
Can you magine,... the US, UK, Nato and Israel were to attack Iran?

 Israel has been planning to destroy Iran for a long time, especially Iran's nuclear facilities. The time has come and the Americans are fully behind the Israelis to wipe out Iran for good. The UK is also on board and so is Nato. Can you imagine, what would happen to Iran when these white terrorist states ganged up against Iran and Iran is alone to defend itself?

Can you imagine, what if China and Russia choose not to get involved? When the two most powerful opposition to the western camp stay out, the fate of Iran is going to be pathetic, a cruel ending to a civilisation with millions of Iranians disappearing from mother earth. There will be no mercy.  Iran will suffer a fate worse than what happened to North Korea, or Iraq, the Iranian landscape would be beyond recognition.

Can you imagine, what would be the response of the Arab and Muslim states in the region? Turkey as a member of Nato would likely be part of the attacking Nato forces, or at best provide a supporting role. When the Arab and Muslim states see this, many would cower in fear, hide under the bed, not to be seen or heard. Some may volunteer to join the American terrorists to attack Iran as well, to be on the good book of the white men.

Can you imagine, after Iran is totally wiped out, what would the white terrorists do next? With their success, and the the inaction of China, and Russia, they would be so embolden of their invincibility and would continue to attack Russia and then China. The white supremacy and the American Empire would rule the whole world till eternity. The rest of the world, Latin America, Africa, Asia and South East Asia would just capitulate. Long live the American Empire, they will all chant together.

Can you imagine, this could be the future of civilisation and would last for a long long time? Can you imagine, if this comes true?

If the rest of the world does not stop the white savages from decimating Iran, does not stop the white savages from destroying Russia, the white men will re colonise the whole world again. Can you imagine, what would be the life of coloured people under an enraged white savage regime?


Virgo49 said...

Good monring Mr RB and All

Well, today's Shits Times had a full page article as thus:

Americunt Propagonist Elbridge Colby :" If we fail against China, nobody can save you"

Dotard Trump ally's message to Asia.

Written by doggie no other than Bhavan Jaipragas.

Wow Deputy Opinion Editor.

Paid poison to brains washed the Dafts and Imbeciles

Hello go and Save your own Arse.

You think your Dotard could win this round.

Cannot even debate a Black Woman who is also a headless chicken running wild.

Of a headless laughing hygena?

Asia and the Rest of the World needed China and Russia to counter balance the atrocities and lootings and bullyings from you White Barbarians and Savages.

Your time is UP to now eat swills for your evil deeds against humanity.

Which imbecile Asian or SEA nation will readily saddled to the Americunts.

Oh, he specifically mentioned Sinking Land!

Kee Chew faster!

Too late also too ahem.

Anonymous said...

How many non Singaporeans are now in ST to control and feed western views to Singaporeans? Is our national paper being controlled by foreigners, setting the agenda and narratives in the interests of foreigners?

Anonymous said...

The West is ensuring Kiev’s demise on purpose https://www.rt.com/news/603986-ukraine-russia-missiles-nato/

Excellent evaluation of the most recent strategy of the west in Ukraine. I must add that it's not a poison pill given to Ukraine but a suicide pill!!
And the moron Zelensky is going to swallow it with glee.
But Russia should take advantage of this situation and quickly deploy nuclear weapons to Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Iran and friendly EU countries. This will greatly consolidate its military position for the future and ensure no more threats and starting wars from the west. And just for show, donate some nuclear warheads to China too. Everyone knows Russia has the most nuclear weapons on earth and that's its trump card against the west, hell bent on destroying it for decades. So it can afford to spare some to toughen other friendly countries. Nobody knows how big China's nuclear arsenal is. By donating some to China will further discourage the sickest country on earth to attack it. And China, being the factory of the world, can offer to manufacture Russia's nuclear weapons as a sign of gratitude. Imagine China now manufacturing nuclear weapons on a large scale and possibly for friendly countries as well. If this doesn't make China the strongest country on earth, I don't know what will.😁😁😁

Anonymous said...

The main objective of the war in Ukraine is to destroy Russia. The second objective is to set the Ukrainian Slavs to kill Russian Slavs.
Remember, Zelensky is a Jew.

Anonymous said...

Turkey's role, even if they do not participate directly, will be to provide launching ground for the assault on Iran. Turkey shares a border with Iran and as a member of NATO it cannot refuse.

Anonymous said...

The USA and its allies are just speculating about how many nukes China have today. But it is still meager compared to the USA or Russia. China needs to keep this a secret close to its chest. Small in quantity does not mean small in damage if used correctly and strategically.

North Korea has even fewer nukes by comparison, but they are useful deterrents. No one seems to threaten North Korea now. It does not matter whether that button is bigger or smaller as long as it fires.

The only way forward for China is keep increasing its nukes and close the gap fast. That it is keeping the USA and West guessing is a good strategy.

We do not know to what extent is the military alliance between China and Russia and whether direct intervention is ensconced in their agreement when either is attacked and will they help each other directly. That is perhaps also a good strategy as it keeps the enemy guessing. If Iran goes nuclear and together with North Korea, the odds ought to balance out against the European nuclear powers.

Virgo49 said...


UAssA another 1 billion for misinformations and propagandas to demoinse the Whites Self proclaimed enemies.

Alreday pok ka still wants to spend like a king and died as a beggar.

Anonymous said...

Two types of countries that could help the whites to conquer and rule the world.
1. The pretentious 'good' states that do not want to get involved, too virtuous to be involved in all the politicking, wanting to be neutral.
2. The unprincipled principled opportunists that would side with the winning side in the name of self interest.
The rest of the weak and small states are irrelevant as they could not even save themselves. But they could take sides with the oppressed against the bully and oppressor if given an opportunity.
What would likely happen is for Iran to be attacked and no one would come to its help, and all would eventually fell like Iran, one by one, to the white men.

Anonymous said...

One thing is obvious. The Whites are ganging up against the hardly united rest. The rest must unite, or face being divided and ruled forever. This is a crucial point in human history that must be resolved today. Divided, the Global South will face an existential threat.

Virgo49 said...

All these bloody Parasitic White Savages instead of betterment for their own sub humans goes round picking fights everywhere.

The German Gases Hand Guns Naval for the scrapyards Vessels sailed thru the Taiwan Straits.

Spending all their time and resources thinking that they could again colonised the Coloured Peoples for their resources and wealth and lived their decandnece lifes.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When the white hordes attacked China, no one came to China's help. China was torn to pieces and divided up by the invaders. When they attacked Korea, China stepped in and Korea was saved. When they attacked Vietnam, China and USSR were there, and Vietnam was saved.
When they attacked Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, no one came to help and they were colonised.
When they attacked Syria, the Russians came in and Syria was saved.
Would Iran be saved when the white hordes attacked?