
Gaza Genocide - Israel will be sucked dry by this protracted war against the Arabs and Muslims

 Hamas is telling the USA and Israel it is going for the long war and that it has the resources to do so. Can Ukraine or Israel afford a prolong war and can the USA stay the course to provide unlimited aid? When Trump gets elected, the whole equation is already going to change listening to his rhetoric. But then, perhaps we need to take him with a sprinkle of salt, as all of them on both sides of the political divide are just snake oil vendors capable of lying through their teeth.

Twenty years in Afghanistan fighting against ill-equipped farmers bearing small arms and the USA had to run for their lives. With the Afghans telling the rest of the world that Afghanistan is the 'Graveyard of Empires', the USA thought that with their military superiority, taking on the Taliban will be like taking candy from a kid.

In the end the USA had to give up their fight, not from lack of more weapons, but it was a moral defeat. The USA is not capable of fighting long wars. It will sap their moral as soldiers are sent home in body bags like in Vietnam. That is why the USA dared not be directly involved in Ukraine and Gaza.

The other pertinent question to ask is for how long the USA can continue to provide weapons to Ukraine and Israel, with essential raw materials for making weapons now controlled by China like Gallium, Antimony, Nickel, Steel and others. 


PS. The Americans may not be directly involved in Ukraine, but definitely in Israel. In both cases, the Americans are there fighting the Russians and killing the Palestinians.


Anonymous said...

The USA is more concern with aiding Israel than Ukraine, knowing Ukraine is already a lost cause. After all, the Jews have lots of bargaining and lobbying power in Congress. That is why Zelensky keeps harping on more weapons being sent by the USA and NATO or face total defeat, knowing he is playing second fiddle to Netanyahu.

The Israeli economy is already tottering and fighting a prolong war against the Arabs and Muslims is not going to help. The Arabs and Muslims are not going away or disappear tomorrow, as this is their homeland. Israel thinks with the USA behind it, it can withstand a long war. That is the mindset of Netanyahu, but can the USA keep it up?

Iran is arming the Houthis and Hezbollah, while Russia, in turn, is arming Iran, maybe with nukes as well. All is fair in love and war. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

And the West are claiming that Russians are fighting with shovels. Ursula von der Leyen even claimed that Russia needs chips salvaged from discarded washing machines to produce its missiles. What a sick little slut of a liar.

Iran's shortcut to become a nuclear power may already be realized, with the USA, Israel and the West none the wiser. The best deterrent is for Iran to keep this a secret.

Anonymous said...

Wait till China gets into the picture with the factory of the world manufacturing weapons for her friends. They will be a lot cheaper and better than what the west can make. And if China stops the export of critical raw materials for weapons, the west will be stuffed. Without weapons, how will the west fight? Add dedollarisation and it'll be a double whammy for the sickest country on earth.

Anonymous said...

Zelensky is crying aloud over the USA's delay in supplying Ukraine with weapons. That surely indicates Ukraine is being thrown under the bus, as Israel is more important for the USA right now, with missiles needed for its 'Iron Dome' to protect against Hezbollah and Houthi strikes.

Congress is delaying the aid to Ukraine in favor of Israel. This goes without saying when Congress is controlled by Jewish lobbying power, with even the Secretary of State himself a Jew.

The Kursk invasion was also a big mistake by Zelensky, as it failed to lure Russia troops away from the Eastern front. Instead, Zelensky, by shifting some of his forces towards Kursk, left his position on the Eastern front much weaker and unable to withstand the Russia advance. He was outwitted by Putin yet again and is suffering massive losses in Kursk.

Funny thing is that Russian forces fighting with shovels are winning territories. This is unheard of in military history. The closest to this must be the Taliban fighting with small arms and defeating the might of the USA military.

Anonymous said...

Zelensky is making drones in Ukraine hoping to change the game. Russia will hunt the sites making such drones and put them out of business. With all those strikes by Russia, soon even the F16s will not have a suitable airport to land. And F16s need smooth and clean runways to take off and land. If they were to take off from any NATO country, that means Russia has a right to target such airports as well.

The funny part is that the West knows for a fact that Russia (or the former Soviet Union) is one country that is famous for fighting long drawn-out wars to sap the moral of the enemy. Hitler and Napolean found that out long ago and lost their pants. Yet the lesson has never been learnt by the West. Russia is no less the 'Graveyard of Invaders' as Afghanistan is the 'Graveyard of Empires'. Zelensky's foray into Kursk is a total miscalculation and an expensive mistake, losing big on troops and weapons.

The USA and NATO countries are starting to realize that pouring all the aid and weapons into Ukraine is fruitless, but they have to continue with the charade that victory is possible. Fantasy and reality do not mix well to blur the line. How could the USA and NATO hope to replenish all the weaponry that they themselves need and yet supply Ukraine and Israel, when China is curbing all the essential raw materials for making weapons? China knows where the weak points are and is targeting them precisely, not haphazard targeting like the West on Russia. Remember that the Chinese are knowledgeable in acupuncture and knows the important meridians to target, LOL.

By the way, Taiwan is now complaining that the USA had suppled them with defective weapons. It is perhaps naive for the Japanese leaders of Taiwan to think that Taiwan is more important than Israel or Ukraine in the minds of the Anglo-Saxon Whites. Taiwan is just a pawn, or cannon fodder, used to confront China, nothing more nothing less.