
42,000 rental flats

We still have more than 42,000 1-rm and 2-rm rental flats and the demand is increasing. More will be built. And very likely these are Singaporeans and not just local residents. In other words, we have at least these number of families that are still struggling in our midst.


Anonymous said...

So, what is your point ? There will always be strugglers, even during the best of times. AT least in Singapore, they have access to these rental flats. In other countries, these people will likely end up making their homes under bridges or in some dark alley.

Anonymous said...

Rental flats are the best accomodation for the lower income group and for those who can never afford to buy their flats. The Singapore govt is doing a good job by providing them with affordable housing to match their income. Well done and long may it continue.

Redbean, please do not pour scorn on everything. Credit where credit is due please.

Anonymous said...

Another thing, what makes you think all those living in rental flats are struggling. I personally know a single guy who is renting a 1 rm flat in Ghim Moh with his aged mother. He drives around in a gleaming, latest Honda CRV, and has a stake in a restaurant across the Causeway.

Anonymous said...

I think Redbean tends to paint everything with a brush of gloom. Wake up Redbean and stop this continous attack on our beloved govt.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

please lah, read what i posted and stop yacking for the sake of yacking. i am lamenting at the number of people still have to rent flat, which also mean struggling.

for that guy with a gleaming honda, better keep quiet or he may not be there for long. these flats are for the needies and there are many who are in need.

Anonymous said...

>> i am lamenting at the number of people still have to rent flat, which also mean struggling.

And what is so lamentable about that ? There will always be pockets of the population who will find it difficult, no matter what state the economy is in. If you want to lament, lament on something worth lamenting lah.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

you got a point. you guys are quite smart and are welcome to share your views here.

maybe i should lament about the doggies too. they have gone for a while.

Anonymous said...

>> maybe i should lament about the doggies too. they have gone for a while.

Why don't you look in the mirror. I'm sure you'll find one there.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

did i press the right button or wrong button : )

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

You write as if there is some kind of "social disaster" in S'pore.

Every human being has got to "struggle" at least sometime in their lives. Most people just deal with it, move on and not whine about it.

Anonymous said...

matilah_singapura said:You write as if there is some kind of "social disaster" in S'pore.

Brings to mind the timeless tale of the boy who cried wolf. Remember what happened to him, Redbean, lest you end up like him. There have been times when you have posted something worthwhile, but those moments are getting to be very few and far between.

Matilah is right. We all have to learn to deal with the hand that Life has dealt us. That is what our brains are for.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

read my latest post, or actually reports in the straits times. are they crying wolf too?

i can always write about people earning millions and their exciting lifestyles and their fantasies. would you like to talk about such stuff?

we are all looking at different aspects and niches of life. of course there is a whole range from the penniless to the billionaires. you choose where you want to look at and talk about.

for a young man, single, no responsibility, a $2k pm income is a big deal. you can even take cabs after pubbing and have your happy weekend fun.

a family of 4 with a $4k income is struggling. even with my income which is easily more than double of that, i also feel that i am struggling.

what about those earning a household income of lesser than $3k? and there are plenty of them out there.

Anonymous said...

Well, hello Houston, cost of living increases is not peculiar to Singapore alone. It is a global phenomenon these days due to among others, the weakening USD and the recent spike in oil prices.