
USA is a SICK country run by sickos and pyschopaths

 There is no country in the world that spend nearly all its time, manpower and money on nothing but wars, propaganda on wars, inciting wars, spreading lies, meddling in other countries' internal affairs, funding terrorist organisations, funding subversive NGOs, attacking countries, sanctioning countries, threatening countries, coercing allies and cronies into wars or not to trade, on a daily basis, 24/7, the whole year round. Only the USA is doing this, with clowns in Washington, and sickos and psychopaths in the defence and foreign affairs ministries.

Everyday without fail, in their main media, social media, fake media, in the media of their allies and crony states, their narratives are about wars, spreading hate news, fake news, negative news, provocative news, spreading lies and disinformation. This is the USA, the most evil and fake country in the world. All the wars, tension, instability, all the bad things, are created and started by the USA.

They threatened and coerced countries to de dollarise, to stop using the American dollars for fear of being robbed or their money seized by the Americans in America, in Europe and in the banks of their allies and cronies. 

They weaponised the banking and financial system, SWIFT, until every country is seeking to find an alternative system to ,trade and transfer their funds so as to protect themselves from the American terrorists and gangsters.

They weaponised pagers, walkie talkies, and electronic devices, implanting explosives in them to kill and to maim innocent civilians, children and women causing excruciating pain and injuries to the point that American and western products, including products from their allies and cronies, would now be banned by countries of the Global South. Apple iPhones and consumer products, Boeing aircraft, automobiles would soon be taboo items, no one in their right mind would want to buy and use them.

And they are not stopping at these evil and wicked deeds. They weaponised vaccines and medicines, and soon would be food and drinks and even water and air. They spread diseases world wide to destroy crops and farm produces, poultry and husbandry. Soon, very soon, everything westerned, products, goods and services would be declared as high risk items to be avoided and would be banned in all countries. No one would dare to touch them or want them.

These evil sickos and psychopaths from this sickest country would not stop at anything. And they are backed by an equally sick population of hillbillies that think of nothing but wanting to win wars, wanting to be the number one military power, the Empire of the world, to rule the world by all evil means. They are spending more than US$1 trillion yearly for wars, for starting wars, to oppress and coerce other countries. How many countries in the world has US$1 trillion GDP economy?

Every war, every wicked and bad things happening in the world, assassinations, rioting, social unrest, be very sure the sick Americans are behind them. They started them.

They have nothing better to do, allowing their economy and people to be run down to become a third world country with broken and rundown infrastructure and social systems. Their political system is a joke electing clowns and morally corrupt and unprincipled men and women to be their leaders. Criminals, cheats, liars, whatever, they do not mind. All they need to say is America must win, America must be great, even if they have to kill everyone on earth, to destroy every country on earth. Killing is a badge of honour they pinned on their chests.

This is what America is today, a nation of sickos, maniacs and psychopaths.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning Mr RB and All

They are the Chosen Ones as God's children and shall goes to Heavens even though they can committed all sorts of Evil Deeds and Actocitites

Been bulling and plundering the daft and stupid Coloured sub humans for century and they all loved it so why's not now?

All the while been subservient and Servile to us.

That's already ingrained in their Evil Skulls.

Virgo49 said...



This video tells all.

Anonymous said...

The USA is a very bad place with very bad people. They don't work. Work to them is to bicker, to quarrel, to lie, to smear, to start wars, any kind of wars, to kill and destroy. This is work in America. Their biggest industry is the war industry. Their biggest media industry is about spreading lies and propaganda.

Anonymous said...

This sick country has been starting wars everywhere, and all kinds of wars against China, building gangs to provoke China, but spreading the narrative that China is aggressive. Look at their evil faces in Washington, men and women all alike.
Fortunately they had overplayed their cards and with internet and social media, their evilness cannot be concealed any more.
See how they forced the Europeans and Ukrainians to fight the Russians, and see how they and the Brits and Jews massacring the Palestinians and expanding the wars to conquer all the Arab lands. Killing Arabs to these evil people is of no concern. They took them for granted, like killing subhuman beans.

southernglory1 said...

America is not a country. It is a hideout abode of white terrorists, the Anglo-Saxon state terrorists.
A country has good morals and ethics and a long tradition of civilization and culture and one that looks after its people and citizens. But America is occupied by white terrorists from Europe who after killing and genociding all the native Americans shamefully called the land as its own. Even then the so-called American government doesn't look after the welfare of its people and ciizens. It is under the control of the one percent Anglo-Saxon eliites and the Zionist Rothschild Illuminati and Free Masons Cabal. Its government governance follows the evil Darwinism theory that it is not the responsibility of the government to take care of its people. It believes and practices the Law of the Jungle - the survival of the fittest where the wild beast the tigets, lions leopards, hyenas, wild dogs and wolves struggle and kill each other for food. So in America only the rich and powerful survive and the rest whether they live or die is their own business. Therefore in America sixty million American citizens mainly the blacks have no food to eat and have to queue up daily for food stamps for donated food given by societies and where being homeless they have to live in makeshift tents pitch up outside shopping malls and by the roadsides where they both eat, sleep, shit and urinate at one and the same place.

So America is more like a hideout place where state terrorists, thieves and robbers, thugs, rogues and scoundrels camouflage as humans with coats and neckties terrorise not only other countries but also their own people.

So America is a sickos hideout of mentally deranged Anglo-Saxons elites leaders and the despicable Jewish Zionist Rothschild Illuminati Cabal.. They are the embodiment of all the world's evils and God need to destroy them.


Anonymous said...

The main agenda of the Americans is to destabilise the world, sow division and raise tension to start wars. They exploited differences to create mistrust between neighbouring countries.
The Middle Eastern states were fighting for centuries among themselves without knowing why, without knowing who is their real enemy, who is the devil, until China came along to mediate their differences and stop them from fighting each other.
The evil Americans are still fanning several hot spot in East and Southeast Asia to get silly leaders to want to go to war with each other.
But God has intervened and made the Americans stuck in two major wars in Ukraine and Palestine. Now the evil Americans are bogged down and unable to extricate themselves from the two wars they started, wasting funds and weapons and bleeding from them.

Anonymous said...

Russia's GDP is only US$1.5 trillion!