
The Spread of Vicious Viruses Is Caused By Irresponsible People and Irresponsible Leaders

So far, more than 10 schools, tuition centres, colleges and kindergartens have been infected collectively.

There may be many more that went undetected or unreported.

This present B1617 series of Covid-19 viruses produced by India is notoriously much, much more infectious than their predecessors, and more deadly too.

The previous Covid viruses only killed the old and weak within a month or so. These present India-produced Covid B1617 viruses killed the old, the weak, as well as the young and the healthy within 10 days or so. And they display no symptoms until the very last moment when the probability of death is very high. Without pure oxygen pumping into the lungs to help the patient to breath, the patient will die of suffocation, brain-dead, heart attack or kidney failure.

Most of those who got infected are people who flouted the proper way of wearing their masks, or those who stubbornly refused to wear a mask - eg taking it off while talking on the phone or talking to friends; not wearing masks while playing at public playgrounds and facilities; not wearing a mask while giving Speeches of teaching; standing too close to people who are smoking at home or in public places; attending Tae Kwon Do classes at Clubs or CCs; eating at crowded popular public places (like the Changi Airport canteen and cafeteria and Kopitiams), and wearing the mask over the chin instead of covering the mouth and nose, while taking public transport.

Naturally, such irresponsible people also become super-spreaders once they have been infected.

Therefore, basically, the spreading of the vicious virus is mainly caused by irresponsible people and irresponsible leaders who allowed the virus to enter the country, despite so many warnings given by their own citizens and others. 

Queen of Hearts


Anonymous said...

Total Number of Imported Cases in Singapore (as at 16 May 2021, 1200h) : 4,500

Source: MOH

Anonymous said...

To be fair to the Leaders of this island city, they r faced with a dilemma of opening borders or shutting it off. To convince the Head of the Leaders is not ez as one need to hv data or evidence or experts advice in order to be convinced to close or not. It's juz too bad that 61% of people had already voted them in & the rest really 'boh pian' or can't do anything. So at the end of day let's face it - "We r IN This Shits Altogether " So boh Bian all got to suffer in a Diam Diam Era or C19 Heightened Alert (possibly another CB when situation worsen), so stay healthy, stay alert & be strong.

Anonymous said...

What we have now are just known knowns. The hidden unknowns are still spreading the virus.

Who they are, where they are is still waiting to be revealed only when they fall gravely sick.

And what about those having the virus in their bodies but do not fall sick? They are also spreading the virus.

It is frightening to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Even up to today, Changi Airport still accepts people from high-risk countries in South Asia, UK, USA and Europe. Really hard up of that few dollars more. Penny wise, pound foolish. Looks like we do not have leaders like the Pioneers Old Guards any more. Even their descendants are totally different from them in thinking, in approach, in style and in generating new ideas.

Totally no initiative and common sense; no gut feelings and foresight; and no wisdom and compassion. Just pure mathematical calculations and money-mind. Idiots!

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

The Arithmetics Of Importing Infected Foreigners Into Singapore

One visitor pays $3000 for 21 days' confinement in a hotel room, plus after 21 days he may spend let say, another $2000. So totally, one visitor is worth $5000 to the Singapore money-mind economy.

If everyday, there are 10000 visitors, then Singapore's mathematician government can get $5 million per day to help the economy. That means, $150 million in one month, or $1.8 billion in one year.

Is it worth it?

Calculate the unseen costs caused by the virus spreading and the cost to the healthcare system, the cost of vaccines, the cost of lock downs for restaurants, foodcourts and food outlets, public transports and entertainments, the cost of individuals' health and the cost of deaths and sufferings.

Is it worth it?

Looks like $1.8 billion is not even sufficient to pay the operation of the airports, to pay airport staff and security personnel and others.

It is not worth it, if every day the 1000 visitors were to spread the Covid virus to 1000 locals. The medical cost alone will already be too high.

We can't keep digging into our national Reserves to rob Peter and pay Paul.

What about the costs of death and sufferings? Incalculable!


Anonymous said...

No problem digging into our national Reserves to pay Paul. Just raise the GST later.

Anonymous said...

70% chance that we are going to see another wave of COVID in parts of US in mid June through late July.

1. we are importing the Indian variant at full speed.
5 direct flights a day are still operating (4x UAL: DEL-EWR/SFO/ORD and BOM-EWR; 1x AIC: DEL-EWR) https://t.co/g8A9zHFSU1

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. It is the virus that would be worrying. How dare the virus come here when the immortals are in charge?

Everything will be fine.

Anonymous said...

The Dongkye Kungfu shadow fighter is talking cock again.

Talks like he so clever to fight the invisible vicious India Convid-21 viruses - ring-fence here and there and many layers of defence put up, and many ways to mitigate the risks.....

However, the B1617 Stealth Fighter-Bomber Virus still broke through the ring-fences and many layers of defense. And now, it has established a beach-head and assembled all its armies of B16171, B16172, B16173, etc to invade the bodies of all the ill-disciplined and irresponsible human beans who think and act like the Covid Virus Armies are too tiny and insignificant to worry about.

Many countries already forbid India nationals and travellers from India from entering their countries without qualms.

Our world-best, instant multi-millionaire minion is still talking about "wait and see". And not to hurt the feelings of those countries that are important to our economy. Yet, Singapore can publish anti-China articles and editorials in our mass media almost on a daily basis, and dare not mention the word "India", instead replaced it with "South Asia", in his talks publicly. Hypocrite?

The word "monitor" seems to have become the only answer to every Covid situation in Singapore!


Anonymous said...

Taiwan si liao. Community spread increasing and unchecked. Panic demand for vaccines but passed stupid law cannot use Chinese vaccines. Made orders from Moderna but but Moderna would not firm date when the vaccines would arrive. Expect earliest in June.

By June mati liao. Oh, their masters, the Americans got plenty of vaccines. Go down on your knees and beg the masters. The masters sure help Taiwan one.

Anonymous said...

The World Economic Forum is canceling the annual meeting it was planning to hold this August in Singapore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

An independent newsroom is one of the crucial factors that will determine the success of the new SPH Media Trust, said the company’s chairman-designate Khaw Boon Wan yesterday.

“If you undermine that, you undermine what we are trying to achieve,” he added. “That is my position. It is, to me, crystal clear," said Khaw Boon Wan.


Singapore is going to allow an independent newsroom to churn out Independent news, reports, editorial ideas, views and opinions? FAT HOPE!

Anonymous said...

From Reuter:

- The World Economic Forum has cancelled its 2021 annual meeting scheduled for Singapore in three months time, the Swiss-based organisation said on Monday.

"Regretfully, the tragic circumstances unfolding across geographies, an uncertain travel outlook, differing speeds of vaccination rollout and the uncertainty around new variants combine to make it impossible to realise a global meeting with business, government and civil society leaders from all over the world at the scale which was planned," it said in a statement.

The next annual meeting will instead take place in the first half of 2022. Its location and date will be determined based on an assessment of the situation later this summer, it added in a statement.

Anonymous said...

Same as independent trade union with an 'independent' deity sitting on top. Pass the salt please!

Anonymous said...

The reluctant, indecisive, half-measure taken by the clueless Singapore Covid-19 Tasked Force must have created an uncertainty that has driven the World Economic Body to cancel the meeting entirely.

Queen of Hearts said...

NASA Contaminated Mars Surface

As China's exploration on Mars continues, a scientist from Cornell University has questioned whether life discovered on the Mars might have actually "originated on Earth in NASA labs."

Dr Christopher Mason, a professor at Cornell University, said such a scenario could have occurred despite rigorous cleaning processes and spacecraft assembly in specialized rooms.

Mason wrote about the subject in an article for the BBC.

"Spacecraft, like NASA's most recent Mars rover Perseverance, are built in thoroughly sterilized rooms — with air filters and strict biological procedures — one layer at a time, with all equipment cleaned before it is added to the machine," he explained.

These methods restrict bacteria, viruses, or fungi on machinery to be sent on a mission.

However, "accidents" may happen and accidentally microbes or coronaviruses might have been inadvertently conveyed into the Mars Rover or equipment that have landed on Mars.

Therefore, the microbes found on Mars surface could have originated from Earth.

Very simply put, NASA has contaminated the Mars surface! This is irresponsible, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. The USA will blame China if contamination is proven. You can bet on it!

Anonymous said...

Double standards so in favor of India - visitors from India were allowed to “indiscriminately visit” families in Singapore, while Malaysians working in Singapore are not allowed to cross borders to see their families due to the pandemic.

Anonymous said...

Think this is good as the high class and rich Indians would be visiting their elite friends here and share their B1617 with them.

Anonymous said...

"Visiting their families" just an excuse to allow their kind to escape from the crisis in India, and if already infected, to let them seek better treatment in Singapore medical facilities.

Anonymous said...


China removes at least five officials from posts amid resurgence of COVID-19 cases

China is tackling a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, with local governments taking vigorous measures by removing at least five Chinese officials from Northeast China’s Liaoning and East China’s Anhui provinces from their posts and issuing warnings to dozens of other officials for their dereliction of duty.

Anonymous said...

Virgo, cannot like that say. Singapore will be finished without our Indian talents here. The Chinkees are not talented in many things. Look at finance and IT, without the Indians and Indian foreign talents, we would be in deep trouble. Singapore would not even be able to find a banker to be CEO of DBS. And then Temasek, so lucky got Indian talent to fill the CEO position.

And poor Shanmugam got to helm two ministries. If only they can find a Chinkee to be law minister or Home Affairs Minister, Shanmugam's life would be easier. After so many years and he still got stuck with two ministries. So poor thing.

Same thing, poor Menon has to be stuck in MAS for so long, unable to find a Chinkee good enough to let him move on to a higher position.

Same thing about finding a Chinkee Chief Justice. If only they could find one Chinkee good enough for the job.

No need to talk about IT. Without Indian talents, the whole IT industry would collapse. Our banks would still be using abacus.

And then the position of the Presidency. So lucky to be able to find Halimah to take that post.

Singapore should be grateful and thankful for the Indian talents here to hold the important positions. Tharman wants to retire also cannot. Or else he would be in IMF, big time there.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I must say the Indians are world best in finance, in banking, in IT and in doing business. And also in law. Chinese no fight.

Why do you think Singapore is dumping so much of its reserves into India? Singapore is betting on India to be the next super power. Then Singapore can ride on the Indian economic engine and get very rich.

Anonymous said...

Better to ride on the Chinese engine. This one is real and running.

Indian economic engine is like dreaming. What would it be real?

Anonymous said...

No wonder this morning heavy rain. Even the weather is different these two days. Seldom we have so much praise for our Indian talents saving us from going back to the swampy days.

Anonymous said...

Mr Goh Chok Tong would not have handed over the premiership of Singapore to Mr Lee Hsien Loong, if the latter reverted to his father’s stern ways, according to the second volume of Mr Goh’s biography, Standing Tall.

“I told the doubters quite frankly that if I thought Loong was going to go back to his father’s ways, I would not step down. Because that would mean he would undo my work, done over the last 14 years. I had loosened up Singapore, opened it up, and if I knew that he was going to bring Singapore back to his father’s style, I would not do the handover,” Mr Goh told Mr Peh Shing Huei, who wrote the book.

Steady poon pee pee.

Anonymous said...

A tall tale. Pass the salt again please!

Anonymous said...

Lau Goh is quite tall.

Anonymous said...

Highly transmissible B.1.617 mutant coronavirus variant on the loose in Singapore - why still no Circuit Breaker?

Anonymous said...

Chiu kong lan par song.

Anonymous said...

No problem, just recite the names of the immortals and you will be protected.

Anonymous said...

Rescuers in Gaza City on Sunday pulled out Suzy Eshkuntana, a 6-year-old, from the rubble of a building that had once been her home, but which was flattened by Israeli airstrikes. She was covered in dust but alive. Her mother and all four of her siblings were dead.

Anonymous said...

Israel has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israel will pay the price for its murderous atrocities against the innocent Muslim children and mothers.

Israelis children and mothers may have to answer for their government's crimes.