
CIA and NGO operators are terrorists and must be arrested

 In any country that the USA has an axe to grind with, you can be sure that the CIA and USA funded NGOs are working the ground and cultivating stooges to get them ready to assume power.

Rest assured the USA is still doing stooge cultivation in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. It is not over as long as China is seen as an enemy. Likewise in Iran, Venezuela, Russia (wife of Navalny is the chosen one) and even in lesser close countries with it like Mexico, Brazil, and countries in ASEAN like Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia which are closer to China. Their regime changing work in progress now is targeted at others like Indonesia, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Pakistan and Bangladesh have gone over to the dark side, with Thailand almost a done deal if the Thai Military loses power completely.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any move against the CIA or NGOs and the USA may well threaten those making such moves.

We already saw what happened with the ICC threats to issue arrest warrants against George W. Bush and his whole gang for the illegal war in Iraq. They are clear cut war criminals, through and through, starting an illegal war based on fabricated evidence. But under the threat of the USA, the ICC was cowed, paralyzed and unable to do anything, losing its credibility thereafter. A crime is a crime however they may interpret it or wash it away.

We will never see USA supported terrorist be taken to task. Not when the USA is the sole arbiter of what is right and what is wrong. What do you think they invented their 'Rules Based Order' for?

The make the rules, you do as they ordered.