
Embassy of Russia in Singapore and Tommy Koh's article

 The Embassy of Russia in Singapore has taken note of the article by Dr Tommy Koh titled "What to Make of ASEAN's Ties with Russia", published in the StraitsTimes on September 17, 2024.

As a former senior diplomat and a respected expert on international affairs, Dr Koh undoubtedly possesses a deep understanding of the essence of the Russia-ASEAN dialogue partnership. However, the assertion that this relationship is "thin on substance" appears exaggerated and lacking in nuance. This claim cannot be considered impartial.

The Russia-ASEAN partnership has consistently been of a strategic nature, well before its formal elevation in November 2018. It extends far beyond mere trade and arms supplies, as Dr. Koh sought to convey to his readership. The ties between Russia and ASEAN encompass a wide array of strategically significant issues, both regionally and globally: energy and food security, addressing non-conventional security threats such as terrorism, extremism, and transnational crime, cooperation in international information security and emergency response, training of law enforcement personnel, and volunteering, among others. In January, Russia was conferred the status of ASEAN's digital partner. The relationship also thrives on vibrant people-to-people exchanges, as well as youth, cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation.

It is factually inaccurate to state that only two ASEAN member states have enjoyed very close relations with Russia and supported Moscow along its ongoing efforts to combat the #neoNazism in Ukraine. However, the fact is that only one ASEAN member state has imposed unilateral sanctions against us in the absence of a UNSC resolution . Besides, attributing Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s recent visit to Vladivostok for the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) to dissatisfaction with the US policy in the Middle East is both overly simplistic and unfounded. #RussiaMalaysia relations are built on a long history of amicable and substantive cooperation, with further significant achievements on the horizon.

The ASEAN member states regard Russia as a stabilizing, independent and trustworthy actor in the region's foreign policy, one that brings strategic equilibrium and, unlike certain other powers with neocolonial ambitions, refrains from meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign nations, resorting neither to coercion nor manipulation.


Anonymous said...

Didn't this same character posted an article in the shit times not long ago claiming that the decrepit world trouble maker the US is a friendly and benevolent benign power. When I read that I almost wanted to throw out. US, a generous and benevolent friendly power. What opiate pipe is he smoking? Doesn't he know the history of USA is a history of savage attacks and invasions of other countries. Doesn't he know the history of America is a history of bloodshed of brutal killings and genocide of natives of victimized ? countries. Doesn't he know that Anglo-Saxon US indulged in brutal and atrocious tortures of native Indians of America? Doesn't he know that the white Anglo-Saxon USA is sittinng on stolen land from the natives of America? Doesn't he know that America joined UK, France, Germany, Zionist Jews and Japan in the opium smuggling and illegal and illicit opium trade in China in the 1800s to 1890s that impoverished and debilitate China to no end. Doesn't he know that Amderican universities like Harvard, Yale, Columbia, New York and California Technological University all swere built with money from opium smuggling and illegal trading in China in the 19th Century. Doesn't he know that most of the splendid infrastructures of railways and highways , the luxurious buildings and hospitals in US and Europe were built with money from opium smuggling and trading in China? Doesn't he know that China was reduced to a pauper state by US and European countries? Doesn't he know that UK and France in collusion with the US imposed the Opium Wars on China? Doesn't he know US and many European countries and Japan reduced China to a semi-colonial country by having extra-territorial rights in many Chinese towns, cities and ports . Shame on him for being so ignorant or just pretending and fawning on Western powers headed by evil United States.

Lee Tai-Chong SG
Tuesday, 24th September,2024

Anonymous said...

Isn't this chap the same character not long ago posted an article in the shit times claiming that the United States is a generous friendly benevolent power that helps other countries. When I read this I almost throw out. What opiate pipe is he smoking? America is a friendly benevolent country. Shame on him. A person like him should know better what kind of a terrorist country US is. The less rubbish he utters the better for Singapore and ASEAN and the world.