
Huawei's latest 3 fold high end Mate XT versus Apples' offer of skin deep colour schemes

Huawei Mate XT

TOKYO: If there is one thing that the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is remembered for, it’s that he knew how to put on a show. Long before Apple became the world’s most valuable company, it was an underdog that masterfully stole spotlights and invigorated rebel consumers.

Huawei seems to have taken a leaf from this playbook in scheduling its own flashy product event on Tuesday (Sep 10) just hours after Apple’s annual iPhone keynote. The Chinese company unveiled the Mate XT, the world’s first triple-screen smartphone that folds like the letter Z.

Visuals of the never-before-seen triptych design made a splash online, especially in contrast to the new iPhone 16’s modest hardware upgrades, the most noticeable being a new button.

It didn’t help that Apple’s biggest selling point for the latest device is built-in artificial intelligence capabilities that won’t launch in the Chinese language until next year, and are subject to strict regulatory approval before hitting the lucrative market. The absence of this key feature in China drew widespread derision on domestic social media; one viral Weibo post mocked that the iPhone 16 should be half price without it. CNA Bloomberg Opinion’s Catherine Thorbecke.


This dumb Bloomberg writer called Huawei's Mate XT a flashy product but then admitted that it was the first triple screen smartphone against iPhone 16's modest hardware upgrades which offers 5 colour choices to push sales for a high end priced phone. What a joke! Would users buy iPhone because of a change in colour of the phone?

The other problem of iPhone 16 is supposed to be a built in artificial intelligence but won't be launched in the Chinese language until next year. Without this artificial intelligence app, the only thing new is the offer of 5 colours which would appeal to children that need such gimmicks, not serious users of high end phones.

So, which phone is just a flashy product and which is a serious gadget with advanced features? 

By the way, pre orders for the Mate XT has reached more than 5m pieces.


Anonymous said...

Colors are important. At the Olympics, humans turn purple after a swim. Will this iPhone 16 change color like those swimmers? That will be something really new from Apple. For many years iPhone users have been crying foul that changes were merely cosmetic in those iPhones trotted out year after year.

Anonymous said...

The iPhone 16 will be a hit among wives, if it can change colour after the hubby is caught cheating. It'll capture more than half the world's population since women outnumber men.

Anonymous said...

That will really be 'eyephones'!

Anonymous said...

Our world most honest newspaper also feature a writeup by this writer Catherine Thorbecke on the iPhone launch & mentioned that the Mate XT only targeted at rich people in China. However due to china people are not spending therefore not expect to be a hit. She probably didn't know that Mate XT already rack-up pre-order of over 4million sales..haha

Anonymous said...

Over 6 million pieces now!

Anonymous said...

She knows, but just believe in the opposite of what she says. You will not be far wrong.

Virgo49 said...

Aiya UAss allocated 1.6B their Waste paper $$$ for all these gian png doggies to have some scraps of their trashish bones.

Channel News America aka Asia and Shits Times inclusive.