
A piece of tin can called Art

Would you pay $2m for a piece of tin can, erected it up, and called it Art? I won't. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I passed the spot almost everyday and was hoping for something grand that is worth a second look when it was all wrapped up. It looked better underwrapped, at least with a little mystery to titilate the curious mind. Tell me how you feel about the erection in front of the new NTUC building as Finlayson Green.


Anonymous said...

An erection in front of NTUC building at Finlayson Green? Someone must be very angry with the union to show such an obscene gesture.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

it will be better for a few statues of our pioneering workers standing tall in front of the NTUC building. i mean real solid statues and not tin cans.

Anonymous said...

Erecting tall statues of opium-smoking coolies ? What message will that be giving the young ? That it is okay to smoke some pot to escape the harsh realities of working life ? Puhhh-leasse

Anonymous said...

how is statues of our pioneering workers (or coolies many of them who smoked opium)bring negative message to the young? are you only able to think of statues depicting coolies in the opium dens instead of stevedores at work and so on?