
The white warmongers will continue to kill and kill without conscience

 With war mongers running the USA, and maggots in the swamp supporting their agenda, the spilling of blood is only going to get worse. But all that is not important, and just brushed aside as collateral damage, just like the children and women killed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. It never gets inside their conscience.

All the wars have the same element of being started by the White war mongers or instigated by them (as in South China Sea) or created by them (as In Ukraine). The wars in Vietnam (about containing communism), Afghanistan (about countering terrorism), Iraq (about preventing WMD when the communism and terrorism threat narrative failed to fit), Ukraine (about upholding NATO's right to expand NATO closer to Moscow).

Next will be China and the narrative is not about communism triumphing over democracy, which will be self-admittance of defeat, but all about containing China's rise to overtake the USA and the White Imperialist, and the rising Chinese influence globally, especially in Africa. Oh, de-dollarization issue is inconsequential for the USA, on the surface, and they are not rattled today and are treating de-dollarization as a non-event, but beneath that they are nervous and paranoid. They can keep on denying, but de-dollarization is going to be the main catalyst leading to their own downfall. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now the USA is aware of de-dollarization gaining traction among countries in the Global South and is using threats against them. The threat is not against BRICS per se, which will not work with Russia, China and India in its fold. Any threat against India is counterproductive. Hence the threat is directed at those countries joining de-dollarization. It will not work.

Russia's trade with China is all outside the US$. That goes for Iran as well. For others like Saudi Arabia, total de-dollarization is still a works in progress. But globally trade denominated in USA is slipping. When the debt crisis hits a more serious level, we can see a faster decline in the use of the US$ in global trade. It takes time.