
Dragon Spirit is with every patriotic Chinese

 The tenacious fighting Dragon Spirit is with every patriotic Chinese whether in China or overseas. The Chinese people will never give other people trouble or problems. The Chinese people believe in good neighbourliness and in helping others and that in helping others we are helping ourselves too as one good turn will definitely deserve another though time sequel is unknown. However, the Chinese people are also not afraid of trouble. 

If white people by their wickedness and evil design try to give China trouble again the Chinese people will be unforgiven and fight them with the same tenacious spirit of the mighty Chinese Dragon and give them no quarters but to defeat them totally and send them into oblivion into the kingdom of hell.

Chai Kwan Kong : Taipeh, Taiwan

1 comment:

Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

So many White Commentators are strickened with fears that their own mentally sickcos imbeciles are provoking Putin to drop his Auto oops Atomic Bombs on them.

Especially that unkempt never combed his hair and wash his face and teeth now just as an ordinary MP and still strutting around like a skunk to instigate that Urukiane should strike deep into Russia with their what's mighty missles.

Also the Chief Instigator and Shits Stirer Mafia who goaded other imbeciles to fight and died on their behalf so that they could be unscathed and be
World's Number One again with all either killed or maimed.

We are been close to WWIII where now Necular Eggs be flying.

As so many soothsayers had prophesized that the World shall ended with the Chinese Race still with half of their Population survivoring and the Rest of the Rest burned to charcoals and dust.

So the Chinese peoples shall prevailed.