
China should not tolerate interference in its domestic affair

WELLINGTON: New Zealand wants a more mature relationship with China that goes beyond trade ties and gives room for disagreement, particularly on issues of human rights, the Pacific nation's foreign minister said on Friday (May 7).

Nanaia Mahuta's comments come after Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said this week that differences with its top trading partner were getting harder to reconcile, and the country's parliament unanimously declared human rights abuses were taking place against Uyghur people in China's Xinjiang region, angering Beijing.

"It's important for us to ensure we are respectful, consistent and predictable in the way we convey issues we agree on, but also on issues we don't agree on. And it's part of our maturing relationship," Mahuta said in an interview with Reuters.  Reuters

The above is another silly case of interference with China's domestic affairs by a little Anglo Saxon country, New Zealand. China must stop such nonsense once and for all. Just because these trouble making country that treat China as an enemy and alleged that there is human rights abuse in Xinjiang so there must be and they have a right to comment about it and to meddle with China's domestic affairs. The white New Zealanders also have a record of genocide against the native Maoris.

When is China going to tell these Anglo Saxon murderers and land grabbers to go to hell and mind their own business? If they want to trade and have good relations they are welcome. Once they mention anything about human rights or China's domestic affairs, there shall be no more talk.  Just send them home. There is no need to talk to trouble makers and worse, murderers that killed the natives and stole their land and thinking they are angles and good enough to talk about human rights abuses.

China has no need to want to have good relations with such hypocritical people that are still sitting on the land that don't belong to them but to the Maoris. Alleging human rights abuses and meddling with the domestic affairs of China are unfriendly acts and not welcome. China should make it a known policy to the trouble making countries, human rights is a taboo topic. Not welcome and would be sent packing.


Anonymous said...

What so difficult just mind your own business,

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

The White Barbaric Supremacists Have No Right To Talk About Human Rights

New Zealand and Australia, Canada, France, Portugal, Spain, UK and USA - these criminal countries that invaded, killed, murdered, massacred, enslaved, robbed, stolen and scorched-earth the natives and their land by the millions for the last 500 years - simply have no rights to speak about human rights to China, or any other countries.

They have been the biggest human rights violators throughout the last five centuries, until today.

The White New Zealand government is still oppressing, suppressing, subjugating and dehumanizing the Maoris, the original owners of all the lands and natural resources of New Zealand and surrounding islands.

The White Australian government is still very actively and inherently oppressing, suppressing, subjugating and dehumanizing the Aboriginals of Australia, the original owners of all the lands and natural resources of Australia, Tasmania and surrounding islands for more than 50,000 years.

Likewise, the White Canadian government is still prolonging the total oppression, subjugation and dehumanization of the natives of Canada, who are actually the rightful owners of Canada and Alaska.

The White Governments of Portugal and Spain, together with USA, are still controlling by proxy the original natives of all Latin American countries.

The evil USA, in cahoots the devilish UK, is continuing to commit crimes against humanity on a daily basis, without respite - under all sorts of false pretexts and pretences.

How can the White Barbarians of these countries have any right to talk about human rights, let alone trying to teach others how to suck eggs?

China, or any other country, must not allow herself to be hoodwinked by these criminals against humanity to dictate terms about mutual benefits and mutual relationships.

(Liberal and Independent Press Societies)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Another good post for Thursday.

Anonymous said...

The USA and UK now wants to move away from International Law and use their own 'Rules Based Order' whereby they can interfere in the internal affairs of every country, using human rights as an excuse. This has been strongly condemned by Russia and China. Most of the poodles are still unaware of what is in store for them when this gets through the UN. They must vote against it.

Watch Alexander Mercouris dissecting this issue on Youtube where he discussed the implications of 'International Law vs Rules Based Order'; Wang Yi and Lavrov battle Blinken'.

As it is, what have they done with Israel and Saudi Arabia violating human rights with murder and unilateral seizure of land to build settlements? What action have they taken? They will probably say, the past is over. That will basically also be over for the genocides they committed against the Natives of America. The slate of their sin will then be wiped clean. How crooked and hypocritical can they be?

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...


I left out this paragraph. Please insert as paragraph 7:

France, UK and USA, and ironically also include Israel, are still actively exercising control, intimidation, oppression suppression and subjugation of the Middle Eastern nations and the countries of the African continent through political inference, economic sanctions and military interventions at will.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

OK noted, LIPS.

Anonymous said...

A US Coast Guard ship fired warning shots in the course of a close encounter with vessels from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGCN) in the Strait of Hormuz off Iran, a Pentagon spokesperson has said.

Why are US Coast Guard ships in the Straits of Hormuz? Coast Guards are like marine police, guarding the coast of a country. The US treating the Strait of Hormuz as a part of USA?

Queen of Hearts said...

The demonic, evil, hegemonic USA has been treating the Middle East as its own military playground and energy and oil resources and bases, with impunity, for years.

Anonymous said...

China’s Sinovac Shot Found Highly Effective in Real World Study - Bloomberg

Sinovac Biotech Ltd.’s vaccine is wiping out Covid-19 among health workers in Indonesia, an encouraging sign for the dozens of developing countries reliant on the controversial Chinese shot, which performed far worse than western vaccines in clinical trials.

Indonesia tracked 25,374 health workers in capital city Jakarta for 28 days after they received their second dose and found that the vaccine protected 100% of them from death and 96% from hospitalization as soon as seven days after, said Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin in an interview on Tuesday. The workers were tracked until late February.

“We see a very, very drastic drop,” in hospitalizations and deaths among medical workers, Sadikin said. It’s not known what strain of the coronavirus Sinovac’s shot worked against in Indonesia, but the country has not flagged any major outbreaks driven by variants of concern.

The data adds to signs out of Brazil that the Sinovac shot is more effective than it proved in the testing phase, which was beset by divergent efficacy rates and questions over data transparency.