
Is God behind the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza? What is the position of the Pope, of the Church?

 There is silence in the western world, in the western media, in the western capitals, about the daily massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. Why? All the God fearing people in the West are keeping silent, not a word of condemnation, and many are funding the murderers of the Palestinians, openly or discreetly, to let the ethnic cleansing to go on.

God is also silent. Does it mean silence is consent? Is God behind the murderers of the Palestinians? If so, God must be white, cause the Palestinians are not white. The truth that many God fearing people people refuse to face, is that God is not white, black, blue or red. God, if he is the God of all people, cannot be of a particular colour, especially not white.

Jesus is not white. Jesus was from the same people in the Middle East, likely the same colour as the Palestinians, the Arabs and the Jews in the region, not the same colour as the white Jews from Europe, that are behind the genocide of the Palestinians.

Jesus cannot be approving this genocide of the Palestinians. God cannot be approving this either. Can God be so blind to choose a people, he called Chosen Race, to commit genocide against another people? Is God not all knowing, did not know that his 'Chosen Race' is so cruel, ruthless, barbaric, murderers of the innocent? It cannot be. Believing that God did not know, not all knowing, and would chose a cruel and evil people to be his Chosen Race, is blasphemy. It is an unforgivable insult to the all knowing, kind and merciful God. Unless one believes God is not all knowing, not kind and not merciful. One either believe or does not believe, cannot be neutral, not choosing any side. You are with God or against God.

For those who know that this is wrong, that God's Chosen Race cannot be a wicked and cruel race of people, then it is time to rethink the narrative of the Chosen Race. God cannot condone genocide just to protect the Chosen Race. Saying God has his own reason is as good as saying God is evil. Would anyone disagree with this and say yes, God would commit genocide or support the Chosen Race to commit genocide?

Who then is the Chosen Race or who is NOT the Chosen Race? The facts and truths are there before your eyes, in Gaza. Children, women dying, aid workers dying, doctors dying, UN workers dying, journalists and reporters dying, in the hands of the Israelis, the Americans and the Brits.  Can God be behind these murderers to massacre the Palestinians? Look into the mirror and ask yourself, by remaining silent does not save you from believing in evil and lies, that massacring the Palestinians is alright, perhaps God is also supporting it. You are also supporting this genocide by not speaking up, by believing in wicked lies and killings of women and children, by saying that God is behind it.

You are just as guilty and as evil as the Israelis, the Americans and the Brits in this genocide. God or Jesus would have nothing to do with it, would have condemned it. You disagree? God would not allow his Chosen Race to commit genocide. The Chosen Race as claimed by the Jews cannot be true. 

If the Jews are not the Chosen Race, then you are free to condemn the devils, the murderers, the liars, the criminals. The truth shall set you free. Do not be held captive by a lie, by a fiction that the Jews are the Chosen Race and can commit all evil crimes against humanity. They are not the Chosen Race and should be condemned for their crimes against humanity. Have no fear to condemn the devils and the evil ones, unless you are also on the dark side.


Anonymous said...

As a nominal Buddhist, I do not believe in God. If God is behind the genocide that makes it even more unbelievable that it exists.

Anonymous said...

Now the Muppets are playing God.

Virgo49 said...

Both Christiantity and Islam are from the M.E.

Ironically, both also in a way similar in their faiths.

Chritsians had Abraham and Islam IBrahim.

Jacob and Yacob.

Issiah and Ishak and many many more simiarities and by right both should be abang adek and yet they are like cats and dogs at each other throats.

Nowadays even dogs and cats exists peacefully in so many households and regions.

My best friend doggie who had passed on slept with the cats in the shelter before we adopted her.

Animals and other creatures could even get along

Whats happened to the supposed highest class of animals?

They are worst than beasts the most EVIL of all animals.

It's the White Barbarians who so called embraced this Religion of Christiantity and made a Mockery out of it with their murderous genes.

Both also had their Crusade and Jihad and there where the swords clashed.

Really dont understand why it has to come to thus?

Religions shud be peaceful with full of love and humanity.

Anyway, me in neither.

No eyes see.

Anonymous said...

As what the then Mao Ze Tong said Religion is poison but our mind is scientific. He trust a scientific mind rather than religion & generation down the road the PRC achieve many progress if he trust religion more than China will not progress as much...

Virgo49 said...

The White Barbarians and Savages thought that they are the chosen ones by God in their Christian faith and always swerved by their mighty GOD.

Posturing that they are the most holy ones.

Even in their toilet paper extortion currency had In God We Trust.

Conned the dafts that be saved in just believing in HIM and then can commit all sorts of evil deeds and still goes to Heavens.

That's why endless wars and atrocities as committed by them.

Frankly, those coloured beans who embraced this religion is more pious and God fearing than these White Scums.

My spouse once worked in a MRT Construction company as run by the Aussies convicts.

She asked you all to church every Sundays?

He laughed that Chief.

We only goes to Church when there's a wedding or funeral.

Your kind seemed to be there every Sundays.

So much for their faiths.

Like they always said A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


Virgo49 said...

Shud be sweared not swerved by their Mighty God.