical point. we don't call that invasion. it is like dropping our pants and ask to be screwed.

singaporeans don't even know what is happening. all these people are here to share our national wealth, reserves and whatever our forefathers slogged and died for. now they are claiming an equal share and more. they are here to help us and we must be grateful to them. for without them, we will perish.

we need to tell them we are ruled by supertalents and our future is in good hands.

Anonymous said...

Hard to say. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, the information about the American Fleet docking there came from the Japanese civilians living and working on the island. That is why we cannot let out the information about our GIC/Temasek reserves. Very important secrets. Cannot anyhow let people know.

Mockingbird said...

i guess with such super advanced fighter jets, no country would dare to be Singapore's enemy. Ha, ha, ha...! :D Fat hope.

When Singapore was first founded by Raffles, it was also invaded by all the coolies from China who turned out to be our forefathers. We are the descendants of migrant workers, are we not?

Certainly we have no problem accepting the fact that our forefathers were the first to step foot into Singapore when it was just a jungle island and contributed to its development to where it is today. But we have a big problem accepting all the FTs. The gahmen call them Foreign Talents while we call them Foreign Trash. They are trash for turning our tiny little island more and more overcrowded, noisy and unbearable to live in.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

our forefathers may be migrants. this does not justify that we must welcome all migrants. conditions have changed. what is more critical is the limited space we got and the pressure of having too big a population.

ERPs is a good indicator of what kind of pressure we are going to get if we are crazy enough to keep opening our legs wide wide.

Anonymous said...

We thought we could follow the US, absorbing talented people who can help to grow the American dream, but we forgot that we lack the land size, resources and job market to match. What are they going to do after we reach 6.5 million?

Anonymous said...

The difference is that our forefathers came on a one way ticket to sink root here in sillypore. Today FTs come with a return ticket to milk us. Only the old man is naive enough to throw resources at FTs. If FTs are so desirable, why aren't other countries opening their door wide. You think other countries are stupid?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i am not sure if it is lky's idea. he is still thinking of the local bred and born. at least that is what he said.

i think it is the instant politicians, instantly tested after a cup of tea, that got to have their heads checked and the bearings retuned.

these are the instant tree phenomena. experienced, proven, tested politicians. since when? how long?

Anonymous said...

Tested? Some have not even fought a single battle in a single constituency ward. Now even Tharman is talking crap about not increasing wages, except their own.

Mockingbird said...

Yup. Tharman said to counter inflation, wages should not be raised. But he never mentioned not raising ministerial salaries. Hypocrite.

Precisely, just becos our forefathers were migrants, it doesn't mean we have to welcome all migrants because of the different current conditions.

Singapore is indeed getting increasinly overcrowded with living conditions becoming more unbearable as more FTs flood our pathetically little piece of land.

i presume that by keeping our legs opened wide, you mean to continue driving all the time regardless of how many ERP gantries there are in Singapore and how much ERP rates are increased, right?

i think it's not so much of us opening our legs wide. It's more about us being sodomised by our slave-masters. The more we drive thru the ERP gantries during their operating hours, the more we get screwed from behind.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

the ERP screw us from the top, we can it is coming. the foreigners and new citizens will screw us from the back, and we don't even know it until it is too late.

Anonymous said...

haiyoo... u guys will die standing la if u start to reject the foreigners.. haiya.. u ask urself lo, u wanna sweep the drains ar.. or u wanna assemble stuff in some plant ar.. cmon la.. face it, u need them just as much as they need u... how do you think you guys are living that pampered plush comfy lives ur living now.. pls la.. u will not survive in any concrete jungle elsewhere.. so stop talking cock and face the real world...

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi causeway, welcome to the blog.

we are just talking cock here only lah. don't get too serious.

and we are hoping that one day we will also be issued with media pass and be invited to official events. but probably they will give the past to foreign talents or new citizens.

Anonymous said...

Yap, they will only give the media pass to foreign talents or new citizens, who will sing all the praises they like to hear.