
Taj Mahal - Would China build such a monument in India for the Indians?

 Obviously no. The Chinese would have many things to build in Africa, often for free, for the Africans. But this is just an analogy. Would the Chinese put in several hundred billions into India to build a banking empire spreading across the Indian continent, and hiring only Indians to run the banking empire? 

When successful, the Chinese could have the bragging right of telling the world they own the banking empire, providing hundreds of thousands of employment for the Indians. Unfortunately, the bragging rights stop just there. How are the Chinese going to control the finances of the beautiful banking empire when all the employees, from the CEO to the peons are Indians? Not even the CFO is a Chinese. With such a set up, the Chinese can only believe everything the Indians said about the performance of the banking empire. It is up to the Indians to say profit or loss and the Chinese would be none the wiser. Trust the Indians. They would not lie, they would not cheat.

Also, can the Chinese take out any profits from the Indian banking empire? If not, the Indians are really the de facto owner of the banking empire, providing hundreds of thousands of jobs to the Indians using hundreds of billions of Chinese money. On paper it looks good, but the money invested in India is as good as belonging to the Indians. And who knows, one day, when the Indians are generous, they may offer to buy over the banking empire for $1 as there will be no other takers. The Indian govt will make sure no one else can buy the banking empire except the Indian govt or an Indian company approved by the Indian govt.

Would the Chinese be so trusting or gullible to be duped to pump in hundreds of billions of dollars on the great opportunities offered by the future success story of India....to build a Taj Mahal for India for free, using Chinese money? Who knows what would happen tomorrow, who knows what is the future?

One thing is certain. In the future, the people making the decision would all be dead.

PS. Do not bring a snake home. And the top most don'ts...Do not move into a snake nest.


Anonymous said...

The Indians are blaring about the great opportunities for investment in India, the most attractive destination to put your money, because India is the greatest growth story of the century. With 1.5b talented and hungry people, with so many start ups, so many infrastructure to build, India is the place to go to. Just building toilets could make a fortune.
But American and western companies are fleeing India for China.
Be brave, India is so exciting. Go to India with all your money, sure to make money in the long run. Make sure it is not your money but other people's money.

Anonymous said...

People who want to change good money to rupees should put money in India.
People who gamble with OPM can invest in India.
People who want to do charity to Indians can invest in India.
People with good connections with Indians and can get kick backs, can invest in India.
People who do not know Indians can change their rules and laws to fabricate charges, can invest in India.
People who do not mind losing their money can invest in India.
People who think they are smarter than the Indians and can outwit the Indians can invest in India.
People who can see no further than the tip of their nose can invest in India.
Unrestrained optimists can invest in India.
People who think of building palaces and living like Maharajahs, can invest in India.
People who have unrestrained faith and trust in the Indians can invest in India.
One type of people that must not invest in India is the Chinese. They are so gullible and would be stripped naked and penniless by the Indians. They still think what happened to Xiaomi, Vivo, Oppo, Foxconn, BYD, etc etc would not happen to them.

Anonymous said...

Has any western company made profits in India? Answer is NO.
Some Chinese companies made profits investing in India. But they were slammed with fabricated charges of money laundering, tax evasion, and violations of India laws and the fines were more than whatever they made over all the years in India.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the "chinese" you mentioned is from the great sinkiesland. They are willing to open bank, invest in airlines & build industrial park in India. The "chinese" are more than willing to allow the Indian to manage them. Allow them to stay in GCB as long as it please them.

Anonymous said...

Buying F35s but cannot bring home. Setting up a bank in foreign land to create tens of thousands of jobs but not for Singaporeans. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

If Goh Keng Swee were still alive, he would bang his head against the wall to kill himself.

Anonymous said...

Much has been made about the future success of India. A future that is uncertain to arrive soon, by hyping-up the 'population dividend' to lure investments to India to take advantage of the slave labor. That is why Apple jumped in to take advantage of the 'slave labor' like it did in China, got burned and now jumping out. Apple jumped into the Indian fire and now jumping out of the fire into the Chinese boiling pot. The consequence is yet unknown.

No one talks about 'slave wages' in India, or child labor issues. As long as India can be used to counter China, anything it does is acceptable to the USA and the West. It is only being demonized in China. You can be sure that all this 'slave wages' and child labor issues will be dug up once India is no longer useful to the USA and the West and will be used against India when it gets thrown under the bus.

The Indians better not be so happy with all the accolades thrown in by the West about the country as well as the demonization of China. The USA cares little about what happens to India. The only thing the USA cares about is its own interest, and in India's context is its usefulness to counter China.

India insidiously wants to adopt the USA tactic of seizing successful businesses in India and punishing them heavily with laws enacted just to suit their agenda, the exact modus operandi that the USA is using against Chinese companies in USA like DJI, BYD, CATL and TikTok among others.

The irony is that these measures will only result in backfiring against the USA's own companies and those of the EU, like Volkswagen, Tesla by restricting CATL from producing EV batteries in the USA. If Tesla is to depend on batteries made by USA owned companies, their cost will make Tesla EVs uncompetitive worldwide. Shooting its own feet is becoming a habit of the USA Government.

Anonymous said...

Goh Keng Swee could not bear to see all that, that is why he ran off to China serving as economic advisor to China.

Anonymous said...

India already got a free bank without spending a single cent. And wanting to have free mobile phone, EVs and chip manufacturers.

Anonymous said...

The biggest clown is Taiwan, paying the Americans billions for weapons that the American did not bother to deliver after waiting for decades and still waiting. And inviting the American clowns in Washington to collect angpows for visiting Taipei.

Anonymous said...

Taiwan even paying USA clowns to visit is really the mother of all stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Biden and his clowns also behaved quite similarly. Whenever they see a large delegations of visitors in Beijing, they would hastily invite and coerce leaders of the Global South and their cronies to visit Washington. And when there, they would have a photoop without any value and threw some crumbs at them.
Hurrah, we have friends, we have visitors come a calling. We are important!

Anonymous said...

And those who went to Washington think they are very important to be invited. Actually, they are just cannon fodder invited to keep them to be sacrificed later on.

Japan is beginning to realize they have been sacrificed for the interest of the USA. But they could do nothing now, as their testicles are being held by the USA for good.

Anonymous said...

Singapore built a Buddhist University for India but they took it for granted, not appreciative, like Singapore owed it to them.
Fortunately the billion dollar city project was cancelled or else it would be like building a free city for them. What else did Singapore built free for India?