Playground of a public housing estate in Singapore
Renewed interest in Redbeanforum
Hi bloggers,
I have two forumers who have decided to stay away from YPAP forum and post more in Redbeanforum. I hope you people can also post more there as the format there is easier to follow.
One shouldn't worry. All spontaneous phenomena are in flux, constantly. And ANALysts are too often WRONG. (yeah baby, it's really difficult to predict the future - and The FACTS that you are using now to predict the future may change! This keeps life very interesting indeed)
2 comments:,2933,236582,00.html?sPage=fnc.scitech/personaltechnology
One shouldn't worry. All spontaneous phenomena are in flux, constantly. And ANALysts are too often WRONG. (yeah baby, it's really difficult to predict the future - and The FACTS that you are using now to predict the future may change! This keeps life very interesting indeed)
Ha~ And that Lao Xing Zhou complained about me, making me like in the league of Nolefac somemore~?! Hahahahaha...
Nay, can't be bothered anyway. You can't talk cock having an agenda of gaining popularity.
There are so many forums nowadays. But Lao XZ could be happy to know that I am staying at YPforum. :-D
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