
Clown Zelensky still thinks he can made demands on the Americans without knowing that he would be ditched anytime

 Zelensky is crying aloud over the USA's delay in supplying Ukraine with weapons. That surely indicates Ukraine is being thrown under the bus, as Israel is more important for the USA right now, with missiles needed for its 'Iron Dome' to protect against Hezbollah and Houthi strikes.

Congress is delaying the aid to Ukraine in favor of Israel. This goes without saying when Congress is controlled by Jewish lobbying power, with even the Secretary of State himself a Jew.

The Kursk invasion was also a big mistake by Zelensky, as it failed to lure Russia troops away from the Eastern front. Instead, Zelensky, by shifting some of his forces towards Kursk, left his position on the Eastern front much weaker and unable to withstand the Russia advance. He was outwitted by Putin yet again and is suffering massive losses in Kursk.

Funny thing is that Russian forces fighting with shovels are winning territories. This is unheard of in military history. The closest to this must be the Taliban fighting with small arms and defeating the might of the USA military. 



Anonymous said...

The USA has run out of weapons for Ukraine and so has NATO. USA cannot find the critical raw materials like Gallium, Antimony and enough cheaper nickel and steel to make such weapons. NATO has the same problem on top of highly expensive energy to produce such weapons. This is one area that they will never want to expose, as it is a National Security Issue.

Everything today in the USA is a National Security Issue when it comes to China. Even what China does in Africa is a National Security Issue for the USA and the West. African leaders are sick and tired of the West talking about China when they visit the continent. And China can do what the USA can do, quoting National Security Issues with regard to critical raw materials for making weapons. It is just a rational response.

Some source just revealed that Taiwan has complained that the USA sent them defective weapons. What does that tell us? Taiwan is less important than Israel, which needs preferential treatment. Even Ukraine is thrown under the bus and playing second fiddle to Israel, not to talk of Asians when the shit hits the fan. Elsewhere in NATO, some member countries are now treating Ukraine as a parasite, sucking them dry. When Zelensky opens his crocodile mouth, it is more and more aid and weapons. And the Zombie leaders in NATO, the likes of Olaf Scholz and Macron keeps on pandering to his demands.

Zelensky is fearful of Trump getting elected, which will further decimate his USA aid which Trump had been touting. But whether he will walk the talk is another matter. I just also wonder whether that had anything to do with his two assassination attempts. Now the USA circus is playing another new game of apportioning responsibility for the security failures around Trump. Was it a security failure unintentionally occurring, or an intentional failure hatched under false pretenses to put Trump out of business?

Think about the events surrounding 911, which many still suspects had been hatched to create 'A Pearl Harbor' event that enabled the USA to invade Afghanistan to kill Osama bin Laden. Think about the John F. Kennedy assassination and the attempt to destroy the trail leading to the CIA.

Anonymous said...

The Embassy of Russia in Singapore has taken note of the article by Dr Tommy Koh titled "What to Make of ASEAN's Ties with Russia", published in the StraitsTimes on September 17, 2024.

As a former senior diplomat and a respected expert on international affairs, Dr Koh undoubtedly possesses a deep understanding of the essence of the Russia-ASEAN dialogue partnership. However, the assertion that this relationship is "thin on substance" appears exaggerated and lacking in nuance. This claim cannot be considered impartial.

The Russia-ASEAN partnership has consistently been of a strategic nature, well before its formal elevation in November 2018. It extends far beyond mere trade and arms supplies, as Dr. Koh sought to convey to his readership. The ties between Russia and ASEAN encompass a wide array of strategically significant issues, both regionally and globally: energy and food security, addressing non-conventional security threats such as terrorism, extremism, and transnational crime, cooperation in international information security and emergency response, training of law enforcement personnel, and volunteering, among others. In January, Russia was conferred the status of ASEAN's digital partner. The relationship also thrives on vibrant people-to-people exchanges, as well as youth, cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation.

It is factually inaccurate to state that only two ASEAN member states have enjoyed very close relations with Russia and supported Moscow along its ongoing efforts to combat the #neoNazism in Ukraine. However, the fact is that only one ASEAN member state has imposed unilateral sanctions against us in the absence of a UNSC resolution . Besides, attributing Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s recent visit to Vladivostok for the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) to dissatisfaction with the US policy in the Middle East is both overly simplistic and unfounded. #RussiaMalaysia relations are built on a long history of amicable and substantive cooperation, with further significant achievements on the horizon.

The ASEAN member states regard Russia as a stabilizing, independent and trustworthy actor in the region's foreign policy, one that brings strategic equilibrium and, unlike certain other powers with neocolonial ambitions, refrains from meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign nations, resorting neither to coercion nor manipulation.

Anonymous said...

Russians sold fighter aircraft to both Indonesia and Malaysia. This speaks a lot about Russia's relations with the two states. The Americans would not sell to these two Muslim states as Islam is the top enemy of the Americans and the Jews.
The talk of selling F15s to Indonesia is only a red herrring, would come with conditions that the Indonesians cannot accept. And...downgraded planes that can fall out of the sky if the Americans press a button.
Would the Indonesians dare to buy such planes?

Anonymous said...

Malaysia has invited Putin to visit. As a member of the ICC, that is a slap on the face of the organization. The joke is that the West and Ukraine will again be pestering Malaysia to arrest Putin.

Anonymous said...

UAE is reported to have suspended talks about acquiring F35s from USA. In other words, UAE is not interested in F35s anymore. There are much cheaper planes that can be bought from Russia and China, having even more updated technology.

F35s are old stuff given new marketing hype, but still loaded with maintenance problems like the stealth coating peeing off after several flights. Moreover, there are claims that not all the F35s in the USA military are in service shape due to all the perennial problems. Why would countries want to buy such a plane and be loaded with all the maintenance issues.

And perhaps buying them and having to park them in the USA. That is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia really wants to tear ASEAN away from USA interference into its internal affairs. The USA had previously been invited to the ASEAN meet. I wonder what is going to happen if Putin does attend.

Anonymous said...

Dr Koh is just another hypocrite just like many of the papies period. Anwars is giving sinkieland the middle finger by inviting Putin to visit. If sinkieland is really a "principled" nation as claimed, then it should not attend the meeting in Malaysia next year if Putin is there.

Anonymous said...

Sinkieland's balls will be stuck by Anwar's invitation to Putin. If it really believes in its 'In principle' stand, it should not attend the next ASEAN meeting in Malaysia, since it is against Russia's actions in Ukraine.

On the other hand, I think Malaysia should not invite the USA to the meet this time around as well. Inviting the devil into the house means trouble. Lots of trouble!

Anonymous said...

Would Vivian Balakrishnan dare to tell Anwar not to invite Putin?

Anonymous said...

Aiya all these Sillypore socalled Intellectuals are PAP puppies and doggies.

What's you expect from them?

Just had their status quos of these luxurious lifes and sang and clapped and dances to the Papies Songs.