
US India Relations - Transient and opportunistic with both humouring each other for self interests

 Much has been made about the future success of India. A future that is uncertain to arrive soon, by hyping-up the 'population dividend' to lure investments to India to take advantage of the slave labor. That is why Apple jumped in to take advantage of the 'slave labor' like it did in China, got burned and now jumping out. Apple jumped into the Indian fire and now jumping out of the fire into the Chinese boiling pot. The consequence is yet unknown.

No one talks about 'slave wages' in India, or child labor issues. As long as India can be used to counter China, anything it does is acceptable to the USA and the West. It is only being demonized in China. You can be sure that all this 'slave wages' and child labor issues will be dug up once India is no longer useful to the USA and the West and will be used against India when it gets thrown under the bus.

The Indians better not be so happy with all the accolades thrown in by the West about the country as well as the demonization of China. The USA cares little about what happens to India. The only thing the USA cares about is its own interest, and in India's context is its usefulness to counter China.

India insidiously wants to adopt the USA tactic of seizing successful businesses in India and punishing them heavily with laws enacted just to suit their agenda, the exact modus operandi that the USA is using against Chinese companies in USA like DJI, BYD, CATL and TikTok among others.

The irony is that these measures will only result in backfiring against the USA's own companies and those of the EU, like Volkswagen, Tesla by restricting CATL from producing EV batteries in the USA. If Tesla is to depend on batteries made by USA owned companies, their cost will make Tesla EVs uncompetitive worldwide. Shooting its own feet is becoming a habit of the USA Government. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, we have a sucker call sinkiesland, who don't mind jumping into the fire. Get burned badly and happily bringing the fire back home..haha