
Dollars not accepted in BRICS countries

Yes, dollars will not be accepted in BRICS countries and the Global South. There will be no need for the dollar. And no country will be stupid enough to want to have dollar as a reserve like in the past. The dollar is the most risky fiat currency. Not only that it can be snatched away by the Americans and white terrorists, it is going to become banana currency when the debt blows up with more and more printing to support needless and senseless war expenditure.

BRICS and Global South countries can buy anything they want from China and from themselves.  And the goods they need are cheaper and better and plentiful. Over production by China will ensure that BRICS and Global South countries would have everything they need and do not have to pay for an arm or a leg for overpriced and lesser value American and western goods. There is no need to trade with the Americans and the West anymore. For those countries that were sanctioned by the Americans and the West, there is no fear of being locked out from the world trading system like Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Burma and many others. An alternative world trading system is now available to buy and sell to.

What would happen to all the trillions and quadrillions of toilet papers, oops, American dollars floating around when they are not accepted in BRICS and the Global South countries? Be warned, dispose of the as soon as possible before they become worthless. 

When the dollar is valueless, not wanted, not accepted outside the white countries, the Americans and the West would not be able to afford to conduct wars against BRICS and the Global South countries. All the sanctions would be meaningless, futile.

The Americans and the Europeans would be very rich, with plenty of American dollars but nothing to buy. American dollars will not be accepted in BRICS and the Global South countries. This is coming and coming very fast!


Anonymous said...

Singapore cannot join BRICS. Singapore is screwed!

Anonymous said...

Singapore joined in the sanctions against Russia. That is Putin's 'Red Line' against those aspiring to join BRICS.

Anyway, Singapore is already very much a 'bricks' state. You see building construction everywhere, airport extension, MRT extensions, road widening and diggings everywhere. It is now a 'bricks and mortar' economy.

Virgo49 said...

UAss No more extortion commisions on the UAss$$$ and their Swift now be Slow or Kaput system.

Wow UAss exchange rate lower now.

Just reactivate one Streaming Soccer Channel at UAss 10.00 to Sin13.19

Last time at Sin 13.78

Anyone interested all Football Actions PL, Lai Liga and Champiomships League and also South American Football morning screenings at this afforfable price.


Anonymous said...

BRICS countries just have to deal in their own currencies is sufficient. For example - Ruble for Yuan, Riyal for Yuan, etc. Even barter is possible, like Iranian oil for Chinese infrastructure, or Russian oil and gas for Chinese consumer products. That will take away a chunk of dealings in US$.