
Apple rushes out 3 fold iPhone to compete with Huawei?


This is Apple's latest and most innovative iPhone in the market.  This must be Apple's most flashy product to date. Well done Apple!


Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Nice meh?

With claddings and screws on the main Screen?

Looked like been dropped on the hard tarmac and as layman amateur put claddings and screws to repair it.

Hello spoiled eyesights!

Anonymous said...

Complete with backdoors? Those hinges are for doors and Apple is telling everyone we have a backdoor, LOL.

Anonymous said...

After years of cosmetic changes, with innovations that other cheaper smartphones also have, this is really a game changer.

Anonymous said...

Certainly not made in China. Can explode or not? Now walkie-talkies are also exploding. Next could be smartphones computers and even planes.

Anonymous said...

When will it be on launched?

Virgo49 said...

No one in the Asian and Global South World now dared to have a Western Brand Device.

Explosives inside.

So now China boom time Charlie with the demands of their Electronic Devices.

Shooting with their own feet these Barbarians.

Anonymous said...

They are honestly killing innocent people. For what purpose?

Anonymous said...

As the Chosen Race, they can kill anyone they want. The God of Israel will protect and bless them. And many fools believe it.